
As he made his way back to his car Cane was kicking himself, while he normally didn't question his decisions, he knew kissing Alice was not going to go well in the long run for a whole list of reasons, namely that it could cost him his job and by extension his running for the position of head of the family

While he didn't like to admit it, he knew that he had done something he had been trained not to do in pressuring situations, something he thought he could no longer do

He panicked…

Something about her eyes, the complete lack of life and how her voice was filled with more rage and obsession that he had ever heard before especially when contrasted to Alice's usually meek and cry-baby personality. Add that panic to the small amount of attraction he had been feeling for her at the time and you got a situational solution based upon lust instead of logic

Now that he had a clear head, he could see the immediate conundrum in front of him. It wasn't hard to see that both sides of Alice appeared to be suffering from obsessive love disorder, a disorder where a person may become obsessed with one person, they think they may be in love with [A.N: real disorder by the way] and him kissing them was likely to make the situation even worse

The amount of emotional buildup that she had bottled over the two weeks since being put in solitary was likely going to be nothing to the amount she would feel now that he had shown indication of returning her feelings, meaning he would either have to visit her every day until her return or deal with the explosive release upon their next session which could potentially be much higher than the one, he had just seen

However something that was worrying him now was how Alice's powers appeared to be still working under his nullification, first during their last session when the wolf had still been able to use how powers although to a limited degree, the second time just before in the cell when not only had she been able to sprout ears and her eyes had been constantly switching colors, meaning that unlike their first few session the wolf was no longer repressed by him meaning that they had either gotten stronger or that both personalities were working together

Either option could mean problems for him

As he made his usual route to his car and then his drive back to his apartment he began to think about his options. After such a serious lapse of judgment he couldn't afford to make another… he could either go to her every day and contain the emotional explosion that could happen at the risk of her further misunderstanding his feelings towards her or not visit her and deal with her emotion explosion at their next session

Looking at it objectively letting her explode in a controlled environment and clearing any misunderstanding while within his office would likely be better in the long rung at the cost of risking mental and physical damage to himself and Alice

And he always was a gambler

High risk high reward if he managed the situation properly, watching his words and attitude to not give the girl the wrong idea and at the same time not causing her mental stress would be difficult but not impossible

One thing to be careful of was outright rejection her, those who suffer from obsessive love disorder have been shown on multiple occasions to commit horrible acts of violence upon rejection or even minor feelings of suspicion

"Hell, hath no fury like a woman scorned" he couldn't help muttering grumpily as he reflected on his situation

Making his way to his apartment he checked the date, it was the 22nd and Alice was due for release from solitary on the 27th giving him five days to prepare for her return as well as having two more sessions Jasmin. He was going to have one hell of a week

When he arrived he poured himself a drink and took a sip, feeling the warm sensation in his stomach and making his way to the office, where their was now two briefcases sitting on his desk, they had the Barlow family crest on them in bright red, a rams skull surrounded by budding and wilting roses with a bright star sitting above them all

Bac in his childhood, his father had told him that unlike what you thought only the star represented the Barlow family, with the skull symbolizing the dark side of the world and the roses people growing and dying. The star sat above it all because the family ruled over it all… life, death and business

Placing his drink on the shelf he made his way over and gently opened the case closest to himself with a crisp CLICK and peered inside… money, hundred notes stance on each other, filling the case to the brim. While the money in these cases was not likely even half of what he had taken from the robbers, he knew the family and "cleaners" would have already taken their cut as was tradition

Taking a case in each hand he brought them into his bedroom and over to his closet, walking past the little plushie on the nightstand. Opening the cupboard and felling around he eventually flicked a switch revealing a hidden compartment! It opened in the back and showed a moderate amount of space, in which he slipped the two cases

At least something was going right today

(Jasmin Pov)

I feel the urge to kill something