I will join

"Hey! Keep broadcasting! It was just getting good!" A Primal yelled in irritation at Primal Alexander's pause.

"Alright, alright. Keep your pants on." Primal Alexander grumbled.

"I will need to talk to you about that hidden God thing later." He said to Primal Lilian.

And with that, he continued his live broadcast of the fight that was going on in his secondary dimension.

But he barely got to thirty more seconds of broadcast when suddenly…




"Uh oh. My secondary dimension is approaching its energy limit! Elliot! Get them to stop fighting NOW!!" Primal Alexander roared urgently.

"Too late. Golden Fire's last spell just caused the fabric of spacetime to rip. We're on our way out now. Shut down that dimension immediately as soon as we're out." Elliot said calmly.

"Spacetime rip??" Primal Alexander winced visibly. Spacetime tips would eventually lead to a spacetime displacement that would completely cause the dimension to be inhabitable.