Lost child

 "Fine, just don't hurt my daughters." The woman gave all the money she had to the three men. Her daughters were scared, hiding inside the car. The woman didn't care about the money as long as her daughters weren't hurt.

 The man took the money and put it in a bag.

 "Very well, let's go-"


 The man received a sudden blow to the back and ended up falling to the ground.

 "Which?!" His companions were confused. They looked at the attacker and saw a child covered in clothes. The child took the money bag and ran away.

 "Damn you, brat!!" The men ran after the child.


 Despite trying to run away, the child ended up in a dead-end.

 "Hey brat, why don't you deliver what we ordered soon?" Three men approached a child who retreated with every step of the men.

 "That's not yours!" The child replied as he walked away.

 "Oh, so you want to play the hero?" The man grabbed the child's collar, lifting him.

 "A child should not be involved in adult affairs." The man punched the child in the stomach.

 The two men just watched with a smile. However, even after the man hit him several times, the child made no sound of pain, leaving the man confused.

 "Hey brat, are you dead already?"


 'Your desire is flawed.' The child heard a voice in his mind.



 The child kicked the man in the face, knocking him away.

 "Damn you!!" The man touched his nose and felt the blood leaking.

 "Hey man, did you let that brat hit you? Hahahaha!" The other two men laughed at him.

 "Shut up!" He picked up a pipe that was on the floor and hit the child in the leg. Although the child didn't make any sound of pain, the blows could still injure his body.

 'Good and evil will always exist. Your place… is not here.' The child again heard a voice in his head. His body began to react when sensing a possible threat.

 "Hey man, you're overreacting." Both men did not want their companion to lose his mind. They simply wanted to take the money that was with the child.


 "Well." The man stopped beating the child. "Return the money-"


 Suddenly, the men's bodies were hit by dark stakes. The stakes penetrated their brains and hearts. Without the possibility of a reaction, they died without knowing what had happened.

 Blood spattered the child's clothes, staining them. The raindrops wiped away all the blood that ran on the floor.

 The child looked at his hand, which had bloodstained gloves on it.

"I... don't feel at home." He saw several kids playing with their parents and friends, why couldn't he have that too? Why is everyone afraid of him? He didn't want to hurt anyone. When kids get hurt, their parents help, but why didn't his parents come to help him?

  He wanted to find the place humans call "house". He wanted to find a place he could call "home".

 Maybe beyond those dark clouds that covered the glow of the stars, beyond that sky, he could find a place he could call "home".

 The child took the money bag and ran away.


 "Mommy, I'm scared…" A little girl said to her mother. "Are those evil men coming back?"

 "Don't worry, my dear. The police will be here soon." The mother comforted her scared daughter.

 She left the city because of a hurricane. This city has a low rate of natural disasters, so she decided to move here, but she didn't expect to get robbed.

 *Steps!* *Steps!*

  The woman heard footsteps coming from the alley. When she looked towards the alley, she saw a child covered in clothes, with a bag of money in his hand. The child approached her without speaking and gave her the bag of money.

 "Thank you..." The woman was confused and surprised by the child's attitude. She did not expect the child to be able to evade the thieves.

 "Mama, he ran away from the thieves!"

 "Very cool!!"

 The two little girls said.

 "Daughters, you should properly give thanks." the mother said.

 "Thank you very much!!" 2x


 The child felt a strange sensation in his breast when he saw the gratitude of the woman and her daughters.

 "What is your name?" The woman asked, but the child was silent. Without warning, the child took off running towards the alley, leaving the woman and the children confused.

 "Mommy, did he not like us?" the girl asked.

 "He must have a hard time expressing himself." The mother replied.


 A car was coming towards the woman, it was the police.




 "..." Aizen woke up, with a confused expression.

 'Another dream…' He's been dreaming a lot about his past lately.


 'I should go back to work.'