Princess of the Night

"Amazing!" Monkey King shouted with pleasant surprise. "It appears that I have to take you more seriously! Come out, Riptide, Water Apostle, Hellstream, Wind Apostle, and… Hila. Dark Apostle."

Two powerful swirls of energy appeared next to Bulltakor and a moment later, two huge figures no less humongous and menacing than the Fire Apostle appeared!

One was obviously a giant crocodile of sorts, but mutated and enhanced to such an extent that it was almost fifteen meters tall and standing on two legs, making it look like a full blown dinosaur. Except that it was still greenish in colour, like a crocodile.

The other one was a beautiful long legged three headed giant bird with startlingly beautiful golden feathers and a pair of sleek metallic wings that looked like they could slice through mountains easily. Of course the fact that it was standing tall at almost twenty meters helped.