A Moment to Themselves

"You've gotta listen to your doctor, doctor…"

Arthur Roma hummed the tune in his ears very quietly, gathering dirty clothes, and setting them in the laundry basket. With a timid, reddened face, he backed away from Rena's area and set of clothing, carrying the basket in the direction of the laundromat down the hall.

Ironically, it was in the opposite direction of where his roommate had been coming from. Rena did a double-take when she saw him starting to walk away, further down the hall than where their room was… but she opted not to comment or even care about it, instead entering the bathroom to start cleaning and bandaging her arm.

'...was that… *real?' She couldn't help but ask herself, shaking off the thought a few moments later. Real or not, it wasn't wise to let such a thing linger in her mind. Instead, she opted to take something else up. After tying her hair up into a bun, and washing her hands a second time, she went into the kitchen, allowing herself to use those frustrations in a healthier outlet.

"You're going to taste my cooking. Something exquisite… because…"

*"I'll cook you something great. Promise."*

"...because I promised. I don't break those." Rena quietly recalled just a few days ago, and what transpired with her physical therapist, alongside the conversation that she shared with Roma afterwards. She wasn't aware of the fact that alongside laundry, he had other errands he'd take care of as well, but that was to her advantage. After all, many cooks know how effective the element of surprise could've proven to be.


Roma returned to the dorm, bags of groceries in hand, though he dropped them all when the aroma of food hit his nose, and he saw his roommate sitting there, two bowls just before her.

The brunette slowly approached the counter, and her golden eyes locked onto him, though her usual scowl-like expression was the one that he was greeted with. Because of it, Roma just had to confirm, "What… is it? A-And is one for me?"

Rena nodded gently, and looked away afterwards, "It is. It's a lobster bisque. I didn't realize you'd be gone for so long, but it allowed me to go out of my way a bit." She replied to him, taking the bowl closest to her, and taking a sip of the soupy texture.

After which, she looked to Roma again, watching as he indulged in the bowl just before him, taking spoonful after spoonful of soup and seafood, and hardly taking any moments to breathe. If the day's events hadn't had her so on edge, she'd poke fun at him… but instead, she chose to be reflective,

"I promised, that day. I don't break those." She quietly reaffirmed him. Roma glanced at her in a little confusion between gulps, but opted not to bite. Well, bite on what she was referencing of course. He couldn't stop biting on her cooking even if he wanted to.

In fact, not for the notifications on his phone, or to even wash everything down with some water. Before he knew it, the brunette stared into his bowl and saw that it had been completely bare, almost in a state as clean as it was prior to it being used.

A blink, and then a second for confirmation.

He suddenly looked up and at Rena, and there seemed to have been some sort of puppy-ears that sprouted from the top of his head, "Is there more? Please tell me there's more." He pleaded with Rena, gulping afterwards.

In response to his question however, Rena stood from the table, and began walking away, over to where the beds were,

"I made just enough for you to understand my cooking, purposefully letting you want more when there isn't any more to give."

Her tone was direct, and Roma was quickly reminded of the wall between them. The invisible, but ever-impenetrable divider that stood between the two of them. A dish that he would've proudly claimed as his specialty dish, and this woman, Rena Koboko, made it with no intentions other than to make a point.

'Remma…' Roma bit his lip, watching Rena go and pick up a comb, unbraiding the French bun that she had made prior to working. The boy's mind wandered a bit more, absentmindedly watching the comb slowly make its way through her black locks.

"...such a tease." He finally muttered aloud, and in defeat, acknowledging that what he was provided really was the extent of her handout this evening. When he rose his head, and looked at Rena again, he certainly wouldn't have expected to see a knife in her hand.



Roma came to his feet and swiftly dashed over, wondering what it was that he missed in that half a moment where he zoned out, "UHHH?! YOU GOOD?!"

As he asked, he slowly pried the weap- utensil from out of her hands, and thankfully to very little resistance, while Rena herself had seemed to have been pouting a little, "Hair is annoying. Everything is annoying." She muttered lowly, hugging her knees to her chest, while looking a mixture of annoyed and upset.

Then, a flame appeared in the pupils of her eyes, as if she suddenly got a boost of inspiration of some sort, "I'm gonna cut it. Hack it all off. It's so annoying, so sayonara."

