I concede

The first to engage the enemy was Red and his highly modified Transport/Fighter. It had grown considerably in size compared to the cute and small ball-sized meat grinder that it was when he first met Elliot. At that moment, it was the size of a huge motorbike and it was no longer spherical, but a strange lopsided and elongated cylinder.

Serrated spikes protruded from literally everywhere and moved erratically all around the ship. And to make things worse, it did not travel with its pointed end facing forward. Instead, it traveled at a very disturbing angle with its pointed end pointing half diagonally downwards and slightly to the rear.

Whatever could be said of Red's design skills, one thing was for sure. It sucked big time in terms of looks.

But Elliot didn't have any complaints. Oh none at all.

Especially when his strange contraption fired a strange yellow beam that literally, physically MELTED the first Forsaken Warrior it met.