
*Sigh* Cane breathed in

It was a chilly Saturday evening and Cane was slowly making his way through his apartment, getting dressed as he walked and eating a scone with one hand

Putting on his shirt and removing the few crumbs that had fallen onto it, he then pulled out his phoning a number smoothly and placed the device to his ear, listening to the dial. And after a few seconds, as he was going for another bite of his small meal, there was a click, announcing the beginning of the call.

A mix of sounds soon flooded his ear, distant sirens, panting and a few screams drowning in the sound of blowing wind. Before he could say anything however a cheerful yet shy voice announced itself

"Hi! g-good to hear from you…mate" the cute voice answered, quikly revealing the person who had picked up


"Hello, Alice" Cane said politely as he marched through his kitchen, tossing the remains of the scone into the trash as he replaced it with his car keys "I'm guessing you two are on your way now?"

"Ahhhhh… Yes! We're on our way to the club now!" Alice confirmed, before going silent for a moment, Cane could hear the sound of police sirens grow closer for a moment before soon dying away "Me and Jasmin had to split up to avoid the police but we should be arriving in about…" he heard the sound of shuffling "20 minutes!"

"I'll meet you soon then, just making sure you girls weren't causing too much chaos and death," Cane told her, chuckling

"N-no all good on my end… although…"

"Although… what?" Cane questioned, growing slightly worried as he straitened his tie

"There was this guard!" Alice began, he could still hear the sound of her running ad the beating wind so he had to turn the volume on his phone up "Sh-she kept talking about you! Mean things! Whenever we were locked in our cell she kept taunting us threatening to StEaL YOU FROM US!"

"Hi Wolfey" Cane said, greeting the new "guest" to the call

"HELLO, MY DEAR AND SOON-TO-BE NEAR MATE FOR LIFE!" the woman yelled into the phone, causing him to nearly drop it "WE LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH! SO VERY VERY VERY VERY-

"The guard Wolfey" cane pushed in, interrupting her heartfelt confession

"OH RIGHT! WELL… THE BITCH KEPT TALKING AND TAAAALKING ABOUT HOW SHE WAS GOING TO TAKE YOU FROM US! SO WE SHUT HER UP!" she said/yelled into the phone, clearly competing with the wind for volume

"And?..." Cane asked, walking towards his door, unable to stop himself from smiling at the wolf girls less than subtle personality

"We tracked her down, ripped out her tongue…then forced her to watch as we forced her son cook and eat it, before killing both of them" Alice finished for the two of them, sounding both shy and worried when regaling her exploits


"CaNe?" the girls asked, sounding worried

"Oh sorry! I was just thinking about how similar we are" Cane commented "back in my early days of training, one of my main tasks for the family was the collection of debts and punishment of those who failed to pay them. I once did practically the same to a baker who owed the Drake family money, although it was his nose, not his tongue"

"Oh… we're alike…" Alice responded before soon devolving into a mess of heavy breathing and giggles. "We're Alike!"

"Yes, yes we are" Cane agreed, ignoring the weird and fearful looks he was getting from some people as he walked through the parking lot to his car.

"Anyway I'll see you at the midnight brawl soon, tell Jasmin, Kira, and Akari not to kill anyone" Cane finished, giving a gentle order

"Humph" he heard Alice puff angrily "I don't even know why that last one came, I thought she hated everyone!"

"Now now" cane reasoned "Akari has been making huge bounds in both her control over her powers and her mental state. Thanks to the damaged estium collar being in the keep of Kira, this is one of the few outings she's had in a long while, so I want you to play nice, okay" CAne said, defending Akari


"Okay" Alice assented "but only her!

"That's my girl" Cane applauded before saying goodbye and hanging up

And that's when pain exploded in the back of his head

Followed by black


(??? Pov)

So cold

It was so very, very painful

She couldnt move, she couldnt see and she had lost all ability to scream

"Emansia is the light, Emansia is the bringer of gifts and Emansia is the light" these words spoke for the hundredth time, echoing into her mind, slowly breaking down her mental state as she once again curled into a ball, covering her ears and whimpered

"Those who accept the light of Emansia and the gospel of Lapis shall be freed from earthly pains" another verse chimed in, offering a sweet temptation that contrasted the pain she was feeling

But she didn't listen, didn't take the devils deal… not yet

Someone would save her… they had too

"Those who accept the light of Emansia and the gospel of Lapis shall be freed from earthly pains"

"Please save me, please God!" she prayed, the tears on her face frozen to ice against her cheeks and furthering her pain, "please… please come for me" she kept begging

Begging as she had when they took her, begging as she had for days, praying, chanting, crying, and sobbing as she did so.

"Those who accept the light of Emansia and the gospel of Lapis shall be freed from earthly pains"

The rags on her body portrayed the tail of her misfortune, some parts were singed black, others bloody and now it was covered in frost, glowing in the dim light of the room, illuminating her pale skin

"Please… save me, lord"

"Emansia is the light, Emansia is the bringer of gifts and Emansia is the light"

But no one came

No angel and no god

And she collapsed godless and afraid, heart and faith beginning to crumble

"Those who accept the light of Emansia and the gospel of Lapis shall be freed from earthly pains"