Chapter 76: Clivia clippings

Slowly like this Jeffrey became an average student with a job. He ran a semi-successful marketing and sales group along side the science project. However like with many things he became dissatisfied, lacking the knowledge of how to proceed that uncertainty and loss of direction ate at him as the void slowly dragged into the group dynamic. So Jeffrey found a job to clear his head, find other pursuits and maybe return or do something else.

After a long day of middle school Jeffrey was tired, although the one thing that he made sure of was to prioritize his studies. His homework was finished and he studied for tests before he went out to work at the florist. (AN: I'll write about this later) Jeffrey knew there would be days he'd ask for day offs just to study, it'd be a little uncomfortable and embarrassing, but Jeffrey needed to focus on his own life and future.

Hoping that the Giliannos would understand, although he was grateful they made him they're employee, he'd repay that by working hard. They were in an equal exchange for time and money, effort and pay. Both parties had a win-win cooperation and took what they deserved, exchanging interests, feeling, and goodwill at times.

Jeffrey made sure to be good friends, talking with Susan Gilianno, focusing on accounting. However he made it very clear that he was just a student employee, and he made sure he was paid and treated like one.

Jeffrey was hard at work moving the new delivery of plant pots to the store room, taking great care to move them into the door way. After a few scrapes with the dolly and carts, he slowly wheeled them in one by one.

"Phew", Jeffrey let out a sigh.

10 flower plants in and 20 more to go. Kevin was busy at the cash register with a customer and other aspects. Jeffrey was still stuck doing menial labor, doing his best to learn and provide value to the business. Jeffrey wanted to get paid, but he also wanted to get paid an honest wage. That's why he never compromised at the pay raise, because it's always difficult to negotiate a raise. There were some jobs he'd never receive a raise because that company didn't respect their employees. Others got a little too comfortable rejecting their employees and having them work overtime.

Jeffrey wanted to find some sort of confidence in himself and his self worth by asking for more, maybe it was a little more than he was worth. However, he'd rather be overvalued and overpaid, than undervalued working overtime with little pay. That's how life worked sometimes, either you made life bend to your will or more often then not, you'd bow to life.

With these scattered thoughts in mind, the menial and physically degrading work took its toll.

Jeffrey clapped his gloves, the dust and dirt accumulated inside getting on his hands.

"How's it going Jeffrey?", Kevin asked. He'd just finished talking to some of the customers buying flowers for gifts and placing orders for special events such as birthdays and other shops.

"It's going well, sir", Jeffrey replied sitting on the palette next to the plants out of breath.

Kevin grabbed a pullcart and started to wheel some fertilizer to the front of the shop to restock. Nearby in the shed were a few other gardening supplies such as watering hoses, clippers, an old wheelbarrow and a metal watering can.

"After today, Susan will be handling the payroll. So talk to her and your parents about the signatures", Kevin mentioned as he started to write notes and make a list of the tasks that needed to be done by the end of the week.

After a few hours, the new batch of peonies and clivia were brought inside getting the proper amount of sunlight, water and care for them to grow healthy. More and more butterflies were starting to arrive as the migration season brought them here in spring.

That also meant making sure that there were no caterpillars taking bites out of the plants or slugs leaving trails and munching on the leaves.

As much as they tried, there were always some sort of bugs and insects frequenting the shop, ant nests, wasp and bee hives, butterflies, aphids, or ladybugs. Jeffrey even got to see a few grasshoppers, crickets and stickbugs from time to time.

Once Kevin was approached by a huge green Hercules beetle that just wouldn't leave him alone.

Jeffrey's favorite ones were the dragonflies, the florists Kevin and Susan favorite creatures were the earthworms that helped with making compost and rich soil.

Soon a group of school kids came in, students from a local high school.

It was Jeffrey's turn to watch the cash register.

"Hello there, is there anything in particular you're looking for?", Jeffrey asked.

"Yeah you have any romantic flowers?", one of the more athletic looking kids said.

A few of the others were walking around looking at the roses and orchids. A few of the plant pots hanging from the ceiling were blown by the outside breeze.

"Who's this for, a birthday, a date, celebration?", Jeffrey looked the nervous kid in the eye.

Although Jeffrey was considerably shorter and younger than the customer, he faked a sense of confidence that made the customers take him seriously.

He learned it from one of his cousins who was interning as a medical student, giving him advice on how to deal with customers from his experience dealing with patients and resident doctors.

"Uh... for a cheerleader. They're competing in a competition and I'd like to show my support", Jeffrey could see a hint of embarrassment on the older kids face.

"Right this way", Jeffrey said walking toward a smaller storeroom and unlocking the door.

The kid followed as his friends getting bored headed back outside.

"Hey we'll wait for you outside", some of his friends said.

"Yeah, we're still waiting for you so we can go to Tesco's", another voice spoke.

"I'll be quick", the customer reassured his friends.

Jeffrey gave him a small bubble vase of daffodils and forget-me-nots.

"It's $18, plus an extra $4 if you want a card", Jeffrey said about the price.

The kid looked uncomfortable spending so much, "Um... do you have anything a little cheaper?"

"Perhaps you'd like a batch of roses for $12-$16?", Jeffrey questioned.

His customer was unsure of what he actually wanted so Jeffrey started to explain the various options.

"If you want a gift, perhaps a simple rose will do. A Hawaiian flower accessory or a scrunchie to put in a girls hair. That's what I recommended my Dad", Jeffrey said with a serious face.

"However, if you're looking for her to remember your name. Something more solid to put in her room, Philodendron, cactus, succulents are good choices. However most people aren't into taking care of plants", Jeffrey explained

The athletic kid stared at Jeffrey. "Do you have a girlfriend?", he asked curiously.

Getting a little flustered, Jeffrey responded "Not at the moment", before attempting to continue.

Sensing a weakness and breaking up the nervous atmosphere his customer took it upon himself to inquire more. "But you have someone you like no?", he asked.

Jeffrey trying to steer back on topic said, "weren't you trying to buy a gift? you're friends are still waiting outside in the parking lot"

Jeffrey looked out the window to see a bunch of bored kids kicking rocks and talking.

"Alright, alright... So as you were saying", the kid gave Jeffrey a way out.