Coiled by Miss Kobra (1)

Yang Zhang went to the bathroom, and he returned to the sofa. He had to wash the fishy smell on his hand. After he finished, he walked to the sofa and saw Chestnut and Little Ivy looking at him with judging gazes.

Yang Zhang sat on the sofa, and his pets jumped onto his thighs and looked up at him with the same judging eyes.


"W—What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Yang Zhang felt uncomfortable and guilty at the same time. He knew that he might've overdone it with Miss Kobra because her pleasant scream must've been heard by everyone in the house.

But he didn't even stick his dick in, or else the scream might be loud enough to alert the whole settlement.


"Squeak? Squeak!"

"W—Well, what I did with Miss Kobra is just a little rougher than with Roselia, I guess. But that's because Miss Kobra keeps taunting me! I—I didn't mean to make a lot of noises with her, I swear!"