Shesh's eyes were different than before, they seemed... calm. and confident..? She gazed at me with those confusing eyes and then smiled. I was then filled with uncertainty, I said within myself, "Shesh... What are you planning..? Can I really trust you..?" I tightly grasped my cross, this time I just need to believe in her, I muttered to myself, "Shesh, I will not break my promise, do what you will, and I will believe in you till the bitter end!"
Shesh turned back around looked upon Arciametus, she then raised her hand and summoned a green magic circle, the Warden then spread his wings for all to see, Shesh peered in at him and the Warden charged forward! He charged in towards Shesh and began swinging attacks at her in quick succession! He swung his large arms in attempt to hit her, she quickly went on the defensive and dodged his attacks! It was like she knew everything he was about to do before he did it!
Shizuku tugged on my arm and said to me, "30 seconds? How is she supposed to beat him in 30 seconds!? She's only dodging him, she hasn't thrown one attack yet!"
I said nothing back to her, but only kept count in my head of the seconds, "3 seconds..."
These two were very fast, they moved faster than anything I've ever seen before, time looks like it slowed when I focused my attention on them, they could do so much within a mere second! It almost felt like one second was really 20 seconds!
Arciametus stretched out his hand and began shooting blue fireballs at her, "Greek fire turn her to ashes!!!" She raised up a ward spell with her free hand and began to negate the flaming projectiles! She laughed at him saying, "Hahahaha! These cold coals can't even break my shell! Hit me harder why don't you!!!"
The Warden then tightened his left fist and turned it ablaze! His whole arm was consumed in a raging blue fire, he said back to her, "Oh yeah? Well let's see if you can withstand this b####!" Shesh eye's changed and she dispelled her ward spell and evaded back, she replied, "Come get me then.."
I said to myself, "8 seconds... Shesh hurry the hell up!" Shesh was still readying a spell in her other hand, she was adding layers to it the whole time, just what is she doing?
I looked at Shizuku and asked her, "What is she preparing in her hand? Can you read those inscriptions in her spell?"
Shizuku shook her head, "No, she's adding new inscriptions and runes, when you add onto those, it changes the meaning of the characters within it. I don't know what she's preparing, I could only tell you that it's an overpowering spell with a lot packed in it judging by all the tiers she's putting in.."
Arciametus kept building up his fiery arm, Shesh's eyes never changed, they stayed empty and dead the entire time. Arciametus fiery arm looks devastating! He kept unleashing fireballs and streams of fire towards her to catch her off guard. Shesh on the other hand kept on the evasive and moved around everywhere, the Warden said to her, "If running is all you can do, then I guess I can call it my win already!"
Shesh didn't reply back to him but kept on evading his homing attacks! The seconds were now flying, it felt as though Shesh was waiting for something! The sound of explosions and raging fire could be heard in all directions, the area around them was being terraformed and refashioned to their attacks!
Arciametus kept doing his taunts at the evading Shesh, and time was running out!
I began to feel anxious, I said to myself, "14 seconds... I can feel as though the finale is approaching.."
Arciametus the Warden declared before Shesh, "It's almost over, why don't we end this already, I'm getting tired of chasing you."
Shesh's expression never changed, all she replied back was, "Yes.. let's finish it.."
The demonic mouth on Arciametus's body began to wail and scream, his aura then became more intense, he let out a mighty primal roar, "HARRRRRRGHHHHHH!!!!" Shesh on the other hand kept revving up her spell and paid no attention to the roaring Warden. The Warden then spread his wings once more, "Here I come traitor!! Prepare to taste the bite of fire!!" He then bolted to her in a flash!!! I said to myself, "23 seconds!! Hurry and finish this Shesh!!"
Shesh jumped back again, she muttered something to herself but I couldn't hear it. The Warden then pursued her, he taunted saying, "Are you still running Shesh? I didn't think you'd be this cowardly! Come and fight me already!!!" Shesh stayed silent and kept slithering around the battlefield, the Warden kept his pursuit.
