A Gift

The day had ended, and Cain was now sitting at his desk in his apartment going over his notes. They were a combination and mix of the information he had gained from his clients personal and private files, official record arrest records, reports from their imprisonment in the catacombs and his personal experiences/judgments that he had gained from his sessions

The first file was that of Alice:

Alice Dawson, aged 21, originally the owner of a small flower shop going by the name of The Moons Scent and arrested May 20th the prior year to this repots creation. Hunted and eventually arrested after a period of 3 weeks of police evasion for the mass killing of thirty confirmed people consisting of her parents, former friends and classmates as well as any and all teachers she had during her schooling years past the age 12. Her known abilities and powers consist of enhanced strength, speed and senses as well as a beastly transformation caused through using the previously mentioned powers, thus granting claws and fangs similar to those of the canine family tree. Originally it was thought that her ability caused the creation of a secondary dark personality to form within her psyche and outside of her control but after my own personal conversations with the patient, I have come to the conclusion that the entity known only as "the wolf" is instead a repressed personality created during her childhood as a coping mechanism due to possible neglect and abuse, however this is simply my personal hypothesis and I hope to gain further insight upon spending more time with her.

The file went on to mention the details of our conversations and her actions in response to question in order to credibility to the report and such, however what he was having an issue with was instead his personal notes with individual known as Jasmin Rantin

Aged 23 and arrested one and a half years ago on July 16th after a manhunt that took an entire 6 months to complete despite the assistance of multiple strike forces created by the police, FBI and even foreign organizations including the Russian FSS (formerly known as the KGB). There were multiple heroes and vigilantes that joined the hunt but in the end Baron Volt the hero/private investigator who had been hunting her from the first murder was the one to eventually apprehend her. However, this was not before she killed, butchered and even cannibalized over 300 people in an extremely brutal fashion. She is confirmed to have escaped the catacombs on multiple instances which resulted in the deaths of multiple staff members of the facility, however for unknown reasons she always returns to her cell by morning. During our singular session I was only able to understand small parts of said individual, I hope further sessions will shed more light. She is a confirmed psychopath, that is undeniable, she shows no consideration or empathy towards the deaths or suffering of her victims and when questioned would instead crack a joke or answer with another question. However one thing of note is that she has displayed little to no instances of Narcissism witch is a fairly common trait amongst those with her affliction. Further notes will be taken on after more sessions have been completed.

Sighing and closing his computer he stood up and made his way out of his office before making his way towards the kitchen, before he noticed something was off. Taking out his pistol from a hidden cabinet under the dining table he began to investigate.

He noticed two things immediately, one the door of his room was slightly ajar, which was impossible considering he knew he had locked it behind him when he left this morning, after all he didn't want to have to worry about one of his competitors for the for the position of head of the Barlow family leaving him a "gift" and seeing as he hadn't entered during the time he had returned that meant one of two things either someone had snuck in while he was gone or more alarmingly… they had entered while he was in the office, without his knowledge. But as he investigated the second clue that another had entered his home, he knew it was the latter


Not muddy or even from dirt… blood

Making his way towards the room he held his gun In front of him and grabbed a small flashlight from the cupboard, holding it under the arm holding the pistol in a relaxed grip he gently pushed his way into the room, checking all corners for possible threats.

Sure, that there was no threat he made his way to the closet and swung it open, never letting the gun drop from his sight… empty

Nothing behind the curtains

Nothing under the bed nor on the ceiling

However, the window that had once been locked shut was now open, with the lock discarded and broken on the floor. Who ever had entered his house had both done it while he was home AND had left without his knowledge! He began to search for any signs of something being taken but froze when he saw something sitting on his bed, In front of the pillows… something he didn't own before

A plushie

It was a mix of white and brown, covered in thick brown fur and with a large out of proportion head, that appeared to be a deer skull, it had little white plush extremities sticking out the front to resemble rib bones

An admittedly cute Wendigo Plushie