

A voice was blaring over the loudspeaker at a high pitch, informing all employees and inmates of the coming release. Code Black within the catacomb was stated to be a protocol plan in the event of an inmate with an above A rank threat level, where all free personnel that where not busy doing something that was integral for the safety of personal, inmates or the institution itself where to assist in the guarding of said inmate

Within this singular institution there is a confirmed number of 3 above A rank patients and one of them had been transferred to Cane Barlows care. Sitting In his office he listened to the blaring loudspeakers and rush of footsteps echoing through the halls as he waited for his new patient. Unlike usual he would only be treating her today for just an hour before he would be expected to go home for the day.

Of the three patients of Code Black each had their own set of rules and procedures, Jasmin Rantin also known as the wendigo was to replace one of his patients and he would be having a session with her every 2nd day until he either died or asked for her to be transferred and judging from the trembling guards outside his office, they knew what to expect

Eventually after some amusingly tense moments the large metal door that served as the entrance for patients opened to reveal his new patient, or rather her escort and restraints which where thorough and big enough that he could barely see the actual person

They were being wheeled in on a metal chair and had a black bag over their heads, as well as a full body straight jacket that had a further level of leather bindings over it. As they wheel them in and replaced the couch with her chair, he pulled out both the colt and clipboard from his safe placing them next to him

As the dozen or so heavily outfitted guards began to funnel out of the room, one began to explain the rules of engaging with Miss Rantin "you are never to get within a two meter distance of her, the bag is two stay on her head at all times, otherwise we cannot guarantee your safety should she ever breach containment, as last time she hunted down any and all personnel she saw the faces of and killed dozens of staff." He then went over the remaining small rules such as codes and certain things he could do in order to signal to the guards outside such as tap his left knee twice if he wanted the session to end or crack his knuckles if he wanted break.

After going over the procedures the guard then took out a syringe and injected it into the neck of the patient who was drugged unconscious and hightailed it out of his office

Cain didn't have to wait long as he began to perceive small movements in the "sleeping" woman, the mask began to move slightly more as her breathing sped up slightly and her foot twitched

"There is no point in pretending to sleep Miss Rantin, I wont fall for it" he whispered to her smirking "you might as well participate in our session, besides if you behave I'll remove that sack on your head" he didn't particularly care about procedure and if she did try to hunt him she wouldn't succeed

The figure in front of him let out a sigh before slowly straightening and looking towards him, must have found his position through sound "Male, young possibly twenties, well off money wise, confident yet not arrogant and European?" she appeared to have already analysed more than most could from just his voice than some did in an hour

Not surprising really, after all Jasmin Rantin was a confirmed genius, a genius with psychopathy

"my father was European, so yes you are correct" he answered getting up and making his way towards her "all correct except one, I'm plenty arrogant" he said tugging off the black bag covering her head and returning to his seat before returning her analytical gaze

She possessed light blue hair that was short cut and rather raged looking and yellow eyes that seemed to be staring into his soul. He couldn't make out the lower half of her face due to it being covered by a muzzle that reminded him of Hannibal lector.

"I admit I was unsure if you were telling the truth about removing the bag, do you think I won't or can't hunt you down Mr. handsome?" she said in a voice that despite being soft was filed with a dark amount of malice

"no, I just know that you my dear place yourself above all and that the overseer was warned you that if you kill me you'll spend the next year in solitary, which I imagine would be rather inconvenient" he countered

she gave what might have been a smile behind the mask before whispering "Liar"

"Guilty as charged" giving an equal smile before picking up his clipboard "now then… it says here that unlike most of the inmate within this facility you are recognized by the media as an actual supervillain?"

"That is correct" she gave a nod and another smile, but unlike his there was nothing but a void in her eyes, no warmth "During my little…outbursts I encountered a hero by the name of…Baron Volt I think it was… he pursued me over the course of nearly a year in which we had a few encounters and he followed my trail of bodies before eventually catching me and putting me in here" she recounted the story with a little heat but it seemed to be more competitive than wrathful surprisingly

"a Sherlock to your Moriarty, if you will" he said giving a nod in recognition before looking towards his clipboard "and how do you think of the 300 some people who died during this game of cat and mouse of yours?"

She looked at him for a few seconds before looking at him with a little surprise in her eyes ''…. interesting… I can tell you actually don't care about them, not even remotely…" she looked at him closely before giving a shrug

"They were either in the way or they were food"