
Reopening the crack and yelling at the supreme being was foolishness, Elliot knew. But his character was such that any other act was intolerable for him.

And although Elliot laid there on that beach which was devoid of life except for his contracted beasts, he did not regret his actions.

Only rage, pure and unfiltered, coursed through his veins.

He had no idea how long he laid there in his semi conscious state, but when he finally regained consciousness a long, long time later, the season had changed.

Because of Ganruk's devastating attack, all of his progress in creating his soul power structure had been destroyed, and his strength had regressed by a massive amount.

And as such, the three day dateline which Ganruk had given him was no longer applicable since "Heaven" no longer wanted him.

His strength was still very much within the limits of his "plane".

Elliot did not really remember what season it was when he fainted, nor did he really care.