The Wolf

It was now Canes fifth day of working at the catacombs and he was admittedly feeling rather eager to arrive at his destination, he had just left the cell of a rather "Lively" inmate whom he had been instructed to meet in D Block after they had narrowly avoided being sliced in half by a hero by the name of SaberLeaf after an attempted escape.

Luckily for them he had arrived in just enough time calm down the situation, avoiding large amounts of death and property damage that would likely have ensued and likely impacted his pay check. Sure, he already had money thanks to his…less ethical background but even he didn't work for free

"In for a dime or out" as he liked to say

Making his way through the concrete jungle that made up the numerous cell blocks of the facility he arrived at his office. Checking his watch, he had 7 minutes until his next patient who happened to be the ever-beautiful Alice Dawson

While a therapist is supposed to be unbiased and impartial concerning the level of priority of his patients, he simply didn't see the point of putting effort into the therapeutic process of the others… all they did was scream and cry anyway.

Concerning his sessions with miss Dawson so far, he had decided that simply talking to her was likely the best course of action for the first few sessions. She clearly unused to conversation thanks to her isolation and near dehumanization within her stay within the institution, so simply getting to know her would be best for the time being lest she feel cornered or interrogated

Today was to be the last day he would spend talking to her before beginning her therapy after the weekend, over the course of the past few days they had just talked, whether about her life before and after imprisonment or simple things like favourite movies and music genres

He believed that the optimal time was soon if he were to begin treatment as she was becoming less and less shy towards him and had even begun talking about herself openly.

Making towards his cell and pouring himself a small glass of liquor as had become his tradition at the end of each day, he was by no means an alcoholic, he just felt it appropriate to have at least one small drink after a day of work.

Sitting on his lounge chair and waiting as the minutes ticked by, he couldn't help but feel like something was going to happen, he'd had the feeling all day, not like something bad was impending or even like something good was coming.

Just something

Something out of his ordinary was going to occur this session and Cade had a pretty good theory what it would be or more accurately "who" was going to be different today

Four minutes later this theory was proven as Alice walked into his office, not through the door but a hole in the wall that a clear unconscious guard had created as he flew through it.

Well obviously, it wasn't the Alice he knew. No, she couldn't knock out her guards with her bare hands, she couldn't snap her restraints like string, leaving them like metal hairbands on her wrists like this one had

No, this was THE Wolf

The very person Alice had mentioned in the lowest whispers in their various talks and who was now stepping into his abode, as if she owned the place, prowling like a predator on the hunt

Watching her with a wary eye he slowly rose from his chair and then he smiled "Miss Alice! How good of you to come early, have a Seat" he swept his arm towards his couch that now held a likely injured guard.


Releasing a rather primal Growl the wolf instead walked through the room giving him a wide berth and surprisingly began to speak "Youuuu you're the one who has been holding meeee back!" moving at a pace and stance that seemed to be a blend of walking and crawling she circled him

"Held you back? No, my dear that was all Alice, I simply made it easier" he calmly countered raising an eyebrow and straighten the cuffs of his shirt and undoing a few buttons, preparing for a fight "if anything its those nasty little habits of yours that hold you back… from society that is" he couldn't help but taunt her

Judging from the near heart stopping snarl that she released before she lunged at him, he could assume it was very effective. Taking a swipe at him with her arm and slightly sharp claws

See even though his abilities are useful they aren't perfect, nullification just like all abilities is decide by the persons unique genetic code and acts as a form of evolutionary need booster based on their DNA and mind\so a person with a family history of Hemophilia B which is a condition where it makes it easy for bruises to form under your skin may gain an extreme healing factor or a person living in polluted area may become immune to toxins

It had been hypothesized by multiple doctors and scientists that his ability was an evolutionary reaction to the threat of extra ordinary abilities and as such gave him nullification of those said abilities. However, his ability could by no means alter a person's genetic code, meaning that while he could halt the wolf from transformation that usually happens when the wolf comes out, he couldn't reverse the already made changes that occurred before she entered his "range"

Long story short, she has claws and teeth and he can't do anything about it

However, she can't do anything about the gun he just put to her head as he moved out of the way of her lunge "I said take a seat Alice"