Small Plans

Walking down the dark corridors of the victim wing, Cane was reflecting upon the previous therapy session he had just done with Akari Yuu

From the moment she had walked into the room and to the moment she began to speak, Cane had been inspecting her, attempting to analyze her attitude, mannerisms, and tone and he had soon come to a theory, one that was proven correct by her little speech about her suitors and his actions during the riot

Akari Yuu could not and would not see humans in the same way as others.

It appears that due to her ability she has been given a warped perspective of the human race as a whole, instead believing all people to be beasts that simply hid their urges at opportune times, as to benefit themselves, which in all fairness was an understandable view if one looked at her circumstances.

What was incorrect however was that she believed that SHE was something all people desired, instead of seeing that humans were simply greedy creatures, for better or worse. she instead believed that they were all after her specifically, explaining her clear suspicion and caution towards him. Which was one of the main reasons he had done what he had. In order to achieve therapy that could provide benefit, Akari needed to see that not all humans wanted her and that some didn't even care about her, she needed someone or something to trust or at the least not fear.

And seeing as she would likely see through any lies he could have said he had decided to speak the truth, not sugar-coating it with lies about caring for her wellbeing but showing himself as he truly was, someone who didn't care for her in the slightest and only helped her because it was their job.

Cane continued to go over the session in his head and plan for the next sessions to come until he eventually reached the elevator shaft, and the rope snaking down it, placing the harness over his shoulders and around his body before reaching himself to the line and giving a quick two yanks to show he was ready to be lifted back up.

What he was not expecting however was for the rope to suddenly yank him up like gravity in reverse, he couldn't even let out a yell as he felt himself leave the ground and shoot through the air like a missile, thankfully the harness was properly made otherwise it would have snapped like a cobweb and dropped him

After a few near calls with the wall and a lot of swearing Cane found himself assaulted by the light of the upper level and being held up by the chest straps of his harness by a familiar giant, giving him a smug grin and letting out a laugh at his extremely sour expression Kira put him down, not saying a word, as too not laugh too hard

"WAS.THAT.REALLY.NECESSARY." Cane couldn't help but hiss, rubbing his now sore shoulder and thighs, straightening his now ruffled clothes and hair

Still laughing Kira answered "y-you should have s-seen your f-face" she chuckled, nearly blubbering mess "what I would give to have seen you in the shaft!"

Signing at her antics, he undid the harness, walking back to the rack, not before giving her a light jab in the ribs, which just caused her to begin laughing again. By the time she regained her wits Cane had already finished with his harness and were now halfway out of the corridor, so she had to run after him, catching him in a side hug, wrapping one of her large around his shoulders

"Oh come on now, I was just messing with you!" she whined, taking a still amused yet slightly apologetic tone "I swear next time I'll let you pick the speed! Oh and I'll make it up to you!"

"What are you offering" Cane replied in a semi-serious tone, giving her an eye

Now wrapping her arms across herself and letting out a girlish squeak, which looked funny given her tall height and build, before taking a fake embarrassed tone "i-it's not w-what you think!" she yelled before they both burst out laughing at her joke

After they calmed down and continued walking she continued "how about I take you out for some fun!?" grinning like a maniac and shadow boxing "There's this great underground fight club that I know! You'll love it!"

"I don't think I can go tonight, I've still got work to catch up on" cane responded shaking his head, but seeing the devious grin on her face and the begging eyes she was giving him he sighed "however… I should be all caught up by the weekend"

"Yes!" she yelled pumping a fist "they won't know what hit em!"

They continued their walk until Cane eventually stood in front of his office, he still had another 2 patients to go to today, and even if they weren't Jasmin or Alice he still couldn't reject them, Kira informed him that during his normal sessions she would stand outside the door in case of emergency before giving him a thumbs up and silently mouthing
