Pondering Payment

She may have lost control slightly

When Jasmin had found Cane's car, abandoned in a parking lot, scratched with religious symbols and Emancia-related propaganda she couldn't keep herself in check. She had killed each and every person nearby, excluding the other girls who had been trying to contain her.

She had slaughtered everyone, man, woman, and child. Just killing and feasting on repeat, gorging her feelings until she was unable to find any more victims. The only reason she hadn't alerted the police or any nearby heroes was simply that she had killed every person in the parking lot and surrounding buildings before a call could even be made to the authorities

In those moments she had experienced more raw emotion than she had in most of her life, excluding her time with Cane, which had always proven to be filled with "love". Looking back Jasmin had to acknowledge that her feelings and attachment to Cane were due to no short amount of luck

Luck ensured that he was transferred to her, that he was her type, that he had the patience and cunning for her games, that he tasted AMAZING and that he was emotionally inclined towards her as well

Having experienced a cocktail of psychopathy and antisocial behaviors from a young age emotional connections were something that were either rare or nonexistent. She had no bond with her father yet she had one with her mother, clearly expressed by the fact that he was dead and she was alive, killed at Jasmin's amusement

And yet Cane… Cane had established, unknowingly, an emotional connection with her that dwarfed any she had felt before. And right now that connection was all that was stopping her from going completely berserk

If it wasn't for her fear that Cane was presently in danger she would have slaughtered far more people

But instead, after killing the final person nearby she had instead sat down, chewing on her latest victim's severed arm, and looked towards her "friends"

Alice, who had fully transformed into her much larger and more physically endowed form, likely having somehow once more merged her two personalities together out of sheer panic and rage. Jasmin still had no idea how that was possible on a psychological level while still being reversible

Kira, the largest woman among them, the one who was technically Cane's bodyguard and responsible for his safety, something Jasmin would normally mock her for right now if she wasn't clearly as enraged as the rest of them as displayed by the 14 cars that she had reduced to scrap metal upon finding canes clear kidnapping

And finally, Akari, the one she knew the least about. Wearing an estium collar so as not to affect those around her the girl was supposedly the only one among them who wasn't in love with Cane, which was bullshit, seeing as she was presently staring at his car like it was a dead puppy

Picking herself up and throwing her food away, Jasmin decided to stop stress eating, even if she could keep eating infinitely, she could only eat so much before she started to gain weight, and she wasn't willing to lose the perfect body-to-fat ratio that she had worked so hard for, especially now that she had a man she wanted to use it on


She cleared her throat, drawing the attention of the three women, causing them to stare at her like starving beasts that had just seen a leg of ham. Wiping away some of the blood from her mouth she began to speak

"So we all know what to do right?" she asked, nodding towards the car, the cultists obviously weren't that smart if they left the name of their cult at the crime scene, in bright silver scratches indented on the car's hood.

"HUnT" Alice howled before running off, jumping onto the roof of a nearby building, likely already having caught the scent from the car

"I *Ahem* we will follow her by car and see if we can learn anything about possible Cult of Eminence hideouts" Kira nodded, pointing after Alice and then gently taking the arm of Akari as she led her to her car

Those two seemed pretty close, Akari had likely triggered Kira's maternal or big sisterly instincts

Watching them leave and then drive off Jasmin stared off into the either, presently unsure what to do, Alice would find Cane, it was only a matter of time, Kira would tell her where Alice was, so what was she supposed to do

Looking at the numerous disemboweled corpses around the parking lot she sighed, she would have to clean up her mess, or at the least ensure it couldn't be tracked to her if the catacombs found out that not only had she escaped but also gone on a killing spree it would reflect badly on him


Her love

Her therapist

Her concubine

Apparently her boss, she hadn't particularly liked the idea of being lower than him originally but now that she thought about it… just because she supposedly worked for him didn't mean there was no wiggle room, she could easily ascend to his equal and from there it was only time until she ruled over him as she should

Plus if he was her boss, surely he would have to "pay" her after she saved him right

What should she ask for?

A date, blood, a bit of flesh, sex?

All of the above?

Humming to herself, Jasmin began the grizzly work of removing any traces of herself from the massacre, fantasising about the increasingly bloody and heinous things she might request after this