
{WARNING! Torture imminent!}

{Authors note: I'd say people without balls would skip this, but we all know that's an insult to women! Besides at this point, if you're still reading, you likely don't care about human life anyway}

{Also lucky you! I was feeling inspired and ended up writing an extra-long chapter!}

??? pov


Cold and damp

As He felt his consciousness return all he could see was black and all he could feel was the cold, damp air.

The first thing he experienced was as he woke up was a deep feeling of confusion, this wasn't his bedroom! He clearly remembered passing out on his mattress! But soon that confusion gave way to a deep gnawing feeling of fear

If he wasn't at home then where was he!? The air was stale, and he could feel something, a cloth wrapped around his eyes and another between his teeth, keeping him from yelling out, as well as another four, holding down his limbs keeping him in an uncomfortable spread-eagle position. once he regained his wits- no who was he kidding he was still terrified but even then, he knew what had happened

He, Edwin Harrison had been kidnapped in his sleep!

However before he could freak out further a deep shiver slammed into his spine, he could feel the air on his arms, neck, and legs go stiff and goosebumps grow on his skin as he suddenly realized something, he couldn't see and the room was silent as a grave but his instincts began to go crazy, his skin crawling and sweat coating as his forehead as his mind began to scream to him, repeating a message that he knew was true even if he had no proof

He wasn't alone!

Even bound and gagged he could feel the presence of the person or persons in front of him, he could feel them and as a man who had worked on multiple actions with the scum and villainy of this city, he dam well knew that the level of primal fear he was experiencing, the same fear that had turned his legs to jelly and his throat to stone always meant danger

And as if the gods in a rare incidence of dark humor had decided for once to prove him correct, he heard the sound of footsteps moving towards him, they seemed strange though, unnaturally deep and long-lasting as if he were hearing a recording slowed down

And after what felt like weeks the footsteps stopped and Edwin someone tug on his blindfold, it came off as if in slow motion as the world suddenly became much brighter and much… much more terrifying

Two women stood peering at him from above of his laying form, they were bountiful, a man's dream, one had long, shining silver hair encircling her perfect face, seemingly highlighting her deep and glowing purple eyes. The other had short blue hair and yellow eyes that gleamed like that of a hawk, her face much sexier and more seductive than her partner, a complete babe

And normally Edwin would have cracked a joke or flirted with such women, even in the state he was in, after all, humor was his coping mechanism but… not this time

There was something so off about them, maybe it was their unblinking eyes that seemed to stare through him, maybe it was the dark aura that seeped out of them like black smoke, or maybe it was the completely warped, unchanging smiles that seemed to twist and pull their faces but none the less they made him feel more fear than he had ever felt

As he laid there petrified and near pissing himself, he watched the one with the yellow eyes begin to speak, her mouth moving as if in slow motion and her voice sounding warped

"Hello Edwin," she said smiling,

he might have been calmed down by such a beautiful voice and smile yet instead it caused his gut to twitch in horror

there was no warmth in her voice, not a spark, it was as she spoke on the behalf of the arctic itself

"Good to see you awake" the other piped in still smiling and her voice also sounding wrong, except while it was slow and warped like the other, it sounded as if not one but instead two people were talking "How are you feeling? anything feels weird?"

He didn't speak to afraid and they had yet to remove his gag

"I should hope so!" the hawk-eyed one answered before turning back to him, her smile seemed to grow "tell me Edwin… are you familiar with the drug Serenity?"

Confused and near-hysterical he shook his head slowly, or at least it seemed slow to him

she stopped smiling and began to simply stare at him, her eyes seemed to rotate like two black holes, terrifying him to the point he nearly passed out

"Serenity was an experimental drug created twelve years ago by a brilliant scientist by the name of Abraham Rantin… my grandfather" her words seemed to get slower and slower as she talked until it seemed like she was saying a word a minute "it was designed to be used by soldiers in the battle against villains. It causes the mind and scenes to enter a state of hyper-acceleration so fast that the world simply seems to slow down, allowing even the weakest of cannon fodder to move through a battleground seeing things from the perspective of a speedster, seeing, thinking, and FEELING everything like it was going on for days instead of just a moment"

As she talked she turned around, going over a tray of items he had only now noticed now, hammers, scalpels, pliers, and even some power tools

It was at this point Edwin began to struggle against his bindings

But as he tried it seemed as of his body were moving at a glacial speed, as if he were moving in hardening concrete

Ignoring his struggles the blue-haired woman continued to go through her tools, at this point barely moving at all and after what felt like nearly an hour of struggling he heard another voice, the voice of the silver-haired woman- no demon!

"We are going to torture you now" she stated simply, her eyes showing a level of pure hate and venom that made Edwin tremble. Her words warped and so slow that he felt himself cry out of frustration "for us it will feel like mere hours but for you… it may feel like years"

As she finished saying this, she moved her arm towards him, it moved towards him at a snail's pace, but he felt more fear than he ever had in his life, in any of his past lives if he had them

He tried to escape, tried to pull away but it kept getting closer and close, he cried and begged but no matter what it KEPT.GETTING.CLOSER

And as it finally reached his chest, now a crooked claw of talons and tore through his skin, he felt it cut layer by layer, molecule by molecule, it felt as if years had passed by the time, it had run itself across his skin, leaving deep valleys of slowly using blood

In one cut they had broken him into a weeping mess, his throat feeling raw from what felt like an eternity of screaming and his face felt wet from the oceans of tears he had spilled

And as he looked up once more to see another clawed hand moving like an unrushed and unstoppable force and saw the woman with those golden predatory eyes looking towards him now holding a hammer and chisel, moving towards him he felt despair

And that night in a certain broken-down ink factory a man felt more pain than any other in history ever had

His screams bloody and agonized echoed by the shrill laughter of his torturers

{Author note: this was my first time writing a torture scene, reckon I should keep it this graphic, get more graphic, or chill out? Also just saying, seeing as these yanderes are probably going to do a LOT more torturing and killing over the course of the plot only important enemies or offenders will be tortured "on-screen"}