For Tuna tely

Roy was not ready for the sight that welcomed him at Damar's apartment in Ashrafieh. After she called and upon hearing her shaking voice, he drove so fast nearly crashing his car into a utility pole in the process. He was not used to a vulnerable Damar. In an era where feminism became a trend, she represented for him the true authentic face of that Strong, Independent Woman many spoke of without really portraying.

It was Damar's strength that made her become one of his most reliable employees over the past months. Her strength that made him rely on her a little bit more with each passing day and it was her strength that made him wince upon hearing her voice on the phone lacking its usual vitality, quivering with unspilled tears. She tugged on his heartstrings in a way that surprised him, in a way that scared him into losing control over his senses and over his vehicle!

And yet, here she was at it again, shaking him to the core, as he stood at the wide open door of her apartment studio trying to catch his breath after running the many flights of stairs that led to her place while she…she sat cross legged on the wooden floor in the middle of that chaos looking at the white wall ahead of her in a peaceful silence, like a queen on her throne!

She just sat there! While he stood there, breathless, sweaty and frankly quite angry at her cold composure. He could not see her face so he inched closer. Her features were serene and her posture peaceful. Hard to imagine she was crying less then 30 minutes earlier or that her apartment was robbed. Were it not for a slight palor in her face and the unusual immobility in her features he would have thought she was sitting on a fancy hotel terrace admiring the sun setting on the beach.

- Damar? He half whispered.

A few seconds later she sighed and looked up at him smiling, extending her arm… he silently helped her up. And looked again at her face. Her calm betrayed her. She had a bubbly side that seemed crushed under the weight of a harsh reality today.

-Are you ok?

- I am fine… Thank you for coming! I shouldn't have worried you … I mean it is too late to do anything isn't it?

She was not looking into his eyes. Trying very hard to hide her confusion form him. The pride on that woman!

"Stop it. Of course you should call me! And we don't know if it's too late. But first things first… Are You ok ? Did you lose much money? Do you need cash?" , And before she could answer he added : "Have you gotten what you came here for?"

He was aware he was blabbering but for some reason her apparent calmness made him nervous. It felt like he had to be nervous since she did not seem to understand the situation or the danger she could have been in, had she been alone in the apartment at the time!He will have to talk to that bastard janitor of hers. She smiled making him feel even worse.

- I am fine. I do not keep money in the apartment thank God and it seems they were not interested in electronics particularly not the ones that one can't easily carry. Just let me pack some clothes and we can leave… I don't feel like tidying things up now.

Without as much as a side glances she went to the adjacent bedroom. He found himself talking alone : - Fine, I' ll be making some calls.

Following her initial choc at the state her apartment was in, Damar decided not to allow herself to be driven by her emotions. If she learned anything from the last three years of hell the country went through, it was that she had to keep a level head at all times. Keep her emotions, especially when rightfully raging, in check. She did not believe that emotions clouded her judgement. She did however believe that they stood in the way of her actions. There was a time for feeling and another for doing.

She tried to locate in the midst of the mess a couple of panties and a extra bra trying to keep the thought of these bastards touching her undergarments at bay. she felt violated and she could not deny that she was still inwardly shaking, Whether it was with fear or anger she could not tell … not that they were mutually exclusive.

What would Arsene Lupin, her favorite fictional character, who happened to be a thief do in her place? Mmm …well, he would count to ten. So she did. She counted in her mind and took deep breaths calming her mind while packing a couple of pants and shirts as well as her favorite hoody and another pair of sneakers stuffing them into the leather extra duffle bag that lay open in the closet.

Roy was still on the phone apparently talking to a police officer. She didn't even know whom to call in such circumstances, her relationship with any kind of armed/ security forces had always been tense. She had seen many of them during demonstrations hit, maim and even shoot at protesters. She could not feel any kind of sympathy for any man protecting an Order that was as corrupt as the one that ruled over the country. In short she did not trust a man who worked for the government.

Roy opened his phone camera and was showing the officer the crime scene. He seemed angry and frankly quite adorable in his concern. She could barely believe this was the same guy she met a few months ago and hated!

