Breaking rules

Not a genius

That is what Cane would describe himself on a normal day, he knew he was smart but also knew he was nothing when compared to people like Einstein, Hawking or even the woman in front of him

He did however have the brain power to know the possible consequences of taking this deal, giving a known cannibal and even the one attached to the deal offer itself. If she was offering information now for a small bloody bandage what was to stop her from later raising the "price" and more importantly the fact that she wanted it in the first place meant that she was gaining interest in him of some kind

And if he were to give her the bandage, he could see at least three main consequences

1. If he were to hand it over to her there is a possibility that she may gain a taste for it or at the least have an increased interest in him which could ultimately result in his death or injuries due to her a taste

2. This was completely against company regulation and a directly reverse action compared to the idea of rehabilitation and the entire point of therapy, which if the institute learned of what he was doing could result in him being fired and having his therapist license revoked (AN: is that a thing?)

3. And likely the most dangerous consequence of this action was that she would gain some amount of blackmail against him and would as such gain some sway in their sessions

However, in all honesty he found his curiosity about her abilities outweighing his sense of caution, which he knew was what Jasmin likely wanted

"May I ask why you want it?" he already knew the answer to his question but felt it might be best to confirm

Not letting the slightly demonic smile slip for a second, she replied bluntly "I've wanted to know what you tasted like since we met and this just seemed like the best way to do so" her words and actions could have been considered seductive if not for the actual subject matter "Besides, you've been taunting me with the smell of your blood the entire session… I think I deserve a reward for my… restraint"

Going over the risks and the rewards one more time he got up and keeled in front of her, staring directly into her cold as gold eyes "if I give you this I expect that from now on, every question I ask related to your powers is to be answered… am I clear" his tone had changed from the usual soft spoken mannerism that he used in therapy to the iron, no argument voice he used when cutting deals, deals that he hadn't made since leaving the family for university so that he could join this very catacomb

He felt her breath get slightly heavier and her face had gone slightly red, but he dismissed it as simple excitement at the idea of his blood, she was after all a convicted cannibal. Knowing there was not a single camera of listening device in his office because he swept it daily, he looked at the doors and windows to see if anyone was looking and then slowly peeled of the bandage

However as he began to think about where to put it he ran out of time as sirens began to go off indicating the end of their session, pulling close to her and drawing a surprised gasp from her reached his hand towards her muzzle, shielding with his body so that it simply looked like he was checking her restraints he whispered into her ear

"DO.NOT.BITE.ME" and then shoved the bandage along with his fingers into the muzzle, feeling around he shifted it until he felt her teeth gently bit the fabric and slowly guide it to a side of the mask where it sat, taking his had out and looking towards the now opening metal doors he whispered once more "until our next session" he told her and backed away letting the guards take her away and place the sack of her head once more

After the guards had taken her away and the siren had stopped, he found himself with nothing to do, just like last time, after a session with Jasmin all sessions where to cease for the day and he would normally go home an sort his files of perhaps see a movie, but today he had a different idea

He was going to visit Alice

There was only a week left of solitary confinement for her and she had finally stopped attacking people on sight, meaning that visitors where technically allowed even though nobody had ever visited Alice since her confinement

Making his way through the halls he took a few left and a few rights, typed in a few passwords on some doors and even did a retina scan before finally arriving in what was nicknamed "The Bunker Wing" it had been given its name in the early days of the facility when it was remarked by an inspector that the cells in this wing could likely survive a nuclear explosion… all 50 of them

Making his way through the halls and ignoring the screams, taunts and sexual invites coming from the cells he made his way towards cell B 43. The cell of this wing consisted of a square of solid metal and concrete that was meters thick along with one wall that had a retractable wall of lead and titanium that hid a sheet of ridiculously strong glass, glass that even he didn't know how was made, all he knew was that it could survive a literal predator missile

And inside cell B 43 sat a small woman, talking to herself and surrounded by carving of words, he couldn't tell what the words or even word was due to how much it had been written over itself
