Chapter 2: Monotony of Life

Jeffrey looked up, it was suddenly dark outside. The sound of residual water dropping from the roof was evidence that it rained earlier.

Quite some time has passed since he wrote his first chapter. The Young Dragon Slayer (TYDS) had an interesting start, a fallen kingdom, the tyrannical royalty, and the elderly bandit leader.

Jeffrey soon stopped typing. His self doubt had returned.

"Everything I've written hasn't amounted to much. Why is this time going to be different? Not creative or smart enough to write isekai, wuxia, fantasy or xianxia. Writing an urban life pseudo autobiography."

"Writers like you don't have an audience, can't even write your own story well."

For a moment the stress started to eat at him, sitting at the table all alone. It was dark outside and at the moment it felt like he'd had accomplished nothing. Another attempt and another failure, so Jeffrey put it aside and went back to reading.

Jeffrey passed some more time, eating dinner, watching youtube videos, reading webnovels. His story lay unfinished a few hundred words not even an introduction or ending in sight.

Previous projects where he drew covers, made outlines, eventually that writing passion left him.

Jeffrey had a belief in himself, that even if at this low moment he couldn't write. In the future he'd return, if it didn't then nothing substantial lost. However that confidence was all he needed to move on.

Meanwhile in a different time zone, a group of writers were busy at work. A community of creative minds and introverts gathered on a Bonfire server.

They were completely unconcerned with a little character such as Jeffrey. After all if he was big enough, they'd know about him. There were millions just like Jeffrey Zhang. Aspiring writers, musicians, producers and artists, what made him special compared to others who had more skills, experience, and passion to work?

Often when Jeffrey was overly enthusiastic or seemingly exhausted he'd put his work aside as he was doing now and found something to read. It was soothing to read web novels. It was calming to his mind. It also delayed sleep, creating anticipation and anxiousness while he binge read chapters.

After a few days, Jeffrey decided to write whatever came to mind, he had a goal in mind but had absolutely no sense of direction on how to go about it. In short, Jeffrey was lost. And he liked being lost. The journey and writing was a part of the process, painful in the moment. However the sunrise after the following day was always a unique one.

*Kacha* *Kaacha* *Kacha*

The sound of fingers on the keyboard continued into the night. A set of headphones sat over Jeffrey's ears playing music as he worked.