
The red Civic turned ethereal the moment it hit its maximum velocity, thereby making it impervious to anything that Elliot could cast.

It was an extremely shrewd move, and one that would have guaranteed his victory… IF Elliot wasn't such a broken player with a truckload of skills.

"Damn it! What should I do? I don't want to lose my very first Hidden Dungeon Challenge!" Elliot thought desperately as he quickly ran through his skills mentally.

"Hmm? Summon Beast Totem? Nothing to lose! SUMMON BEAST TOTEM!!" Elliot immediately shouted.

A terrifyingly fearsome totem appeared and unleashed a massive greenish aura that instantly covered both cars.

"Please be a beast, please be a beast, please be a beast" Elliot prayed frantically to any and all the gods of the universe.

The gods answered, or maybe Elliot's insane luck held.

Either way, the alien driver turned out to be a beast in its original form!