Chapter 14: Not Watching Vtubers...

Jeffrey started walking around, another blank chapter to write. He suddenly had the idea to advertise the story he was writing to his family. Talking to his sister, he gave her the link to the site and then the title of the book, "The Young Dragon Slayer".

"It looks boring", Saoirse said to Jeffrey.

"Your synopsis sucks", Saoirse laid down doing nothing.

"Well if you read my story you can write a better synopsis", Jeffrey offered.

"He lived, He loved, He died", Saoirse offered.

"If you write your own story, you can write the synopsis", Jeffrey scoffed at the offer.

Saoirse started scrolling the site.

"These chapters are so long and I only read 0.2% of the story", she complained.

"It's 800 chapters!", Saoirse was surprised.

Jeffrey left the room, he presumed his sister probably went back to watching Tik-Tok (抖音) and he went back to typing up his story.


Returning to 2007 - Science class with Mrs. Crawford.

Jeffrey was writing in his lab notebook and he was listening and taking notes on what the teacher was saying. Preston was in his class, but they were sitting at different tables.

Suddenly, their Earth Sciences teacher gave them a pop quiz.

"What is top layer of earth called", _________

"What causes tectonic plates to move", _________

Extra credit, bonus point:

"How big is Earth", ______

Jeffrey filled in, "The Crust", "Convection currents in the mantle", and for the bonus question he put, "Earth is as big as Venus".

Life hadn't changed much for Jeffrey, school was the same. The future still scared him and he still owned nothing to his name, in terms of money at least.

Jeffrey read a lot of books in his free time. He consumed stories about time travel, of superpowers and superheroes. The coolest superpowers were always flying, time travel and invisibility. Jeffrey always wanted what he couldn't have, super strength and intellect were achievable but difficult.

Solving a rubix cube meant memorizing algorithms, playing chess meant reading theory, having eidetic memory or perfect pitch meant practice, and learning language to become a polyglot meant having self discipline and studying.

The one luxury that Jeffrey enjoyed was a sense of imagination and fantasy. What a cushy and innocent life he lived and wasted. Playing the piano, enjoying youth what a stupid kid, Jeffrey shook his head.

A superpower he always desired besides time travel or control and flight for obvious reasons was to be invisible. It wasn't being invisible that was what he was interested, it was the freedom that came with being invisible. To attempt things without being embarrassed, to make mistakes without being criticized, and try new things he normally wouldn't be able to do.

Although looking back, Jeffrey lived an invisible life. His accomplishments were small, but personal and he was an ordinary person. For some, living an ordinary life is amazing and for others they desired more. In economics, greed and desire are always endless.

"Oi... Jeffrey", Preston smacked him on the back of his head.

"What?", Jeffrey responded.

It seems all the students had left the classroom, he was sitting there dumbly staring at his notebook as if he was lost in thought.

"You were day dreaming again. Come on it's lunch time and we're going to have to wait in line again", Preston called out to his friend.

Jeffrey and him walked to the lunch line, it was a long line and they had plenty of time to talk.

"Hey Preston, remember when I said we were to change the world?", Jeffrey said to his friend

"mmhmm, you said that last time?", Preston responded.

"I have the answer right here.", Jeffrey said digging into his backpack.

The lunch line slowly moved forward and they both advanced closer to the lunch booth.

Jeffrey pulled out his jar of slime. The label, "The Slime Factory" displayed on the front.

"What's this?", Preston asked.

"My science project", Jeffrey responded.

"It's a non-newtonian fluid, with a higher viscosity than water. It's moderately adhesive to most objects and it glows in the dark", Jeffrey threw out some scientific jargon to make it sound really cool.

"Oh...", Preston didn't really understand what Jeffrey was trying to say.

"This jar of Oobleck cost me $20", Jeffrey said to Preston.

"Wow, $20? that's really expensive", Preston said to Jeffrey.

"So how's this going to change the world?", Preston asked his friend.

"It's going to be my science fair project. I want to submit it to a competition and win an award", Jeffrey didn't really answer his question.

"Anyway, I need you to help sell it and we'll split the profits 50/50. Remember this costs $20, I can't sell it for any less. You think you can help me out Preston?", Jeffrey asked his friend.

Preston looked hesitant, "um, that sounds difficult."

Jeffrey knew it wasn't going to be easy, but doing it alone would be even more difficult. So he did his best to encourage his friend.

"Don't worry to much about it, tell some of your friends in Orchestra about my science project. They can come to me if they're interested. I only have these 2 jars for now.", Jeffrey reassured his friend.

Preston didn't look too excited about this idea.

Jeffrey came up with another idea, "Look it's almost Christmas, you can make some money and buy your parents a gift or something. Otherwise you can save the money for college."

Jeffrey knew he was pushing his relationship with Preston as a friend, but he didn't really have anyone else to work with and they knew each other for a while.

"Ok, I'll talk to some of the Orchestra kids", Preston sighed.

They finally arrived at the front of the line to pick up their food.

"So here's what we're going to do. I'm going to go to the ping pong table and talk about this science project. You can watch and see how I talk about it."

Jeffrey and Preston sat and ate their school lunches.

"You want my apple Preston?", Jeffrey offered.

"Yeah, I'll eat it", Preston ate the piece of fruit.

They threw away the Styrofoam trays and walked to the indoor game table area.

Some of the orchestra kids and so called nerds and geeks were playing card games.

Bakugan cards, Beyblade arenas, and a ping pong match was going on. Honestly it was like a miniature pool hall for middle school. Various backpacks were lying around, as were open binders and notebooks.

