The beginning

Despite having lost his main ally in the De Maggio house Cane was rather happy this morning

After all today was the day where Miss Rantin would be telling him about her abilities, something that not a single person alive knew the details of. All that was confirmed was that she seemed to have the ability to control some form of red mist or energy force

After having a shower and getting dressed Cane began his drive back to the Complex dome of wire and insanity that made up the catacombs, even if he didn't particularly like being forced into an unneeded and risky job in a place that was more often then not smelling of blood, he had to admit there was never a dull moment

Within half an hour he was sitting on his couch going over his notes, admittedly a little exited about the coming session and as the sounds of blaring alarms and rushed footsteps entered his ears, he let out a small, contained smile

When Jasmin arrived in his workplace like usual, in a wheelchair surrounded by nearly twenty men who looked close to soiling themselves he couldn't let out a chuckle at her predicament, it appeared that after his continues breaking of the rules by removing the bag and blindfold from her face the company had decided to step things up

Unlike the previous bag and leather straps that had held it on to hide her vision she now had some form of iron mask cross helmet that obscured her vision as well as acted as a muzzle and boy did it look uncomfortable

Letting out a small laugh as he it, he watched the guard funnel out of the room like usual before walking up to her to inspect the contraption on her face, it was held together with wire at the back of her head like some sort of reverse beartrap mixed with a luchador mask

Gently lifting her hair causing her to release a small inaudible gasp, he began to use his fingers and one of his shirts cufflinks to untie the wire, they sat in near complete silence aside from the squeak of the helmet and their breathing

Had Cane not been behind her and had she not been wearing a mask; he would have seen the light yet intense blush taking over Jasmine face and the predator sheen her eyes had taken the second his hands had touched her

But in reality, he saw no such thing as he finally and gingerly removed the mask from the back, making sure not to cause the metal to pull her hair or scape her face

As he took it off and tossed it onto the couch beside her, he walked back to his seat and sat down before returning his gaze to her face and getting the greatest shock of the week… aside from being pinned down by Alice

Because the mask had been acting as both her muzzle and blindfold, when he removed it there was no longer anything covering her face, so for the first time he saw face complete and bare of any obscurity

Although he was completely used to her predatory eyes, he was surprised to see how good looking she was, red lips, delicate cheekbones, and perfect skin. To say the least she was model tier

"Enjoying the view" she teased with a smug smile, seeing his shock, and taking it as a complement "don't worry, I'll still be here if you blink" she continued with a giggle

Not realizing he had been staring, he shook his head and quickly cleared his head of any thoughts of his "slight" attraction. "So do you remember our deal?" he asked changing the subject "… that you were going to share the details on your abilities?"

She gave a knowing smirk as she saw me change the direction of the conversation before answering "yes.." she seemed to be looking through my eyes and into my soul as she continued "what do you already know?"

Glancing over his notes and flipping the page he answered "you have the ability to manipulate a form of red energy, it appears to be able to change between forms as it has been reported as a gas, liquid, solid and form of electricity making it extremely versatile and deadly in the right hands… your hands to be exact" reading through the page he kept going "however what is not known are facts such as its origin, when you developed these abilities, what fuels it, the limits and what the energy actually is. Just to name a few blanks"

"Thorough aren't you" she gently mocked, enjoying the slight signs of curiosity showing on his face "well then… I guess we should start at the beginning"

"My abilities manifested during my surgical training, I was in college and had already gained my medical degree but that wasn't what I wanted, I wanted to earn large amounts of money in order to leisurely live my life away from the loud and smelly masses. "Suffering" form psychopathy doesn't really make you want friends so I mainly worked alone" she had a slight mocking tone in her voice as she said this "of course I could make them if I wanted to, I just didn't see the point in fraternizing with a bunch of horny and drunk monkeys… anyway one night I was practicing late one night on one of the colleges fresh practice cadavers (corpse) and that was when it happened!" she appeared to be getting actually exited in the telling of her story

"I made a mistake and accidently cut a main artery, due to the corpse being unused there was still some pressure within, causing it to splatter, getting in my eyes… and mouth"

"That was when I awakened"