Ancient Crystal

"Ahhh!!" Aizen felt an intense pain run through her entire body.

[Starting Ancient Crystal Integration]

██ 39%

███ 49%

████ 76%

█████ 89%

██████ 100%

[Integration Complete]

'What is it?!'

"Aizen!!" Elizabeth called after him with a panicked expression.

[Adding talent…]

"What is happening?!" The Duke entered the room with a confused expression. "Young Aizen!!"

The Duke approached Aizen quickly to check on his condition.

"...N-Don't worry, I'll be fine." Aizen realized that something good was happening in his body, so he tried to stop Elizabeth and the Duke from getting in the way. His body seemed to be being destroyed and rebuilt in the same instant.


Aizen's body began to emit a rainbow glow, sending waves of mana across the room.

'Which?!' The Duke was shocked to see the amount of energy being released from Aizen's body.


The citizens of Kiron City looked up to the sky with a shocked expression.

The entire city of Kiron City was surrounded by a rainbow glow, giving a spectacular sight. It looked like an aurora borealis.

'Oh my Goddess, have our prayers been answered?' They think. Maybe this was a warning that everything would be better from now on.


The Duke used a magical barrier to stop the rainbow energy from destroying everything around. However, he was having difficulties.

Aizen also did his best to stop the rainbow energy from leaking out of his body.

[Ancient crystal is starting a fusion]

██ 20%

███ 42%

████ 70%

█████ 85%

██████ 100%

[Fusion Complete]

Aizen felt all the pain disappear immediately after the fusion was completed. Sweat ran down his face, but the pain was gone. The rainbow energy also suddenly calmed down.

"Aizen, what happened?!" Elizabeth asked, with a worried expression.

"I… I don't know. It feels like something has merged with my body." Aizen replied while looking at the crystal that was stuck in his hand, After the fusion, the crystal took on an alternation of colors, changing from red to blue, brown, etc.

"Young Aizen… I feel like you've gotten stronger." The Duke said, with a stunned expression. He had years of experience, so he was able to immediately identify the change that had taken place in Aizen's body.

Aizen also felt that something had changed in his body, so he decided to check it out.



Ancient crystal

Classification: Special

Info: A special Crystal that can only be wielded by the chosen one. It originated in the ancient era, during the collision of multiple elements and magic items.

Talent 1: Rainbow Body

The player gains a special magical body, capable of adapting to most magical elements, granting limited immunity to magic and an increase in all magical abilities.

{Full crystal potential is blocked}

{This item is linked to the player and is impossible to remove}



"Unbelievable…" Aizen muttered, with a shocked expression. He didn't expect to win such an amazing item. Even without unlocking the item's maximum potential, he had incredible skill.

'Talent and Skill are different things…'

Talent is something that is part of your being, almost like a "Gift". Skill is something you can learn by other means. The rainbow body is a talent, as is the infinity inventory.

"That's great, Aizen!" Elizabeth said, seeing that he was all right.

"Hahaha! You really don't let me down." The Duke patted him on the back.

"Well, I have something I want to talk to you about." Aizen said. "Now that farming has become possible, how about we start a plantation?"

"Can we plant some herbs-"

"I have a better idea." Aizen interrupted Elizabeth's speech. "How about we plant this?"

Aizen took a blue gem from his inventory.

"A moon gem?!" 2x

The Duke and Elizabeth were surprised.

"Where did you get that?" She asked.

"Well… it was the only thing I could get in the erased castle." All of Erased Castle's treasures were taken by Shun, but Aizen managed to get the moon gem before the explosion.

"This is fantastic! The moon gem is a very scarce item on our continent, we can start a plantation and sell them." Elizabeth said.

"Well, now that you're talking about business, I'm going to have to say goodbye." The Duke could not stay long with Elizabeth, as he had work to do.

"No worries, we take care of the rest." Aizen said.


Elizabeth surveyed the farmland with a happy expression.

"We're finally going to plant something. However, the moon gem grows in cooler temperatures and cooler soils." Elizabeth said, with a thoughtful expression.

"I will solve these problems, no worries." Aizen flew over the field.

"We will dedicate a special space to plant the moon gem." Aizen made a 100m cut in the ground.

He did this several times to separate the areas. Each area will be used for a different planting. He also had to be careful not to harm the ground.

After separating the areas, he made a magic matrix. The matrix had the function of keeping the ambient temperature low and keeping the soil cold.


After several minutes, Aizen finished everything.

"Is ready." He took the moon gem out of his inventory and planted it. Elizabeth took special fertilizers and some magic items to speed up the growth of the moon gem. However, despite using fertilizer and magic items, the moon gem would still take more than 1 month to grow.

"Let me try something." Aizen felt that he might try something. He closed his eyes and imagined the rainbow-colored energy that emanated from his body earlier.

"Aizen?" Elizabeth was confused to see the rainbow energy appear around Aizen again.

Aizen focused a small amount of rainbow energy on his fingertip and touched the ground. He couldn't exaggerate the amount, or all would be lost.

The ground suddenly emitted a splendid glow, surprising Elizabeth. The moon gem grew to the stem, an overgrowth.

"Amazing!." Elizabeth said. After the stem, the moon gem becomes a flower, then this flower produces two gems. One of the gems produced can be planted, ie, a seed; the other gem is used to craft potions, scrolls, etc.

The gem that is used as a material cannot be planted, as it does not have the same property as the seed gem.

Elizabeth was also enchanted by rainbow energy. She realized that this rainbow energy could do things that would be difficult to do with ordinary mana.

'This rainbow energy seems to be a special kind of mana.' She thought.

"It's amazing for a crystal to become a flower." Aizen said. The seed of the moon gem was a crystal, but the crystal becomes a flower, a beautiful process.

"The moon gem is a magical plant. It grows due to the special properties of mana." Elizabeth said.

The moon gem is a plant that needs a lot of mana. Planting it in an environment where mana is scarce makes it difficult to grow. In addition, it also needs a cool environment to grow properly.

"It would be impossible to plant it while Kiron City was in such terrible condition." Elizabeth said, with a sigh. Even if someone tried to inject mana into the moon gem, it would have to be done very carefully, after all, even though it is a magic plant, the excess mana could also harm it. This would also not be practical in the long run. Everything needs to have a balance.

"Well, the matrices were harming even normal plants, it would be difficult to plant a moon gem here." Aizen said.

"Well, now we can only wait."

Aizen and Elizabeth decided to return home.

(Moon Gem, Flower stage)


The next day, Elizabeth delivered 200 gold coins to Aizen at the Duke's request. He sincerely thanked her and kept the coins. He also took this opportunity and decided to sell the magic cores he got and some other materials.


[Placement Reward]

1st place in Treasures | extra bonus

1st place in level | extra bonus

1st place in Fame and Honor | extra bonus

1st place in three leaderboards | extra bonus


8 items SR

10 items R

100 gold coins

175 Fame and Honor points (already allocated in the leaderboard)

[Thank you for always playing. Keep striving]

[The next reward will be in a few days]


"Looks like I can put my plan into action." Aizen thought. He had saved all those gold coins to start a business expansion plan.

'It's time to do business.''

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Aizen LightStar

Profession: Merchant(Main) | Magic blacksmith | counselor

Level: 38

Ascension: 0


4 basic elements


Infinity inventory

Rainbow body

Title: Dom of the Domain

Coins: 825 gold coins

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