To be fair he was still a pompous ass, who thought very highly of himself, and who seemed harsh with people who were less fortunate than him but he also was so many other things.

Her memory brought her back to the day they became friends. That day, she sat fuming with unexpressed rage looking at her computer screen, reading an email he had sent criticizing her work and telling her : that if this was the extent of her knowledge she should rethink joining the sector! The bastard! She had been very ill for days, yet did her best to deliver the translation on time. Granted she could not proofread the document up to her standards but nothing justified that vicious email of his. She saw red. Printed out her resignation letter and went to see him.

"He went for a late lunch" his secretary said smugly.

Fine. She would wait. Keeping her letter in one hand she went to pick a cup of coffee and headed towards her favorite spot in the building backyard where she usually sat to play with stray cats and enjoy the fresh air while everyone else went out for lunch.

But He was there! Sitting on Her bench! Playing with her favorite stray cat : Tuna!

She took a couple of steps back thinking it would be better to give him her resignation letter in the office. But he lifted his head the moment she was leaving, looked straight at her and smiled She did not smile back. He waved.

Damn it. She went slowly to him and opened her mouth to deliver her speech… when he raised his hand and said : you read your email?

She nodded.

-He sighed:" I am sorry Damar." He looked into her eyes in a way that made her believe the apology was sincere and repeated "I really am sorry. It was a horrible day and I took it out on you. I am an ass. Forgive me?"

she looked at him… and grudgingly nodded. He smiled again. "I knew you were a soft hearted person ! I often see you feed this guy here" he said patting the traitor cat.

She raised her eyebrow in surprise. "You see me? "

"I do", he smiled "from my window" . He pointed up towards his office .

-Well, doesn't mean I have a soft heart. I just love animals !

-Hahah deny it all you want I know your secret. Tell me do you have a name for this guy.

-I do. He's Tuna.

Tuna jumped to Damar's feet as he heard his name.

-Hahahahha, I knew it . I knew you named him. But why "Tuna?

-Because I like tuna.


-Yep and so does he.

They sat there drinking coffee and laughing together knowing that they each gained a new friend that day and work was more enjoyable for Damar since then.

Thank God for Roy she thought to herself smiling as he hung up.

- What are you smiling at Damar?

- Oh, she laughed..I just thought of Tuna?

It took him a few moments to remember what she was talking about then exclaimed.

- Ahh that Tuna. Well he's probably living a sweet life at Eva's. Who knew he'd ditch us both.

"well she's sweet to offer him a home" and before he could argue she added "Roy, let's go"

- Yes, I was talking to a friend, we should report it at the police station and…

- No … I don't want to.

- Hein? Don't want to? Why?

- it's just a hassle …and it's not like I lost anything of value.

-What do you mean? Did you check your belongings, your money, you music instruments, your electronics, your jewelry , I don't know…

- Yep. They did not take anything. I think they were looking for cash. You know since this stupid bank crisis people keep their cash at home so I guess it was someone in need of cash?

- Damar… I know you think you're tough and I am aware that you go to protests and get tear gas thrown at you … I know! I also am aware of that unhealthy dose of empathy you have but really can you please not try to justify crime for the moment, and a crime that targeted your home for God's sake !

He could shake her… he nearly did. Did she not know he was so angry that someone dared touch her stuff and get into her house. He was taken aback by the violence of his reaction and he was angrier at her for some reason.

- I really think we should go to the station… who knows maybe it's a bigger thing an organized gang or something.

- Roy I am tired, I want to go at my aunt's, shower and rest a bit before I start working on the book

- Fuck work

She winced at his big word. But softly replied: "Yes Boss". She then added, "I just want to take my mind off things… it has been a tough year for me."

That got his attention. Not her words but her tone. She clearly was tired and needed the rest. He grabbed the bag she has just filled and pushed her gently out of the apartment making sure she locked the door before leaving.

Tomorrow he will come see the janitor and make sure the police was aware of the situation.

The thieves were looking for something and it was not cash. He thought. Her cameras alone cost hundreds of dollars and they could have carried them easily. Yet they did not.

Something was wrong and he did not like it when "" his " people were not safe.