Lich Raid | Final Part

"You should be more careful with your things." Aizen clenched his fists and destroyed the green crystal.

"You- Nooo!!!"


The magic circles began to self-destruct. The remaining souls stopped screaming.

"You… how dare you?!!" The Lich was furious. His entire plan was ruined by one kid. He hid that crystal in a place where only he knew, how did this boy find it?

That crystal was a soul collector. The Lich had spent years of its life trying to obtain it, but now it was destroyed.

"Bastard!!" Dark green energy began to emanate from Lich's body. This is necromantic energy.

The Lich fired a beam of energy towards Aizen.


The unlucky soldiers and adventurers who were in the beam's sights had their bodies turned into pure bones.

'What a dangerous energy.' Aizen thought. Necromantic energy seems to consume the lives of people. Weak people are easily killed.

'Fire cyclone.'

Aizen summoned a tornado of flame towards the Lich.

The Lich retaliated with a giant hand made of necromantic energy.


The collision of the two attacks caused devastating damage to the surrounding area.

Aizen made dozens of fire arrows and threw them at the Lich.

The Lich made a barrier around his body using necromantic hands.

'Is he a fire and ice user?' The Lich was intrigued. Not just anyone could use two opposing elements.

'Your ice magic doesn't look so good.' He had seen Aizen only make simple ice swords and stakes.

The Lich focused his necromantic energy into his hands and touched the ground. A wave of necromantic energy spread through the city.

The soldiers and adventurers who were killed rose to their feet with necromantic energy surrounding their bodies.

The bodies of the dead people in this city began to be dug up and gathered at a certain point.

The dense necromantic energy entered the bodies.

A giant undead.

The bodies formed a giant undead over 30 meters tall.




Level: 30

Classification: King



Level: 30

Classification: Lord



Level: 30

Classification: Elite



3 different types of undead. The numbers were also huge. More than 100 elites, dozens of Lords, and a King. They looked different from the undead Aizen had faced before. The necromantic energy in their bodies was overflowing, causing a flame-like effect.

'How troublesome.' Aizen now knew why necromancers were so feared. Your skills are very powerful.

Elizabeth saw that the situation was not very favorable, she needed to do something. The storage ring emitted a glow and a mana potion emerged. She tried as hard as she could to move her body and get the potion.


Aizen fired several beams of flame towards the undead horde. The elites weren't very difficult to kill.

A giant skeletal hand fell on Aizen.


Aizen blocked the attack with his Oblivion, which was now in sword form. The ground formed a crater due to the impact of the attack.

Aizen shot a beam of flames towards the giant undead's head, flinging him away.

A necromantic hand came towards Aizen, he made a magic shield around his body to block the attack.

"You can't defeat me, boy. Accept your miserable death in silence!!"

"You talk too much." Aizen made a giant magic circle that covered all the undead. The Lich enveloped his body in a shield of necromantic energy to protect him.


The pillar of flames rose to the sky. The elite undead has all been killed.

'Don't these things give you XP?' Aizen was confused. His XP bar wasn't growing as fast as he'd expected.

'Maybe it's because they're a kind of summon?' The Lich that had created this undead, so maybe he received little XP for killing them. However, the amount of undead was large, so his XP bar increased a lot.

The Lich removed the necromantic shield and returned to attack Aizen.

"Die! Die!" He fired dozens of beams at Aizen. The giant skeleton got up and tried to attack him again, however…


An ice stake pierced the skeleton's chest, incapacitating it.

"You…" The Lich watched Elizabeth who had escaped her chains.

Elizabeth was breathing heavily as she held her sword.

"Keep quiet and don't interfere!" The Lich sent chains to bind her.


Aizen punched the Lich in the face, sending him tens of meters away.

'Don't get distracted, ugly thing.'

"Why are you here? Go away." Aizen said to Elizabeth.

"No… I will fight." She gripped the hilt of her sword tightly.

"You are stupid."

