
"Well, if, and that's a very, very big if, a massive universe power that has a lot of money were to give them as much money as they needed, and use its influence to prevent other major powers from crushing the new empire like an ant for the first few years while they consolidate their strength and train up top fighters with their secret techniques, then… very possibly.." Director Sands nodded slightly.

"Of course if the massive universe power does that, the massive universe power would need ample compensation. Access to critical resources of the new empire, secrets, even…" Chairman El'Taras said with a straight face.

"Hmmmm. Of course that might be possible. The massive universe power would have to sign an agreement to keep the secret a secret, of course. Maybe even show their loyalty in an irrevocable way, like… I don't know. Join the Empire perhaps?" Director Sands asked with a thoughtful look on his face.