
His only hope was in the giant black bear, who had stood up on his hind legs, rising to an impressive ten meters tall.

"Hawk, why are there two Large Beasts? I thought the lure would only bring one over!" I shouted at the damned AI.

[Second large beast was not attracted by the [Large Beast Lure]. It was attracted by the Black Bear Lord.]

"So Ellie's grandpa is a Black Bear Lord! Great!" Elliot thought excitedly.

"But the new beast actually came because of him! Not great. Not great at all!" Elliot's face fell as he thought of this.

GRAAAHHHHHHHH!!! The giant black bear roared out its challenge to the incoming Large Beast and smashed open a large tree, fully exhibiting his fearsome power.

Elliot looked at "his only hope" and wondered what on earth was mad and strong enough to see a two thousand kilogram giant black bear as prey.

When his question was finally answered, however, the hope in his heart wavered and almost died.


It was a giant- no SUPERGIANT, dark green anaconda.

It was two meters wide and many, many meters long. It was so long that Elliot could not see the rest of its body.

Elliot gulped. He stared at the anaconda's creepy yellow eyes, its extremely sharp fangs and horrifyingly hypnotic scale pattern in great fear.

No, not fear.


It was a terror unlike anything he had ever felt before.

It started from deep within his bones, rising higher and higher until his heart and his mind was completely overwhelmed.


The anaconda's horrible hiss amplified his already overwhelming terror by several times.

Elliot collapsed to his knees. His mind was blank, and the only thing he could do was to await his doom.

Thankfully the giant black bear wasn't daunted in the slightest.


It gave an equally terrible roar and charged at the supergiant anaconda.


To their credit, the hawks remembered Elliot's previous order to attack the anaconda's eyes, and did so at the perfect moment, timing their attacks perfectly with the giant black bear's.

The supergiant anaconda reared upwards and backward, causing the hawk's attack to miss and placing them in perfect position for the anaconda's own attack.

Which it did with startling speed and depressing efficiency.

CHOMP! One hawk disappeared into its mouth.

The remaining two veered away and retreated to reposition for another attack.


The giant black bear's attack arrived just after the anaconda swallowed the hawk. Its sharp claws bashed into the anaconda's head and smashed it aside, gouging out a huge chunk of its flesh in the process.


The supergiant anaconda shrieked and hurtled towards the giant black bear's side. It was trying to encircle the bear and "bear hug" the bear to death!

The giant black bear would have none of it. It whirled and chomped down on the anaconda's neck with its powerful jaws!

However, it bit down slightly too far down the anaconda's neck, and allowed the anaconda to turn its head to bite the giant black bear's flank!


The giant black bear growled in pain, but refused to let go of the snake. Instead, it began to deliver insanely powerful attacks with its claws.





Attack after attack landed on the anaconda's body.


Both remaining hawks dived and landed accurate attacks on the anaconda's eyes.

Sharp talons pierced through the flimsy eyeballs.

After getting a firm grip on the anaconda's eyes, the hawks flapped their wings hard and tried to gouge out both its eyes!


The anaconda shrieked in pain and finally let go of the giant black bear's flank.

The hawks wisely released their grip and escaped. Their mission was complete. The anaconda was blinded.

Freed from the anaconda's bite, the giant black bear then proceeded to shake his head wildly from left to right, causing his teeth to dig even deeper into the anaconda's neck. After a few second of absolutely savage head-shaking, his teeth finally pierced through the anaconda's tough flesh and found its bone. And with a final ferocious clamp of its jaw…


The anaconda's neck broke.


The giant black bear released the still-twitching anaconda carcass and let out a victorious roar!


His roar seemed to say.

However, after releasing that roar, he collapsed onto the ground heavily.

Grrrrr… The giant black bear growled weakly.

Caught by surprise at the sudden ending of the savage battle, and the giant black bear's consequent collapse, Elliot sat there dumbfounded for a few seconds before getting up and making his way to the giant black bear cautiously.

"Hawk, what's happening?"

[Please allow your blood to mix with the subject for a detailed analysis of the subject's status.]

Elliot hesitated for a moment before deciding to go for it.

"Ellie's grandfather. I am going to check on your wound now. Please do not move." Elliot said politely. In his mind, he was screaming "Do not more AND do not attack me!"

Seeing no response from the giant black bear, Elliot quickly cut his palm slightly and pressed it on a small corner of the giant black bear's wound.

Beast Type: Black Bear Lord

Beast Name: Brock

Gender: Male

Beast Level: 74

Beast Power Level: 89

Beast Grade: Epic

Beast Bloodline: Black Bear Emperor

Beast Physical Status: Poisoned

Beast Emotional Status: Worried

Hobby: Sleeping

Evolution Pathways: 1


Level 8 Bite - Deal 400% more damage when biting

Level 7 Slash - Deal 350% more slash damage.

Level 5 Charge - 250% faster charge speed.

AI Comments: An ancient lord of the black bears who had spent most of its time secreted away deep within the heavy forests of California. It is extremely powerful and is able to fight above its grade due to its overwhelming strength and intelligence.

"Puny human child." A deep and regal voice sounded in Elliot's mind. "So you are a beast tamer. I have heard stories of your kind. To think that you really exist… Ughhh."

"Hawk! He is poisoned! How do I save him?" Elliot asked the AI urgently.

[He is poisoned by the Anaconda. You can fully heal him by crafting an antidote using the Anaconda's venom. Alternatively, you can suppress the poison temporarily by using a Generic Anti Venom Potion.]