But the moment was just that, and she closed her eyes again, sighing quietly, "...but then again, I might end up looking like…"

"Like who?" Roma could only feign uninterest for so long, though when he saw Rena sink back and onto the bed, he took a step back.

Then, he saw her flail her arms and kick her legs, "LIKE THAT STUPID CURSED KID!! I'M GONNA RIP HIS HAIR OUT DAMMIT!!" She whined, throwing a mini-tantrum, before it all stopped at once, and she sat up again, tears in the corners of her eyes from frustration.

Then, the pout returned, and she looked away from Roma… but interestingly, she outstretched the comb towards him… almost as if she were offering it to the brunette.

And Roma himself naturally did a double, or rather, a *triple* take to make sure he wasn't being deceived, but when Rena finally looked at him, cheeks still a bit bloated, it was all the further confirmation that he needed. Gulping slightly, he went ahead and took it, repositioning himself behind the girl that sat on the edge of the bed.

The easiest way he could think of was him setting his legs on either side of her own, though he had to sit straight up in order to keep himself upright. "Do I have to put oil in it or something first?" He asked awkwardly, trying to sit in a way that wouldn't push his hips to hers… but failing.

Rena shook her head, "After I shower. Wash n' stuff." She replied, closing her eyes and exhaling. Thankfully, it seemed that she either didn't notice, or mind Roma's little struggle, getting comfortable where she sat. Enough so, that her little ahoge began to move from side to side.

He was glad *somebody* could relax in this situation. Roma started with the ends of her raven black hair… but she smelled nice. So incredibly nice. He wasn't sure if it was her shampoo, or if she had a natural lavender scent to her, but the more he stayed behind her, the redder his face grew, just trying not to mess up.

Luckily, that wasn't the case. Roma ended up growing a *slight* resistance to the floral smell, and the overall awkward positioning he was in. Before long, he had nearly made it to her roots, smiling absentmindedly as he gently straightened out his rival's hair.

But as to be expected, a wrench was always thrown into a surefire plan. Without any warning, Rena began to lean back into Roma, quietly purring as she did. She did happen to like having her hair combed, and the feeling made her melt happily. It was relaxing for the girl… and as of now, 'invigorating' for the male behind her.

A loud gulp from Roma, followed by a blush hotter on his face than hell. Rena stopped purring, and shifted, ever so slightly, but what emerged from the brunette was an embarrassing groan.


Rena blinked in confusion, and quickly came to her feet, looking confused, though her voice carried a hint of annoyance, "Areee you okay? What's wrong with you???"

"I'm okay! I swear!" Roma responded swiftly with a grin. Ah, that's right. He had entirely forgotten the predicament he was in. Couldn't stand up to justify anything. So he sat in place, and casted the bedsheets over his lap and waist, petting the empty space in front of him again,

"I-I'm almost done by the way… haha.."

Rena didn't understand, but she knew something was up. So, returned to Roma… to take the comb out of his hand, (with a visible vein on her forehead), and turned away, "Never mind."

Irritated, she walked to the bathroom, and locked the door behind herself, combing out the remainder by herself.

Roma exhaled. '...that was a close one.' He quietly claimed to himself, sitting in place a few minutes longer, before he finally stood up, taking the laundry baskets he came in with, and returning to the washers down the hall. Now that that was over, he could return to his original task, though with a mind much more clouded than prior.

When he returned, he saw Rena out from the bathroom, and sitting on the bed again, all finished at this point. The sight of her reminded him of something that he wanted to bring up prior to her making food. Setting the baskets aside, he approached and sat next to her, and he was relieved to see that she wasn't quick to scurry away, simply looking at him with those curious golden eyes.

"Remma, Remmaaa!~"


"We should play truth or dare! Its a great icebreaker, or whatever!"

Rena blinked confusedly, but didn't oppose, "Uhm.. okay then, but, uhh… We should… invite.. People? Is that how normality works?.." There was a strange expression on her face, like she honestly didn't know what she was doing.

And Roma himself blinked a few times, before a soft smile crossed his own face. She was trying. Rena Koboko was actually trying. This was good news, and it meant that progress was finally being made.

"You're right. Leave it to me. I'll go rally the troops!"

Rena sat there in confusion as she saw Roma suddenly come to his feet, and approach the door, "But hold on, who-"

Before she could finish asking, the door opened and shut, with her headstrong roommate making a swift exit…