First Day

A cool shower is always a good way to calm the nerves, even with powers of his own Cane couldn't help but feel more than a little worried about the coming day. After all its not every day that you walk into a building full of insane super powered criminals

Well, it was going to be his every day for the next year whether he liked it or not!

Turning off the shower and walking out he began to brush his teeth and inspect himself, born from an African Indian mother and European father he had inherited his fathers' eyes and handsome face with a hint of his mother's beauty giving him the face of both a model and businessmen, his skin was an trait obviously coming from his mother, being a deep and rich black that was given a red undertone by the light. His hair thanks to his father was smooth and inky

All in all, he was a handsome specimen

Making his way out of the bathroom he began to get dressed, slipping on his clothes, a black suit button shirt, black suit pants and dress shoes as well as his golden watch and earing. He put on some deodorant and made his way to his table that held his keys

Grabbing them and an apple on the way out he made his way out of his condo room and went down the elevator to the parking lot, finding his car, a black 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE and began the drive to the Catacomb

On his drive through the town, he never let his guard down once, wary of the threats of both enemy gangs and possible enraged supers, one can never be to carful in La Wiser

Making his way through town and grabbing a coffee along the way he checked his watch and thankfully found he was still on time as he neared the outskirts of town

No Catacomb was allowed to be within ten kilometres of town as a way to protect the citizens from any loose inmates, as he drew closer, he was soon able to make out the building on the horizon and as he got closer, he was able to see more and more detail

You couldn't make out much of the actual building itself due to the large dome of fencing over it but that alone told you what kind of place it was, Catacombs and super prisons used to just have high walls like a normal prison but after numerous prisoners just jumped over the walls or flew over, they instead replaced it with a large, electrified metal dome

Making his way to the gate and the twenty or so men protecting it he parked his car in a nearby parking lot and made his way over, as he did one of the guards practically sprinted over to him and began to shake hi hand vigorously

"Mr. Barlow, I can't tell you how happy we are to have a new member of the staff!" he returned the mans smile as he gently pulled his hand out of the mans shake as it was starting to hurt his shoulder "ever since the last Therapist di…retired the inmates haven't had anyone to yell at, I mean talk to so they've been rather…energetic"

Giving the man another smile and nod he gestured towards the heavily reinforced gate and said "well then you'd best give me an escort to my new office"

As the guard led him in and began to practically serenade him with information about how their institution was "state of the art" and list the ridiculous amounts of money that had been invested into this place

The Site had been designed with nearly every kind of camera and scanner imaginable, with a practical maze of corridors and enough cells to house a small country both above ground and bellow, which was rather ridiculous considering there was only around five hundred million people with abilities worldwide and by the sounds of it and judging from his newly given clipboard there was only a few hundred inmates

"Here is your new office sir!" the guard whose name he had learnt was toby said as he opened a red door, it was a rather nice room really, dark with red and white lights and surprisingly luxurious with two separate couches. However there where a few things that stuck out

There was a metal beam going along the ground in front of the larger lounge, a gun safe near the smaller one and most obviously on the other side of the room stood a large bunker like door from which the guards would bring the inmates

"Thank you very much toby. now do you have a list of the upcoming patients?" he asked returning his gaze towards his guide

"Ah Yes! It's in the safe!" he said pointing to the one near the chair "the password is just BARLOW, but it can be changed if you want?"

Walking over and typing in his name he found three things, one a revolver which he knew would be full loaded, two a bottle of Spiced Rum and some glasses and three a small black clipboard with some paper,

"This it?" he said pointing at it

"Yes Sir! And the rum is a gift from the guards, and the colt Is for your personal safety, and I would like to once more say how thankfully we are fore you…." Cane simply ignored the man's rambling and began to look through the list of names before turning back to him

"Thank you ever so much tony but I believe it's time for the inmates to come" he interjected making a show of looking at his watch

The man could not have turned paler or left faster if he had tried

Sitting down an the small leather couch he watched as the large doors opened and the guards brought in the first "patient"