Ch. 3 Dealing with Wolves.

Scott was knocked out cold and I said to Stiles "Put some clothes on him." He followed the order. I also put on some clothes. When we were fully dressed I said to stiles "Take me to where Hale's live, okay?" He nodded.

We then sneakily moved Scott into my car and Stiles was in his Jeep, he then led me into a very desolate area, in the road Scott tried to awake some times, but I just bashed his head in the dashboard and we were fine. It did make some dents in the car and it hurt me a bit.

Stiles stopped in front of a burned down mansion, it looked very awful, honestly, I was worried for the people who were living there. I got out of the car and dragged Scott out and I said: "Come out, I have a present for you."

I could hear them talking, I hear a man's grunty voice, it was very coarse "Who is he why does he have Scott?"

Then I heard the voice of Cora, she said "He is dangerous, he is very powerful, but I have no idea as to why he has Scott."

I chuckled and said, "You know I could hear you right."

She then said, "Fuck you."

I chuckled and said, "Oh, such words don't suit you, love."

They still didn't come out and I sighed and said "Oh, come on don't make ruin my shirt by killing kill Stiles here."

Stiles looked at me and said "Wait what!? You are going to kill me?"

I smiled and said, "Not before you kill Scott, obviously." It was bullshit.

He then grunted and said, "Fine."

They then came outside and I saw Cora with some guy and I waved at her she didn't respond which was a bit rude, he said: "Who are you?"

I placed my hand on my chest and said, "I am hurt that your sister hasn't introduced me after spending that night together." She looked at me and was about to fly off the handle but he stopped her.

He said, "Enough with this, tell us who you are?"

I smiled and said "I am Christopher Mont. It is a pleasure to meet..."

He said, "Derek Hale, I am her brother."

I smiled and said "Well, it is nice to meet you, Mr Hale. Now you must be wondering why am I here with Scott and all that, but I would like to discuss this matter in private."

Derek then nodded and I carried Scott and Stiles followed, they entered the house and I could not go through and Cora then looked at me and asked: "What is it now?"

I smiled and said, "You must invite me in… such are the manners."

She then said, "If you want to come in come in…"

I smiled and entered the house, we then went to a corner of the house which was not destroyed, I put Scott down and sat down on the sofa and Stiles also sat down, he looked very nervous, Derek looked at me and said: "What is it that you want?"

I smiled and said, "I came to this town to live for a long time Mr Hale, and I want to keep a low profile, but it seems like your Beta is out of control. He is using his powers in front of others and I am worried that some people may see through him and figure out what he is and then everything will go down the toilet."

He said, "He is not mine."

I chuckled and said, "This is certainly very interesting, so we have a secret Alpha who has created him, but for what reason?"

Cora said, "You don't have to know that."

I smiled and said, "Well, all of this doesn't matter to me as you said." I then laid back and instantly regretted it and said "Wolves are social creatures, I believe you will help Scott in controlling his wild side, I presume?"

He looked at me and said, "Why should I?"

I then looked at him and said, "You don't have to but then, I will drop Scott at the Argents. Then they will put two and two together and I wonder what they will do to him and to you."

Cora said, "You wouldn't dare."

I smiled and said, "Miss Hale, you don't know the extent I can go to protect some things."

Derek said, "How do you know about the Argents?"

I smiled and said, "I have connections." I then asked, "So what will it be?"

He sighed and said, "We will help him."

I then stood up and said "Splendid, today is a full moon, I believe you can keep him in here. I have a party to go to." I then looked at Stiles and said "Take his phone, will you?"

He nodded and took his phone and we left and I said to stiles to text his mom and tell her that he is spending the night at your house. He agreed and we then left.

Derek asked, "What is he?"

Cora said, "I don't know?"


I then got ready for the party, then a text came from Allison "Hey can you pick me up Scott bailed."

I then felt bad for the young lad, I wore a white T-shirt and over it was a red checks shirt and a pair of jeans. I got into my car and went to the Argent's house.

I stopped my car in front of the house and knocked on the door and a woman answered the door, she had a boyish haircut with red hair, her face showed ageing, she wore a red shirt and skirt and a pearl neckless.

She smiled and asked "Yes?"