"25 seconds!!!" I said aloud. Shesh then paused and stood still! What is she doing all of a sudden!? The Warden charged in towards her and readied his enraged flames!!! He then flew above Shesh, he pointed himself at her and the demonic mouth on his stomach silenced and began to regurgitate violently! The inside of the mouth began to glow with blue fire, the Warden then shouted, "Scorch in everlasting flames!!!" and let out a bursting raging fire breath attack at her that consumed her instantly!!!
The ground around Shesh then dissolved and was terraformed instantly!! He kept spewing from the face-mouth and the whole area began to fill with overwhelming heat and smoke!!
I shouted out for all to hear, "SHESH!!!!!!!"
There was 5 seconds left!!!
Then in the next moment... it happened...
In the blink of an eye, the fire breathing mouth suddenly stopped! Arciametus then grabbed his face stomach and hunched over in pain while airborne, he then let out a painful screech, "HAAAH!!! W-What the hell!? AAAAAAHHHH!!!"
He then lost strength in his wings and fell down to the ground!!
I blurted out, "W-What!? What happened!?"
He then hit the ground and made a loud crash upon impact!
I gazed in and saw the Warden attempt to stand back on his feet, he kept panting in agony, "What's happening!? I can barely move... AaaaHHHHH!"
He attempted to stand back up, but fell back down the moment he stood up. Then from the fire and the flames emerged a familiar shadow...
Glowing green eyes pierced through and focused on it's prey, the shadow then called out to her prey, "Do you feel it yet..?"
The Warden hunched over his stomach and began screaming in pain, "What!?!?! How are you still alive!?!?!?! HIYYAAAAHHH WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!!"
The shadow then broke the threshold of the flame and gained her appearance back, it was Shesh and her face remained still and emotionless, she was completely unscathed even through those raging fires that once consumed her!
She still had her spell in hand but it remained static as she approached the fallen Warden, she said back to him, "A snake never let's go it's prey... One bite is all it takes for the hunter to become the hunted.."
The Warden shouted back, "What is happening!?!? You never even attacked once!!"
Shesh responded back to him saying, "Oh come on now, did you really think I didn't think of this all beforehand? Why don't you try and strain your eyes beyond the illusion and look into the Venom within?"
Shesh then stood before him, the fallen Warden said to her, "N-No way!! Are you saying this battle was finished before it even started!?!?! From the time you bit me till now!!! All of that was a part of your plan!?"
Shesh then smiled like the devil she was, she said to him while raising her hand to his face, "You're exactly right... Everything was determined the moment my dearest little snake bit into you. She released a poison inside of you that is finally taking effect, I just needed to buy a little time for it to kick in ehehehe!"
The Warden criticized her in a fit of rage, "You spineless bastard!!! You cowardly whore!!! I will f###### destroy you!!!!!!! You hear me!?! I WILL FU##### MURDER YOU!!!!"
Shesh then smiled and said once more, "Hehehehe... 30 seconds... Phir milenge!"
In the blink of an eye, she unleashed the pent up spell within her hand!
The Warden was consumed in the raging death beam instantly!!!! The Raging Beam consumed everything in its path and completely consumed the Warden! I was blinded by the light and shut my eyes hastily, I quickly embraced Shizuku trying to shield her away from the blast!
I heard everything behind us getting completely vaporized and obliterated!!
The Warden then said his last words in the midst of the vaporizing beam, full of regret and full of sorrow he said, "What? I lost again...? After everything I received from his Lordship? Oh well... Only a greater punishment awaits me... please forgive me... Sovereign Limbo..."
Then the Warden was no more...
After a few seconds, Shesh's beam began to weaken, and after a few moments, it was gone...
As I heard the Raging Beam die down, I opened my eyes and lifted up my head. I looked up towards the carnage and there she was. Shesh stood alone on the battlefield, she was the victor.
I released Shizuku and we both looked at each other, her face then suddenly became a little red and she turned away. She said to me, "I-Is it over? It looks like it's over now, you don't need to cling to me anymore..." I then realized I was just holding her at that point, I apologized, "Aaah! Sorry, c'mon! We need to go now!" She nodded and we both ran towards Shesh. She stood upon the epicenter of the carnage and gazed forward at the hole she created through the Prison. We made it towards her and she stood before us with her back facing us, she stayed silent. The area around her was in complete chaos, there was fire and debris everywhere, and the victor stood firmly in the midst of it.
