Wake up Call

As Cane began walking to his apartment, he found that the elevator to the fifth floor was under maintenance so with a sigh he began the long climb up to the fifth floor, while the building his apartment was actually fully owned by the Barlow family and was as such usually empty aside from himself the only real reason, he resided on the higher floor was just the view

As he marched up the stairs, he felt a buzz from his pocket and pulled out his phone to see that the overseer of all people was calling him slightly confused as to this new development he answered and brought the phone to his ear

"Cane Barlow speaking, how may I be of assistance?" he spoke, keeping his tone neutral and continuing his climb up the stairs

"Ah, Dr. Barlow! Glad I could get a hold of you" the man exclaimed over the phone, even over the phone Cane could see him rubbing his hands together and sporting his usual nervous smile, "I'm calling because of today's events and your contributions!"

"I assume you are referring to the Containment breach caused by Little Red and Wendigo?" he asked, calling the girls by their monikers as to keep things professional and not give him an idea of his… odd relationship with the inmate "if you are calling about the matter concerning a reward or such, you know very well that I don't need one"

The man went silent for a few moments and Cane simply stood there waiting for him to answer "… A-actually I wasn't calling about any reward… Or punishment for that matter!" the man hurriedly finished his sentence, clearly trying to avoid a misunderstanding "it's just your actions have drawn some attention"

Cane leaned against the wall of the stairway and let some menace enter his voice "Whose ATTENTION?"

The line went completely silent, and he could swear he heard the man gulp like a fish

"Mr. Wilson?"

"The CRC"

"…What do they want" Cane sighed in announce

The CRC or the Catacomb Representative Council were directly responsible for all facilities within the UN and as such monitored all inmates, victims, and staff. They were the ones who ran every single aspect of his work and the facility he worked at and as such the only real threat in this line of work as they had free reign to create any transfers or firings

The overseer took a more confident voice and began to explain, sounding as if he were reading off a sheet of paper "well in light of your work and great success concerning Alice Dawson who was extremely unstable and even strong enough that she has taken the rank of S rank threat after her recent outbreak as well as surviving multiple encounters with Jasmin Rantin, a murderer of the highest degree the CRC has decided to transfer one Akari Yuu who the Dr has already met and amazingly survived by reasoning with her to the degree where she allowed you to fix her cells containment"

The overseer finally took a breath


Cane couldn't help but feel some irritation towards his situation, he could barely deal with Alice and Jasmin let alone another inmate!

He began to walk up the stairs again, all the while going over the details of her therapy, it would appear that after the previous situation the CRC had created a new schedule and changed his hours to avoid any further issues among the inmates, they would allow him to talk to Alice, Jasmin and Akari on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and removed that annoying rule of having to take the rest off after having a session with Jasmin and instead adjusted his hours so that he could have up to eight clients on those days and have the day off when he would have normally had his hysteric and boring clients on Tuesday and Thursday

This left him now working fewer days than days he had off, but he now was allowed much less paid leave… not that he needed it at all. Eventually, he made his way to his apartment and went directly to his bedroom, today had been crazy with the whole breach fiasco and partying with Leandro so he just wanted to sleep

Hanging up on the overseer after saying his goodbyes he collapsed on his bed, grabbing the Wendigo plushy that he had made a habit of using as a pillow (hey even mafia need a plushie after a hard day) and closed his eyes

Only to be interrupted by a sound that shook him to his core…


One second, he was lying in bed comfortable and dozy the next he had thrown across it, grabbing the pistol off the nightstand and using the bed as cover as the room lit up with new beams of light. He couldn't help but curse his own carelessness as he hadn't checked the windows like usual because of his fatigue

Scrambling across the floor, he raced towards the door but as he did, he felt a blinding pain erupt from his shoulder and left leg as he took bullets. He couldn't help but let out a bellow of pain as he dragged himself out of the bedroom and into the windowless bathroom

Slamming the door closed and pressing a hidden button on the sink he heard the second metal door shut over the first one and leaned himself against the bathtub

The authorities would likely already be on their way now and with them hopefully an ambulance

"I would rather not die like" this he thought as he felt his consciousness slip and collapsed

Still holding the now bloody Wendigo Plushy