Worldwide advertising and rewards


 [World announcement: Player Aizen Lightstar is the first to kill a world boss.  All guides congratulate you]

 Boss: King Wolf

 Level: 10

 [World Rewards: Fame+1000

 Honor +1000]



 Aizen woke up in the wolves' house.  He was unconscious for a while.


 "What a fuss."  Aizen watched the ads that were in the sky, his expression impassive.  The announcement was only made because he allowed it.  The game asks for permission from the player, as many prefer to remain anonymous.


 "Are you leaving, big boy?"  Aizen stroked the Wolf Prince's head. Before leaving, the wolf prince drew something on the ground.

 'What will he do this time?'

 Aizen looked at the drawing of the wolf prince and was a little confused.  The drawing showed a boy placing a tag around the wolf's neck.

 "Do you want… a name?"

 The wolf prince continued to look at Aizen.

 "Well… how about Icarus?"

 The Wolf Prince seemed to like the name.


 He rubbed his head against Aizen's chest before running across the mountains with his pack.

 'Is this goodbye, boy?'

 Aizen didn't know what the future held for him.  He felt it wouldn't be the last time he saw the Wolf Prince—or rather, Icarus.

 'Well, let's go.'  Aizen wanted to check many things.  He's won a lot of items and hasn't seen anything yet.



 -Shit, who is this Aizen?!

 -Is it a professional?

 – Wasn't he just lucky to find a world boss before everyone else?

 -Idai man?  The important thing is that it should be full of items by now.

 -You are right.  Maybe the first rare item in the game will appear?

 –The big guilds are getting agitated about it



 >Obsidian Red

 The Wolf King's Blood and Obsidian were used to forge this sword.

 Classification: SR

 -Great conductor of Mana.

 -High durability.

 Passive skill: Improves effectiveness when the dark element is used on the blade.

 Active skill: Can block dark element attacks without suffering significant damage (depends on the enemy level and power)

 Active skill 2: Allows users to launch dark element attacks with their sword (spends energy)

 >Knight's protection

 Rating: R

 -Good conductivity with mana.

 -High durability.

 Active skill: Decreases damage you take for a short period (spends user energy to stay active)

 >Boots of silence

 Rating: R

 -high durability

 Active skill: Allows the user to be inconspicuous in the eyes of enemies for a short period (depends on the enemy level and power)


 "Interesting items."  Aizen thinks these items could fascinate any player at this stage of the game.  He also checked the Rank I (uncommon) items, but they weren't all that interesting.

 "Well, let's check out the other two."  He has yet to see the exclusive item he won for being the first player to have a worldwide announcement. He still had the mystery box too.

 The mystery box looked just like a regular box.  Aizen decided to open it.  The box's reward was a random item, so luck would have to be on your side.

 [You won: Mask of the End]


 >Mask of the End |  Rating: Special |  Rise: 0

 A mask made of an unknown material.  Can adapt to any face.

 Passive skill: This allows you to change and hide your information (the user can choose which information will be hidden or changed)


 'A special item?...'

 Aizen was a little surprised.  Although the mask is useless, its passive ability is excellent.  He could hide his name, level, skills, information, etc. In a battle, this is crucial. 

 All players had analysis skills, although they were limited.

 The mask's appearance was good. It only covered part of the face, also didn't cover the eyes or mouth.  Its color was black with red ridges in places.

 "Now the next one."  The last item was what he was most curious about.


 >Oblivion |  Rating: Common |  Rise: 0

 An evolutionary weapon.  Its power grows along with the user's power.

 -Durability: indestructible

 -Excellent mana conductor

 Passive ability: Can take the form of any weapon

 Active skill: consumes XP and materials to evolve

 Active Skill: Can steal or copy skills from other items (Depends on item rank and rise).  Current limit: 1


 Aizen was disappointed when he saw the weapon's classification, however,  when he gave the description, his eyes lit up.

 'This weapon is awesome too.'

 Although the weapon's appearance is common (the weapon's current form is a normal knife), Aizen realized the potential it had.  Its growth potential was unimaginable.

 'As I recall—the item ratings (known to players): Common, uncommon, Rare, Super-rare, Epic, and Legendary.'

 'Well, there are probably more ratings than that, we just have to find out.'

 The information players have is just basic information.  A lot of new information is posted on the forum to help other players.  Item ranking was discovered when a player asked about it in the Adventurers Guild.

 —Adventurers' Guild is where players can take on quests more easily.  Adventurers are similar to mercenaries.  People pay and they do.

 The game gives players little information, so they would have to figure things out for themselves.  When any players find something relevant, they post it on the community forum.  Aizen gets a lot of information from the forum.

 'What is ascension?'  Aizen still had this doubt.  The other players didn't know about it either.

 'It seems to be something important, I better check it later.'

 A merchant must always have many… contacts.

 Aizen decided to leave the game for a moment.  He needed lunch now.