Connor and Troy were hitting the ping pong ball. Connor had a Chinese reverse grip, while Troy used the American grip. Troy was returning with backhand swings as they rallied the ball. A few times the ball popped up and Connor would slam the ball on the table. Meanwhile Troy always gave the ball some spin and some tight serves.

Some of the other kids were waiting in line. The carrom table wasn't taken out this week. More kids were talking about video games and Call of Duty. Xbox gossip and Play Stations were common in this room. One kid was working on a rubix cube while another was getting a head start on his homework.

Eric Shub was drawing paper doodle wars, and Michael was cleaning his flute.

"Who do you want to talk to first?", Jeffrey asked Preston.

"I don't know, doesn't matter", Preston looked at all the kids sitting around.

"You want to go first?", Jeffrey looked at his friend. He was getting a little nervous having to perform in front of his friend.

With a sort of false confidence, Preston said "sure!".

Jeffrey didn't know what Preston's parents taught him, but Preston was one of the few people who would try something even if he didn't know how to.

Preston walked up to Eric Shub.

"Hey", Preston got his attention.

Eric Shub looked up from his drawing.

"Jeffrey over there has a science project he's been working on. He created this slime Oobleck that's going to change the world. He's going to submit it to the science fair and win an award with it."

Eric looked at Preston dead in the eye. Eric was a quiet kid and had an intense stare.

Unfazed Preston continued, "He's selling a jar for $20 and I'm asking if you would be interested in buying it."

Jeffrey stared on in disbelief. Jeffrey knew Preston was amazing, but freaking hell he had some thick skin. He didn't know whether it was because Preston trusted him that much or that was just how Preston was, but he never had that sort of confidence to go up to a stranger and ask something like that.

Eric said, "No thanks" and went back to drawing again.

"So how was it?", Preston asked his friend.

Jeffrey coughed a little in surprise, "not bad, we didn't sell anything but you did an ok job at explaining what we're making."

"So what are we making exactly?", Preston asked.

Jeffrey even if he wasn't as confident as he looked, he had to at least fake it. If he wasn't confident in himself, he had no chance of success.

"Glow-in-the-dark Slime and Perfume Oobleck", Jeffrey said to his friend. He explained the details of what he was doing and who to talk to.

"Dude, I don't know where you learned how to talk to people, but that was amazing.", Jeffrey complimented his friend.

Preston, like most, was weak to compliments, "uh, thanks."

"I've been making some Oobleck and slime on the weekend and it's really expensive. I think making and buying everything cost $120. Printing the logos, making the jars, creating the recipe, everything. We even have to advertise and submit it to the local science fair", Jeffrey was both explaining it and encouraging himself.

"What we're trying to do now is explain to people why this is so cool and why it should cost $20", Jeffrey explained to Preston.

"For every jar you sell I'll give you $5. I'm splitting everything half and half. If we need more help I'll get some of my family and sisters to help and you can ask yours as well", Jeffrey mentioned money so Preston would be familiar with it.

"We'll talk about money later, I just want you to know how it works and that I'm happy we're doing this together", Jeffrey honestly talked to his friend.

"So what do you think makes this jar of slime or Oobleck worth $20? Let's talk about it", Jeffrey asked his friend.

"Ummm... I don't know. $20 is kind of expensive?", Preston scratched his head.

"You're right!", Jeffrey said.

Preston was a little confused at his train of thought.

"That's what we want people to think. Oobleck is expensive, I think this jar is worth a lot more than $20. I bet it's worth $30 or $40!", Jeffrey started to get excited.

"Why do you think I want to make it $20?", Jeffrey asked Preston.

"I don't know", Preston responded. Preston may be a good talker, but he was also a good listener and knew when to let people talk.

Jeffrey sighed, it was a waste Preston never ran for any leadership positions. If he had the drive to be a manager or an entrepreneur he had all the skills, he just didn't have the motivation to do it. This time Jeffrey was going to see if Preston could utilize these skills he took for granted and never used.

"Think about it, look at the container."

"These containers don't come cheap, you know? I could have put them in a plastic bag, but then it would look cheap. Sandwich bags cost what, 15 cents?

"These mason jars cost at least 2 dollars."

Jeffrey slowly went over each aspect and cost of making slime and Oobleck.

"It's a science project, a non-newtonian fluid which means it doesn't act like regular liquids. It's a fancy chemical material that needs a specific recipe."

"This jar glows in the dark, it's really expensive to make. It took me all weekend, like 8-12 hours to make 2 or three jars."

Jeffrey was exhausted, "Now you see why I think I'm selling it really cheap. It's worth at least $30 or $40. It would make a nice Christmas gift for a younger sibling, for parents."

"I'm making two for some of the kids in my band class, 2 for $40", Jeffrey talked about his previous sale.

"Wow, you sold two of them!", Preston was looking at Jeffrey in surprise.

A few of the other kids overheard their conversation and started talking about it.

"Yep, I'll make it next week. I only have these two jars and I'll probably only make 8 a month at this rate. So we'll work on it later", Jeffrey continued talking about their business plan in the open.

"So you can tell some of the Orchestra kids about it and I'll make you one jar next week. I'd give you one for free, but it's really expensive. So if you want a jar, I'm have to ask you to give me $20."

Jeffrey felt really awkward about asking a friend for $20, but he knew if he didn't ask for anything at all Preston would take it for granted. He wanted to be treated as equals or as a leader, so he faked his confidence and Preston believed him.

Preston looked at Jeffrey, "Sure I'll give you the $20 tomorrow and you can give me the jar of Oobleck next week."

"Thanks Preston", Jeffrey sincerely said to his friend.

"No problem Jeffrey, you said we were going to change the world. I believe in you", Preston responded.