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Back in the racing world with ultra dense nature energy, as usual, Elliot had absolutely no idea of the massive tidal waves he had just created.

He was simply observing his beasts destroying the Indestructible Crystal Bargans he had so casually named Giant Armored Bed Bugs.

"Don't you guys find it very strange?" Kai said quietly in the public mindspace. "These bugs aren't fighting back at all."

"I noticed that as well." Wu Kong agreed. In fact, he had stopped attacking completely and merely stood calmly atop Brock who was still wreaking havoc among the mass of bugs.

"What do you mean they aren't fighting back? One of them dropped on me and almost splattered all of its disgusting innards on me!" Brock roared indignantly. "Come down here to the ground before you make such claims, little wolf pup!"

"No, it is true. If you don't count how strangely they're dropping down to the ground at random, I didn't have to dodge any attacks, not even a single time." Winter said objectively.