Velvety sounds

Ancient Gartod too, was lost in his thoughts.

His fortunes were definitely on the rise. First it was the consumption of the Ancient Soul. Then it was this brand new secret method…

"Could this be my moment of success? The moment where I could finally break free of Linhasan control and be my own master?" Ancient Gartod mused.

However, their happy thoughts were cut short when a powerful beam of light shot out towards them from the distance!

Sensing the familiar aura from the beam of light, Ancient Gartod immediately chuckled.

"Hoo. You Kirilians sure are persistent. Do you have a personal grudge against me? Did I kill your family member or something? Oh that's right! Did I… kill your brother earlier? That puny little sorry excuse of an Ancient?" Ancient Gartod's laughing voice boomed out loudly as he unleashed a barrage of verbal attacks on the ambushers.

It was a very basic rule of fights. Rob the enemy of their composure, and capitalize on the attacks they were bound to make.