first mission on planet

now the mission for planet vegeta was now a hand janize was sent to a mission with his brother raditz and goku his younger brother along with king vegeta son prince vegeta nappa the great and nappa son goken also broly and his father paragus their was going to a planet egg with people with powers level or battle power of 230,000,000,000,000,000 to 290,000,000,000 their race was stronger and power was hugh and mass and their power was so hugh then as janize walked to his saiyans pod he see laly coming to him wish him good luck then she kiss him on the head and said don´t get killed out their know janize only smile and said they the ones who will be killed not me laly said i hear how stronger they are janize said i got to go now i talk to u went i get back ok as janize get in the saiyans pod he leaf and he ask him learde when they will arrinre in 3 years or less they said but janize still said okey

a 3 years later on planet egg the saiyan just land on planet egg and their was already fighting and killing them with easy and no sweet and they laught and song of song of the death of all they killed and the men of death of all they sold the planet of 230,000 coins a high place for a little planet like this .