
"We only just kissed" Cane croaked, his eyes still shut as he spoke, responding to Jasmin as she said to herself "seems pretty fast-paced"

He had only awoken a few seconds ago, feeling himself in the lap of a woman who was soon identified as Jasmin by her voice, as she spoke of things like queens and marriage. He rubbed his throat gently, feeling the soft texture of bandages, accompanied by a light sting, from the bitemarks that spread across his skin

He tried to get up slowly but was quickly stopped as Jasmin pushed him back down with a hand and a glare, saying "don't even try it, for at least the next day, you are mine and you aren't going anywhere"

"Worried i might try to run?" he asked chuckling before wincing slightly as his laughter pulled against the bitemarks on his throat, sending pain shooting across his jaw and chest

"Not at all… because we both know i would catch you" she responded, giving him a predatory smile and stroking his hair and forehead gently, her eyes glinting in the dark of his dim apartment like two golden coins "i just don't want you to bleed and get me hungry" she chuckled, a threat of sorts in her voice

"Tempted are we?" he asked, sending her a wry look

"You have no idea" her tone going momentarily dark as she continued to stroke his head, he could see her twitch slightly as she spoke, like a wolf preparing to pounce "all i want to do right now is to taste that divine blood of yours and drink until we became one person" she whispered

They stayed silent for a moment before she chuckled slightly, lightening the atmosphere

"Not that i would, all i want right now…" she said, looking into his eyes, going deadly serious "is an apology and my payment"

"An apology?" he asked, confused

"You cheated on me darling" she smiled, although Cane could easily see the veins popping on her neck and jaw as she said this, even hearing her teeth clench and grind against each other "i want a damn apology, you have no idea how you lucky you are that I'm a changed woman"

"A changed woman?" he questioned, unable to not give a smirk despite the likely life-threatening situation he was in, sweat dripping down his forehead slowly

"Of course" she nodded before letting him get up and moving away, sipping at a bag of blood, one of the ones he had prepared for her "if this were the old me i would have ripped off that large toy of yours and then forced you to watch as i turned it into a five-star meal and fed it to you" she continued, giving a look to his crotch, which he only just now noticed was entirely bare

It was only now that Cane noticed that aside from his bandages he was entirely naked, Jasmin giving him a victorious look, even as a light red flush tinted her cheeks (she tried not to look while bandaging him, but now was getting a full look)

"Ahem, please excuse me for a moment" Cane coughed as he attempted to keep a straight face and walked into his room, closing his door behind him. It wasn't until he locked the door behind him that he sighed, dropping himself onto his bed. "That was embarrassing" he groaned into the mattress before pulling himself up and over to the cupboard.

By the time he left his room and rejoined Jasmin in the main room, he was back into his usual clothes, a mix of casual and professional hints of suit clothes, causing Jasmin to give a look over at him, walking over with a glint in her eyes

"Veeerry nice" she positively purred as she got close and slid a hand across his chest before unbuttoning the top two buttons with a nod "even better" she smiled before walking back to the couch and sipping from her blood bag, motioning for him to sit opposite her

Sitting down gingerly Cane met her gaze before getting comfortable and pulling out a clipboard from under the coffee table nonchalantly

"So you mentioned that you wanted payment?" he said, taking a business tone as he clicked his pen. Seeing as they were technically employer and employee he thought this would be for the best "what do you wish to be rewarded for and with what?"

"Hmmm" Jasmin postured, clearly thinking hard and also enjoying playing with him, she seemed to be calculating advanced theories and algorithms in her mind before eventually settling and looking at him "i want to cash in all the payment I'm owed from rescues"

"Rescues?" Cane asked, looking back at her as he scribbled down her words "as in plural?"

"Yes" Jasmin nodded, agreeing "first was the rescue from the Cult and second was the rescue from Kira" she listed, ticking off her fingers

"Fair enough" Cane muttered as he scribbled down a few notes on what could be considered a fair payment for such assistance "and what would you like"

"Oh let's see" she smiled in return, giving him a bad feeling "I already had some of your blood" she began, begining to list off as she taped the coffee table between them "You still owe me a date and we finally got to kiss… now what seems fair" she smiled

"I want to be your partner to the annual syndicate Ball" she smiled

That made him drop his pen

[I'm back baby!]