Shadow Parasites

"There's really nothing much you can do this week. The beasts will continue to be aggressive and crazy for the next five days. Just make yourselves comfortable and keep your laser guns by your side at all times. Winter will take a permanent position here to protect you girls while I go out and hunt.

Don't wander around unnecessarily and keep a low profile. Do not trust any human beings you encounter, and do not tell them anything. Take them in if you must, but do not hesitate to kill them if they turn violent or unreasonable." Elliot warned the girls after they had finished breakfast.

"Yes boss!" Camelia immediately replied.

"Noted." Kara nodded.

"Alright. See you girls later then. Just holler at me using the communicator if anything happens!" Elliot quickly turned around and left the mansion.

Camelia and Kara watched him leave and disappear silently.

And then Camelia turned to Kara and asked, "Hunt spiders?"