Dragon Eggs

However, Primal Purity simply ignored her, and kept her lustrous eyes locked on Elliot's.

She was way too old to bother with the words of a mere child.

At her age, when she wanted something, she would go after it with a single minded intensity that most lesser lived beings would find completely mind blowing.

And at that moment, she wanted Elliot inside her, to impregnate her and give her the most powerful offspring ever!

"Uhhh. I am good, thanks for the Blood Essence, Primal Purity." Elliot smiled awkwardly before turning to the other four Dragon Primals.

"Ok guys. Blood Essences please. Quick. Quick." Elliot stretched out his hand impatiently.

However, to his surprise, all four Dragon Primals did as they were told, and quickly surrendered their Blood Essences!

It was the effect of Elliot's powerful bloodline!