I said aloud, "Victory is yours.... Shesh the Saanp!"
Shizuku and I both looked at each other, we didn't know to speak to her or not, we just waited behind her.
After a few moments, Shesh lifted her voice and said, "It's over... it's finally over.." She turned around towards us and smiled. She looked at Shizuku and I and bowed her head,
"Thank you... for everything.."
Shesh then walked towards us hastily. She then ran towards us and embraced us in a hug, Shizuku and I were caught off guard, Shesh said to us, "I've dreamed of that victory for over 4,000 years, and because of you two, it finally came to pass... Thank you! Thank you so much! I am forever in your debt Vampires!"
I answered back to her in a soothing tone, "Don't worry about it Shesh, we are in this together, we get each other's back and we share in each other's burdens. As long as you're with us, we will always help you out!"
Shizuku added on, "Yeah Shesh, you're one of us y'know! You're like family to me!"
Shesh just thanked us again with a bright smile, "Thank you, thank you so much!"
Shesh then released her grasp on us and walked back towards the epicenter. She pointed out and said, "The entrance to the Prison is just over there, c'mon let's hurry!"
Shizuku and I looked at each other and nodded, I turned around and announced to the idle army, "Warriors! We won!! Let's leave this cursed place once and for all!!!"
The Warriors all began to sound off victoriously! "YEAAAAAAHH!!!!", "HAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!", "WOOOOAAHHHHH!!!", they all gave their war cries of victory and we proceeded forth!
Shesh lead the way and we all followed behind her, Shizuku tugged on my arm again and said to me, "We won Jean! We actually did it!! We escaped!!"
I replied to her, "We may have won this battle, but that doesn't mean we won the war just yet. There's a long road ahead of us and I'm unsure of what lies ahead..."
Shizuku lowered her head, "Yeah I guess you're right..." I looked at her for a minute, I think I made her feel a little down, let me reassure her. I patted her on the head,
"But hey this is just the first, this is the first victory of many to come, and with you by my side I know we can finish this and win our back our Freedom.... together."
A bright and reassuring smile streaked across her blushing face, "Stop that, you're just saying that to make me feel better ehehe!"
At least it worked....
I returned the smile, I thought within myself, "As long as I keep making allies like her, then we can definitely win this unfavorable war someday... I just have to keep moving forward!"
We made it to the threshold of the Door, Shesh stopped before it and the rest of the army came to a full halt. She slowly slithered her way towards the Grand Door, she said to us, "This is it, beyond this Door is the 1st Circle of Hell... also known as Limbo."
I came up behind her and said, "So Hell is on the other side huh? That's quite unnerving.."
Shizuku walked up behind me and grabbed my arm, I kept my full attention on Shesh, I'll leave opening the Door up to her. Shesh finally stretched out her arms and pointed them towards the large iron handle bars, she said, "Well here goes nothing! To our first Victory!" And with one big push, the Grand Entrance was creaked open! As soon as the Doors opened, I began hearing thunders and distant wailing coming from the outside.
Shesh kept pushing them open by herself till they were beyond her arm span. Some of the Warriors from behind me came and began to help her open them and soon we were able to see the outside. I gazed upon the scenery and this is what I saw...
I began walking outside and saw a barren wasteland with thick dark red and grey clouds, there was continuous lightning and thunder charging everywhere! I also realized we were on what seemed like a cliff of some sort and I couldn't see the bottom too well. I began to pick up my pace a bit and observed the area we were at, "This is Hell? This place looks like something out of a horrific fairy tale!"
Distant wails and cries echoed throughout the land yet I saw no one! There was a large rocky dirt road that split into 6 paths and lead in different directions. The Edge of the Cliff was quite a way off, but I can only imagine what was down there. I looked towards the skies and saw many winged creatures surveying the area overhead and some were even armed! My Army began to pour out from behind me as we proceeded outwards and Shizuku stayed steadfast to my arm. Black smoke and fire was seen in various places and there were even spike rock formations in various areas. Nothing like I've ever seen before!