"W-What?!" Elizabeth was confused. Why was she stupid?

"Can you stop him from moving for a few seconds?" Aizen had a plan. He was sure that Lich had Ace up his sleeve, so needed to kill him before using them. Elizabeth could help you with that.

"Well… I think so."

"Okay, I'm counting on you."

Aizen darted towards the Lich again.

*Slash!* *Slash!*

Aizen covered his sword with flames and attacked the Lich.

The Lich tried to distance itself while sending out beams of necromantic energy.

'Bloody brat.'

'After I kill you, I will transfer my soul to your body. A suitable container.'

When a Lich has a living body, that body starts to rot after a while. It was difficult to get a body that could resist all the negative energy contained in your soul.

Aizen sensed an opportunity to attack, wind elemental mana began to course through his body. He felt lighter.

The Lich was alarmed and tried to move away, but Aizen was faster.


Aizen landed a punch to Lich's face. His aim was not to hurt you, but…

"Light Prison." Elizabeth activated a scroll.

The prison of light surrounded the Lich, preventing him from leaving.

"You insist on getting in my way!" The Lich released a gigantic amount of necromantic energy to break free from the prison.

Aizen decided to start his move.

Magic circles sprang up around the prison of light. These magic circles were a little different than normal.

'Is that… a magic matrix?' The Lich was confused.

The circles became more and more numerous.

When the Lich was about to break the light prison, the stones from the ground started to come towards him.


*Bam!* *Bam!* …

The rocks hit Lich's body, trapping him in a cocoon of sorts.

The Lich realized what Aizen's intention was, he was trying to steal him away. He couldn't allow something like that to happen.

The Lich began releasing gigantic amounts of necromantic energy. His power level was starting to rise. This was an ability that The Lich's had, it increases their power enormously for a short period and needs souls to function.

'Domain gift.' Aizen activated his title ability.

Enormous pressure fell on Lich's body, canceling his ability.

'What is it?!' The Lich was scared, even his necromantic energy stopped working. He was completely incapacitated.

The sealing matrix is ​​complete and enveloped the Lich.

"Stop! Stop!"

"Axiom Sealing."

Aizen did this Sealing to make it impossible for the Lich to transfer his soul to another body. He didn't know if it would work, as he'd never done this sort of thing, But he had read about it in books on magical matrices.


A large amount of mana began to condense into a crimson magic circle. Aizen controlled the oxygen molecules using the wind element to amplify the potency of his magic.

The crimson magic circle began to change to a blue color. A bluish sphere of fire formed in front of the magic circle.

The ambient temperature began to rise enormously.

The giant skeleton used the last bit of strength to try to stop Aizen, but he was frozen by Aizen the moment he approached.

'It's beautiful…' Elizabeth couldn't describe in words what she was seeing, all four elements together, complementing each other to form a powerful spell.


'Fire Blast.'


The bluish fire beam shot towards the Lich.


The fire beam completely consumed the Lich and headed towards the mountains.


The beam left a huge hole in the mountain and continued towards the ocean.

"We won?!" Elizabeth marveled at Aizen's magic.

"Your magic was-"

Aizen's body completely lost its strength, and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Hey!" Elizabeth ran towards her. She took him in her arms and checked on his condition.

"Don't scare me like that!" She was relieved to see that he was only unconscious.

Looking so closely, she could see Aizen's face more clearly. She ran a hand through his hair and saw the symbol of a star on his forehead.

'What is it?'

"E-Elizabeth-Sama…" 2 soldiers and 3 adventurers appeared. They were the only lucky survivors.

Elizabeth looked up and saw a mass of negative energy trapped in a dome. It was Lich's soul that was sealed. Elizabeth took a magic vial and trapped Lich's soul.

She collected the corpses of soldiers who had not been turned into undead and adventurers. She also purified the remaining souls.

"It's over… let's go!" She took Aizen's body in her arms and left for Stormwind City.