
Immediately, he entered survival mode and threw everything except gaining the most benefits out of the situation and staying alive away from his mind.

"Excellent! This isn't such a bad event after all. In fact, this is a great, great opportunity to break the entire game in one shot! If I could somehow score ten kills on the Kings, I would definitely become extremely strong!" Elliot's heart raced excitedly at the golden opportunity that the Game Masters had so generously thrown at him.

And it was just the second day!

"The beasts do not think of me as a powerful competitor that needed to be gotten rid of first immediately. So for the meantime, I should be safe.

Kings are way too powerful for me to kill one on one. I won't be able to kill many at first, and all the beast cores from the dead would probably strengthen the winners. I need to sneak in a few last hits to gain level. If not, the surviving Beast Kings would probably grow far too strong for me to handle." Elliot thought.