"Apologies for my tardiness. I had more to pack than I thought," Ruth said, patting his hefty bag.
He spoke with such brash certainty that it sounded as though they had a longstanding agreement to depart together.
"I wanted to purchase a horse," he continued, "but the price of livestock here is downright criminal. If we're to cross the border, we'll have to buy steeds as soon as we're south."
He let out a drawn-out yawn and lay on his side across a straw bale.
"Well then, I'm going to get some shut-eye. Please wake me when we're there."
Riftan stared at the mage incredulously before leaping to his feet and grabbing him by the collar. Paying no mind to Ruth's squawking, Riftan went to hurl him off the wagon.
Ruth clung to the railing and frantically cried, "W-Wait! Can we not settle this with words? I have my own reasons for leaving!"
Riftan glowered before flinging him to the floor. Ruth scurried deeper into the wagon and clutched his bag.