Erased Castle

When Aizen entered the castle he noticed that the mana of this place was very dense.

'It would be great to train here.' Although this place was a great training ground, he didn't want to stay here too long. This castle had a sinister feeling as if something very dark was in this place.

Aizen didn't want to risk losing his levels and items here, so he needed to be very cautious.

The interior of the castle was not very different from a medieval castle, but with an eerie atmosphere, without lighting, decoration, or any sign of life.

'It looks uninhabited.'

Aizen wandered through the castle's corridors, trying to find something useful; However, after searching for a few minutes, he ended up finding nothing.

'This is weird. There's nothing here?'

He hoped that this castle would have a treasure or something, but he couldn't find anything.

'That's not possible… there has to be something in this place.' He was sure the source was inside, as all the matrices has a connection to this place. He just needs to find a way to find out where the source is.


*Sound of footsteps!*

Aizen entered a room, with a wary expression.

'Did anyone live here?'

The room was preserved, despite being a little dirty. Did Aizen think about the possibility that this castle had been inhabited by someone before, probably some elf?

Aizen ran his hand across the table which was covered in dust, he found some papers. He tried to read what was written on the papers, but he couldn't, as it was in a strange language.

Aizen decided to keep the papers, as they might be useful in the future. Searching for a while longer, he ended up finding some keys that would probably lead him to some other room.


After using the keys and checking several rooms, he found another key, but this key was huge, As big as a bed.

'Who the hell makes keys like that?'

Aizen used his mana to charge the key as it was too heavy. This key was different from the others, so it would probably take him somewhere special.


"Young master, this castle…"

"Hahaha, we found it!" The young man looked excitedly at the castle, he didn't expect to find it so quickly. He quickly ran to the castle gate, when he arrived in front of the gate, he frowned.

"Young master, is there something wrong?"

"Nothing, let's go inside." He decided to verify his hypothesis in person. He had been looking for this castle for a long time, and he wouldn't let anyone get the rewards before him.

'The erased castle is mine!'



Aizen looked at the giant door with a smile. When the key was inserted into the door, the door started to open very slowly.

'Looks like I found what I wanted.'

He could feel a gigantic concentration of mana coming from behind the door. He had never felt such a large amount of mana in one place. Despite being a little scary, he also felt a comforting feeling in his chest.

'This feeling…'

Aizen had never felt anything like this. His heartbeat were faster due to adrenaline. The Mana surrounded his body, trying to comfort him.

'Come here.' (unknown voice)

There was something behind that door that was calling to him, there was something that was waiting for him. A faint voice seemed to be whispering in his ear.

'What is it?!'

Aizen thought he was going crazy. He got into a fighting stance and looked around, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Who are you?! What do you want with me?" He shouted, but no one answered.

even with his heightened senses, he couldn't detect where the voice was coming from. Seeing that he didn't get results, he decided to give up.


The entire castle suddenly began to shake.

Aizen didn't understand what was happening.


"Elizabeth-Sama!!" Gin yelled for Elizabeth with an expression of fear. The entire city of Kiron was shaking, people on the streets were desperate not knowing what was happening.

"Let everyone know this is a temporary earthquake! Don't panic, I'll fix it." Elizabeth looked out at the streets of Kiron City with a worried expression.

'What is happening?...'

She could only think of one possibility.




"Young master!" The man was worried when the castle started to shake so suddenly.

"Someone is already here! We cannot allow treasures to be stolen!" The young man looked at the open doors with a grave expression. He already suspected that someone was already here when he saw the castle gate without any protection, but now he was sure.

The young man bolted at a hypersonic speed not bothering to leave the men behind.


When the gate opened, Aizen saw a huge room. This room was far from ordinary. The feeling that this place passed was frightening but majestic. The room was as big as Elizabeth's mansion.

The white floor and lighting made Aizen doubt that this room was part of this "haunted" castle.

'Amazing!' It was the first thing that came to his mind.

Around the room were many treasures with a glow that could reveal anyone's greed. Aizen was shocked at how many Treasures there were in this place. The number of Treasures he had in his inventory was negligible next to that.

'Heavens… did I break the game?'

If he got all these Treasures, he was sure people would think he hacked the game.

Despite all these treasures being a spectacular sight, the crystal in the center of the room caught his attention. The feeling from before returned the moment he looked at this crystal.

'What is it?'

When he was thinking about using his analysis skill on the crystal, he heard footsteps.


A sword hit Aizen, knocking him against the wall of the room.


Aizen held his injured left arm, with an expression of pain.

"Did you manage to parry my attack? Not bad." The young man watched Aizen with a little curiosity.

"The treasures here are mine, get out." The young man warned.

"Tsk! Dream." Aizen stood up with a grave expression. "Sorry, but I got there first."

Aizen sent a beam of fire towards the young man, but he dodged the attack.

The young man created hundreds of energy swords and shot Aizen.


The swords fell to the ground, making him tremble. When the dust settled, Aizen appeared intact, with a magic shield around him.

'Isn't that mana?!'

Aizen had not felt mana in these energy swords. He was a little puzzled by this.

"Very good, but how about this?" The young man made a giant sword that emitted a reddish glow. When the sword hit Aizen's magic shield, a sound of breaking glass echoed through the place.

The young man thought that Aizen had died, but he was surprised when he saw dark energy materialize on the other side of the room.

Elemental Transformation.

Aizen had used his Elemental Transformation to evade the attack.

'Strong…' Aizen thought. If he hadn't used his Elemental Transformation, his left arm would have been cut off. He had never met anyone as strong as this young man.

"Huh… aren't you a cultivator?" the young man asked, with a curious expression.
