I like you very much!

"No storm is big enough to force them to go down that path."

"What about a blizzard?"

"Not even blizzards."



"Meteor rain?"

"Meteor rain? Ha! Imp- wait a minute. Meteor… Rain!! Elliot, you are a genius!!"

"Hehehe. Don't forget tsunami as well."

"Right! So if that's the case then… It could be a mini rune! And if it's a mini rune… Oh my god. I think I just deciphered another Chilly Pancake Key."

Even though the other four had no idea what the two of them were talking about, Jessica's final statement made them supremely excited!

"Good! Very good!" Jul'Taras couldn't help but cheer when she heard Jessica's words!

"Ok, I am going back to my lab. Elliot, I'll contact you via my personal communicator if I need more help ok? See ya!" Jessica Sands quickly shut off the Void Communicator and quickly went back to her lab without another word to the rest of her friends!

She was far, far too excited at her discovery, and couldn't wait to finish her mission.