

That was the word that popped into canes head as he felt himself walk into someone, he felt his head lodge halfway into a large set of pillows before bouncing off and falling on his ass. However, before anyone could offer him a hand, he quickly shook his head regaining his senses and got back up

As he stood up and brushed himself off, he couldn't help but feel some heat enter his face as embarrassment hit him, thankfully however he quickly cleared his head, taking in the woman before him

She was big… in every sense of the word

Even standing at a fair height of six-foot he had to look up to her, she stood at least seven feet tall and was built like a truck her legs, arms, and shoulders rippling with muscle and looking as if they could crush his bones with just brute strength. She wore an outfit that seemed to be a mix of biker and military-style, the silver pins and chains causing her hair and bright amber eyes to shine as well as teased her partially uncovered ripped stomach and large breasts.

"Enjoying the view, handsome?" she teased, her face taken over by a smug smile, as she saw his obvious display of looking her over "Not even a hello first?"

Clearing his throat with a light cough Cane changed his expression to the same one he always used when meeting new work associates, a look of polite neutrality, he spoke

"My apologies," he said giving a small smile "I was a caught me unawares and I was surprised to see a new face in these parts"

"Ha-ha! no problem!" she said giving a jovial chuckle "I doubt you see too many new people around her! On account of the crazies and all"

"Quite true" he answered, returning her chuckle

"Ahem" sounded the warden from behind him, he was clearly not bothered by the insult towards his patients and was instead grinning happily "Mr. Barlow, allow me to introduce Kira Valeriya! She will be acting as both the leader of our newly hired security and your new bodyguard!"

Since when did he need a bodyguard? Cane couldn't help but contemplate, but as he took in his arm that was now in a sling he decided not to complain, instead of reaching out for a handshake

"I look forward to your care," he said giving his best smile

Taking his hand Kira also smiled but hers was more out of mirth than politeness "Ah! So, you must be the renowned miracle shrink!" she exclaimed, and seeing the now confused look in Canes eyes she elaborated "ever since me and my team got here all we've heard about is the miracle therapist who somehow survived not one but THREE S rank inmates as well as somehow charmed two of them so much that they broke out to visit him in the hospital!" she retailed dramatically

Not sure how to react aside from rubbing the back of his neck and giving the overseer a quick glare, he let out a tired grumble "that's me"

"Come on, no need to be so modest!" She laughed, putting an arm around his shoulder, and walking him down the hall "you have to tell me as much as you can before we reach your client!" she demanded jokingly

"Client?" Cane repeated confused, as far as he knew his first client of the day was supposed to be Alice, who he was informed had returned to the facility two days ago along with Jasmin but due to her once again being in solitary for her breakout he was supposed to have an hour free before his next client

"Ah yes!" Mr. Wilson interjected looking sheepish "seeing as you were going to have two spare hours due to two of your usual clients being… unavailable, I moved forward your first appointment with the young miss Akari Yuu. You will be meeting her in the victim wing shortly" he explained before quickly running off, not leaving Cane any chance to argue

Sighing and turning back to Kira who appeared to be studying him silently he began to walk "so tell me, Miss Valeriya, what brought you to my facility" he asked, making small talk

"Just call me Kira," she said shrugging with the same grin he had seen on her face since the beginning she answered "money mainly, me and my little troupe of outcasts, were looking through the web for any work when we stumbled upon a certain, very lucrative, security job"

"Troupe?" he asked, the overseer had mentioned that she oversaw the new security

She nodded, her smile becoming that of a proud parent "my own little jungle or animals and monsters, all been with me for years and fiercely loyal. Sixteen members in total, all from different walks of life and packing enough firepower and abilities to take on most counties."

"Needless to say, extremely expensive" Cane surmised

Looking down at him and giving a smile that reminded him of a hungry bear she answered, "Damn right!"

They kept up the small talk s they walked, getting a few weird looks from the usual guards, seeing a handsome man under the arm of a beautiful and gigantic woman, they talked about random things, Kera cracking a few jokes here and there, even causing Cane to let out a rare laugh as she retailed stories of her battles in multiple countries and the blunders of her men

(Pov Kira)

For a shrink, this guy's not so bad! Totally my type too!

Maybe after his shift, I should pull him into a broom closet or something Ha-ha!

No In all seriousness how the hell is he so good-looking? All he needs is some more scars and I'd be happy to lock him up in a room with me for a few... decades