I looked behind myself and saw the Prison that once held us captive, it was a large rocky deformed slanted spire that got gradually smaller as it went up. The whole Prison was larger than any structure I've ever seen before, I was in absolute awe!
Shesh came up behind me and stretched her arms out, "Ahhh sweet Limbo, still as sh#tty as I remember it! Some places really don't change huh? I can look at this all day! However though, we have things to take care of. Jean, now that we've escaped, we've become fugitives in this Circle, It won't be long till Sovereign Limbo discovers this and retaliates against us, what is our next move?"
I looked around the area, my Army was just in small groups of each other and lounging around, I guess the first thing we need to do is set up a camp and rest? I replied back to Shesh, "Well we need to set up a camp and rest for now, and during that time I will think with our 3 Leaders about our next strategy. I'm sure the Warriors wouldn't mind waiting a little bit."
Shesh nodded and agreed, Shizuku then tugged on me and said, "That's a good plan but don't we need a building or something to shelter ourselves? I'm sure we will be extremely vulnerable if we stay out in the open for too long."
Shizuku brings up a good point, Shesh seemed to agree, I asked her, "Yes you're right about that, but where would we hideout at? It doesn't seem like there's any places to set up a base around here?"
Shizuku smiled as if she thought of something, "Well there is ONE place I had in mind for that..."
Shizuku turned around and lifted her eyes to the large structure, wait she doesn't mean that right?
Shizuku pointed at the large Prison, "I hate to admit it, but that place is probably our best bet for now. It's big and spacious and completely cleaned out of pests!"
Shesh stepped in abruptly, "Woah woah woah Yuki! Hold on a second! We just got liberated from that Prison, and now you're suggesting we go back in!? I think the hell not!"
Shizuku replied to her, "It's the only place that we will be safe in! We completely cleared it out, if we stay in there, we will be mostly safe from ambushes and attacks!"
Shesh put her foot down, "I am NOT going back in that Prison no matter how much you beg me! I already spent my fair share of time in there for the last 4,000 years!"
Shizuku replied back, "This is only a request, it's the best we have, at least for right now since we are completely exposed right now. We need to take advantage of it so we can come up with our next move. I understand you hate it in there trust me I hate it too, but I'm just trying to help everyone survive. If we die then that's it for us!"
Shesh stayed quiet, she just looked at Shizuku, she sighed reluctantly and said, "Ugh whatever, I see this is getting nowhere already, have it your way, I'll think about it. I'm going to go and survey the surrounding area for information. I'll see you two later."
Shesh then rushed off without giving us a chance to say bye to her, Shizuku looked at me and said, "Will she be alright? I didn't meant to offend her..."
I placed my arm on her shoulder, "It's okay Shizuku, she just needs some time to think about it. We don't know how long we may be in there for, and I'm sure no one would want to go back, but it's our best bet for now."
Shizuku nodded, she said to me, "Should we tell the rest of the Army?"
"Yes, I think we should get their feedback on it immediately, I'll go call the 3 Leaders now." I said.
I then paused in my place, I looked at Shizuku and said embarrassedly, "Uhhhhmmm, what were their names again ahaha?"
Shizuku giggled, "Oh you dummy, the Demon is Iradonia, the Angel is Karfiel, and the Fallen Angel is Blazeil."
I was enlightened, "Ah yes that's right, thanks Shizuku!"
I made my way towards the resting Army, I looked around to see if I could immediately find the 3 Leaders, but to no avail. I then sounded my voice like a trumpet, "Iradonia!! Karfiel!! Blazeil!! Come forth! I need to speak with you three!"
In short, we finally escaped the Prison, but now we will probably need to use it as a temporal hideout. It won't be long till the "Sovereign" hears about this little rebellion. I'm sure there is going to be some Hell to pay when he finds out. However the only thing we can do now is figure out our next move.
Soon a familiar trio of entities bearing the burden of their factions came forth towards me.
I said to myself, "I guess it's time for our next move.."