I smiled and said, "I am here for Allison."

She then called Allison and asked me "Are you, Scott?"

I said, "No, mam I am Christopher Mont, I am a friend of Allison."

Allison then came she was wearing a white shirt with a back jacket and a pair of jeans.

She looked good and I said, "Let's go."

Her mom then said, "Be back by 9."

I said, "Not a minute late Mam."

We then got in the car and I asked "What happened to Scott?"

She said "Food poisoning."

I said, "That is bad."

She then looked at the dented dashboard and I said "Please don't ask." She then just nodded and laughed.

We then arrived at the party and I hate it, how lovely, She looked at me and said: "It looks like you don't like parties."

I grunted and said, "I do, but I like the ones that are a bit more sophisticated."

She laughed and said, "Oh, look at Mr High Class."

I chuckled and said, "Can't say that you are wrong."

She then took me to the poolside and then we started to dance, well, she started to dance, I was just going along with it, she laughed and said: "You are surprisingly good."

I just danced like I didn't care and surprisingly I got praise from her. She then said, "I am a bit thirsty, I am going to get something to drink, you want something?"

I said, "Whatever you are getting. I'll be in the corner."

After that, I headed to the quiet area and someone came behind me and I said "You know someone may think you are creepy if you start to follow them." I turned around and found Cora.

She looked a bit amused and said, "How did you know?"

I smiled and said, "I recognised your sent."

She then mockingly said, "And that is not creepy?"

I then walked up to her and said "Well, on that account we both are creepy then I guess." I asked, "Why are you following me, Miss Hale?"

Her heart was pounding, her breath was getting heavy she tried to calm herself and said "I can't understand you, what are you?"

I then held her close and tried to protest but it was in vain and I said "To know me is to know my truth Miss Hale and I am afraid, telling you who and what I am will only bring me trouble."

She then looked at me and said "Something tells me you like trouble."

Then Allison came with the drinks and was surprised and said "I am s-sorry."

I let go of her and she turned to Allison and said "I am sorry, enjoy the rest of the evening." She then left and Allison had this huge grin and asked "Come on tell me everything? Where did you two meet?"

I smiled and said, "Let's not do this right now."

She then handed me the drink and said "I am a bit worried about Scott, should I go and meet him at his home?"

I then looked her in the eyes and said "Scott is fine, you don't need to go and see him." I then asked, "Do you want to go and see Scott?"

She then said "I think he is fine. Let's party."

After that, we danced some more and then we found Jackson and Lydia, sucking on each other, honestly, it was a bit worrying to see them like that. I and Allison then sat down and I asked her as a friend to friend "Do you like Scott?"

She smiled and said, "I don't know, he is different, I had decided that I will not date anyone until college, but he is special."

I smiled and said, "I hope you find your happiness with him, Allison."

She then asked, "Come on, tell me who was she?"

I sighed and said, "She was Cora Hale, I met her once, she has like this fire in her you know, she challenges me, she is not afraid of me and that somehow attracts me."

She then looked at me and laughed and said "Do you like to be dominated?"

I laughed and said, "That is not the case, I just like strong women."

She then said, "You do you, Chris."

I then said "Come on let's get you home. It is about to be 9."

I then dropped her at her home and then went to my home, I then entered my home, and found a white lily and a letter. I dreaded at the sign of the lily and opened the letter.

"For centuries I have waited for my fated love, no longer shall I wait, for you are close to me than ever before.



Only one word escaped my mouth "Fuck."


I hope you liked this chapter. If you have any questions about anything related to this series put them in the comments below, I will try and answer them or you can join the discord server for beta chapters and theories, you can give ideas about the ff and much more stuff. And please leave a comment, if you liked this chapter.

I would specially like to thank Gd_Sys and PsyLoRD for leaving a review.

I would like to thank:-

DivinelyChaotic, KingKazma, Suhaib, Kingslayeralex10, Mountainman, SirMolyneux, Bloodsage, gregory_tsamos, vampgod, Footballhero_22, suhaib_2183, Bryan_Darnell_5559, Vendedor, lightbringer_007, Nacho_Ramallo, ItsTheDutchman, Nipun45_, rackson.