Lost Desire

 The flash of lightning lit up the dark, rainy night. The cool breeze caused chills.

 *steps!* *steps!*

 An elderly man was walking through the rainy streets, his expression hurried.


 'Mother nature seems to be angry today.' The weather was strange, with many storms and natural disasters happening, at the same time in various parts of the world.

 'I hope this doesn't last long.'

 The elderly man walked for a few more minutes until he reached a diner. The cafeteria was empty, which was unusual.


 The cafeteria attendant looked at him with a worried expression.

 "Sir. Moris, there have been a lot of accidents lately. You should be home."

 Moris looked at the attendant who seemed to be worried about his situation.

 "Don't worry so much, I'm sure this phase will pass soon." He replied. The Scientists couldn't figure out why so many disasters were happening at the same time, but the situation wasn't completely out of control.

 "Well, a lot of people have decided to stay in their homes, so we've got plenty of stock." The attendant said.



 A police glider car passed through the streets, trying to find possible injuries. Some buildings and houses were damaged, leaving people injured.


 Moris looked at the patrol cars with a worried expression. Even though he wanted to help, he was powerless over it.


 'I better go home.' He decided to forget about this matter. There are people more qualified than him to deal with all this mess.

 While walking back home, he passed through a dark alley and encountered a peculiar situation.

In the Alley, A child was sitting on the floor, his head between his knees, making it difficult to see his appearance; Raindrops fell on him, wetting his clothes.

 Moris was worried to see a child alone in the middle of this storm. He quickly ran towards the child.

 "Hey kid, why are you alone here? Where are your parents?" Moris asked as he approached the child.

 The child moved his body a little when he heard an unfamiliar voice, but he did not respond.

 "Hey, can you hear me?" Moris tried to touch the child, but the child quickly backed away, trying to avoid contact.

 "Get out…"

 "Huh?!" Moris showed a confused expression upon hearing the child's voice. It didn't sound like a normal child's voice, it was husky and melancholy.

 "Go away!" the child exclaimed.


 Moris was shocked by the child's attitude. He just wanted to help, why was he so poorly received?

 "I… will leave it to you." Moris left some bags of bread in a place sheltered from the rain and turned to leave. The child just watched him go.

 When Moris left, the child went back to sitting on the floor, apparently uninterested in the things that were going on.


the next day, Moris went to the cafeteria again.

   The day was still rainy, the breeze was still cold, the sky was still colorless. Nothing seems to have changed. He didn't like it. He wanted more colorful and lively days like they used to be.

   As he passed through the dark alley, he noticed that the child was no longer there, and the bread was not taken.

 'Maybe he found his parents?' Moris didn't know, but he decided to leave some drinks.

 When Moris left, the child appeared again, noting the food Moris had left.


 The next day, Moris was thinking about going to the cafeteria again, as he was a little worried about that kid. The cause of the disasters has not yet been discovered, so it is dangerous for a child to walk the streets alone.


 – Today 3 dead men were found near Hind Street. The men had their bodies pierced by something unknown more than 7 times. The cause of death and the killer is still unknown.

 –Remember to stay in your homes whenever you can.

 'Hind Street…' Moris showed a grave expression. 

 Hind is the street where the cafeteria is located. It was not common for murders to happen near that place.

 Morris got up and left the house.


 "Sir. Moris, what do you want?" the attendant asked.

 "Well, do you know anything about the murders?" Morris asked.

 The attendant showed a thoughtful expression.

 "Those men lived on Hind Street, they were pretty troublesome people."

 "I understand…"


 Moris walked through the alleys, trying to find the child. He had been looking for some time, but he couldn't find it.

 'Maybe he has already found his parents.' He already expected something like this to happen.


 A loud noise echoed through the place, Moris quickly ran towards the sound. When he arrived at the scene, he saw the child lying on the ground.

 "Hey, are you okay?!" Moris approached the child with a worried expression.

 "I am fine!" The child quickly walked away from Moris. His clothes were bloody, and his leg was bruised.

   "What happened to you?" Moris noticed something peculiar about the child: The child's entire body was covered in clothes, even his face. No part of his body was visible except his black hair.

 "...I just had a simple crush."


 "Do you want to go to the hospital-"

 "No!" The child answered hastily, a little frightened.

 "...I know how to take care of myself." He got up with some difficulty.

 "Why don't you accept help?" Moris asked, with a confused expression.


 The child was silent for a moment.

 "Tell me… is it so difficult to be human?"


 *Heavy breathing!*

 Moris got up from his bed, breathing heavily.

 'A dream?...' He didn't expect to dream about his past.

 'Young master!'

 Moris left his room, worried about Aizen. When he entered Aizen's room, he saw that he still had VR active.


 'Young master... have you lost your desire?