Chapter 17: Samantha Watts

"um... hey", Jeffrey approached the girl. she was sitting on the chain mesh fence wearing a pair of worn white and red Sketchers sneakers.

"uh, hi", the girl said looking a little confused at this boy that decided to talk to her.

Jeffrey like the introvert he was, was making this more awkward than it needed to be.

"I'm a grown man talking to a child, why are you so embarrassed", Jeffrey mentally kicked himself.

"Hi Samantha, so what did you think about the history test?", Jeffrey picked the first topic that came to his mind.

"Man, I can't escape my self-loathing can I? I mean, it's better then asking about the weather, but I guess it's always awkward to talk to someone you don't know. You have to start somewhere", Jeffrey thought to himself.

"I think I did pretty well, how about you Jeffrey?", Samantha said nicely.

"It was ok, I probably didn't do as well as you did", Jeffrey admitted.

Jeffrey talked with Samantha for a little bit. Once again, his own self embarrassment and insecurities kept popping up.

"One thing at a time, relationships and friendships are built over time. Making friends is just about showing interest and making small talk. Be interested in what others are saying, listen and think before you speak", Jeffrey reminded himself.

The P.E class was over and it was advisory. Advisory was a sort of homeroom where kids could theoretically talk to a teacher or counselor, but no one ever did. So kids usually did their homework, played some games or talked to each other.

Soon Jeffrey found the person he wanted to talk to today. His goal was to find a new person to talk to about his science project.

Harrison Ford and his friends Jack Whitehall and Derek Lancott.

"Hey Harrison, Do you want to see something cool?", Jeffrey asked a little eagerly.

Harrison was mid-sentence with his friends. He was kind enough to respond, "Not really" and turned to talk to his friends.

From experience Jeffrey knew it was pitch time, he had to quickly grab their attention at this moment if he had any chance of success.

"I've been working on this little science project called glow-in-the-dark Oobleck. It glows red and it's part liquid part solid", Jeffrey interrupted them.

At this point Harrison and his friends were slightly annoyed at Jeffrey budging in on their conversation however they were slightly curious. Sometimes it did pay to be thick skinned, but Jeffrey was still embarrassed about what he thought, they thought of him.

(AN: Man, Jeffrey is such a girl. XD)

Harrison and his friends looked closer at the jar Jeffrey was holding. Jeffrey opened it up and let it glop out.

"I've been working on a science fair project, so I don't have a lot of it", Jeffrey started to explain.

"It's a non-newtonian fluid. Which means sometimes it acts like a liquid and sometimes it acts like a solid", Jeffrey started to talk about it.

Harrison started to reach for it.

"Uh, could you guys not touch it for right now. I only have 1 jar at the moment and it's really expensive to make. This large jar cost me $20 and it took me all weekend to mix it correctly", Jeffrey once again mentioned it's cost.

"Why'd you bring it out then?", Harrison's friend Jack said a little annoyed.

"Well, I was thinking that if you wanted one. I could make some for you guys next week. I only have green glow-in-the-dark Oobleck at the moment and I'm working on a red color", Jeffrey explained.

"Ooh, I want a red one", Harrison's other friend Derek said.

"I want a red one as well", Harrison said.

"I want one too", Jack joined in.

Jeffrey was relieved, it had worked.

"Ok, here's the deal. It's going to take me another weekend to figure out how to make it again. However, if you bring twenty dollars each, I'll give you each one jar", Jeffrey offered.

"Deal", Harrison agreed.

"I'm in as well", Jack said.

"Twenty dollars, I'll bring it next week", Derek piped in.

If all went well Jeffrey would have sold his first 5 jars for $100. His first milestone to reaching $250.

Jeffrey was a little excited, the first few times he talked to other students and they all bought it. Jeffrey however also tried to be a little more level headed, he wasn't going to be able to sell his Oobleck every single time. He had yet to feel the pain of rejection, and he knew he would remember the feeling quite soon.