Ch. 7 Alice?

After that was done, we went to see how the training was going and as expected Scott was getting his ass kicked but atleast, he was in his wolf-like form, I still have no good name for it.

We sat down on the poarch and Stiles was sleeping, he was leaning against a post and was drooling. We sat down next to him and Cora asked "So like how does compultion work?"

I looked at her and said "Well, it is sort of magic, but it sort of comes to us like a natural or rather supernatural ability.."

She then asked "What else can you do?"

I said "Well, there is also a bit of mind reading but it only works on vampires."

She then asked "When you said that you couldn't transform, what do you mean?"

I sighed and said "That is a morbid topic that I don't wish to discuss." She looked down.

Then Scott came and asked "So how did it go?"

I said "It is taken care of." I then looked at Derek and asked "How is he doing?"

He said "He is doing better."

Scott asked "Can I play then?"

Derek said "No, you are not playing."

I said "At least you get to sit on the sidelines." He was still not happy no one would have been.

 After the training was done, they left and Cora was going as well, I said to Cora "Hey, wait." She stopped and I said "You want me to train you?"

She said "Maybe later." She was going but I grabbed her hand, she said "Let me go."

I let go of her and I said "That topic is a bit close to my heart, Cora that is why I didn't want to talk about it."

She looked at me and said "I get it. I am sorry for asking, but I only asked because I want to know you more." 

I smiled and said "We both have some dark past Cora, I am sure that we will tell them to each other but in good time."

She looked at me and said "I hope so, good night." She then turned around and left.

I then got in my car and drove home, I reached home and went to my room and crashed onto my bed and I drifted off to sleep. I was asleep and I had a dream for a long time. I dreamt of my mother. I remembered my mother, her dirty blond hair, her crystal blue eyes, a soft calming smile, her touch that made me forget all the pain and her soothing voice that assured me everything was alright. 

I remembered playing with her, how she taught me how to wield a sword, how to tend to wounds, she taught me to be kind to everyone, she told me that I was a gentle soul. She made me who I am, I loved my mother but I was also defied by that vile creature as well, he made me this, he taught me to be ruthless, to kill, to be merciless, I lost my way and I might have been lost if it was not for her. 

"Alice." I woke up from sleep and looked around and took in deep breaths and got up from the bed and got in the shower and took a cold bath and I wondered why am I remembering her. It has been so long since I thought of her. I then got out of the shower and dried myself and went to the cellar and got some blood and was walking upstairs and drinking it.

After I had my breakfast, got dressed and got in my car. As I reached the school I saw that Cora was waiting for me. I smiled and got out of the car and I said "Good Morning."

We were walking and she said "Good morning."

I then asked "You were waiting for me, I am humbled."

She chuckled and said "Just wanted to walk together…" She then looked at me and said "I am sorry for bringing up stuff like that, I shouldn't have behaved the way I did."

I smiled and said "Thank you, but as I said, we have plenty of time to know about each other."

She smiled and asked "Hey, how do you know about that wolf form?"

I smiled and said "My mother was an Alpha of her Clan."

She looked at me and said "Do you mean pack?"

I chuckled and said "No I mean clan… In the old… in the olden times the werewolves were very powerful, they lived in Clans and clans were made of many packs..."

She then asked "Can you turn people, like in movies?"

I said "I can."

She said "How many have you turned then?"

I said "One."

She asked "Who?"

I said "Someone who once saved me, I just repaid it in kind."

She asked "So like, do you guys have laws and rules and stuff?"

I said "We do, there aren't that many. But laws don't apply to me and my family seeing we were the ones who created the rest."

She widened her eyes and asked "So are you guys like royalty?"

I said "I have been a royal a few times. I was once a duke."

We then entered the class and she still asked me so much stuff. I answered the basics, but gave a vague answer when it came to laws and covens and courts. Honestly I never liked this stuff, this was more my sister's forte, me and my brother mostly played around.

We were at lunch and I was sitting alone and Scott and Stiles came and then Cora and Allison came then the rest came as well. Allison asked "So you are ready for today's game?"

I said "I am."

Allison said "I am a bit sad that Scott can't play."

Jackson then aked "How do you even get a groin injury McCall? A bit of strenuous exercise?"

Scott said "It is healed, I am not playing because of precaution."

I said "Do we really need to talk about Groins when we eat?"

Stiles had a sly smile when he said "Well, knowing Jackson, it is a pretty interesting topic, isn't it?"

Jackson was pissed and Danny held him down and Scott said "That was a good one."

Cora said "There is a party afterwards right?"

Lydia looked at Scott and said "You know it, there will be players from other team."

I said "Scott you're coming right?" That kinda foiled Lydia's plans and Scott smirked and said "Of course I am." Lydia then looked at me and I said "What?" Cora just looked at me and smiled.

After that disastrous lunch, we went for practice, we were running some drills and Scott really wanted to play, but  I couldn't let him. After the practice was done. We went home and rested for a while. At night was the game. We were in the locker room getting into our gear and Scott was also there with Stiles and Stiles was trying to cheer him up.

Then Coach came into the locker room and said "Gather up boys, today is the first game of the season and since two of our best players are injured, we will need to work twice, no three times, no, 5 times hard, but I know you have that inside you so, go on the ground and play and win this."

The boys were riled up and were very excited. We went to the field. And we got a huge cheer and then the game started. We started off good and everything was going well. Jackson was scoring despite the injury, I also scored some goals, the first half was in our favour we were doing well.

We were in a hurdle and Jackson said "Okay,  we have a good lead, we just need to keep this up and we will win…" 

I was listening to Jackson but then saw someone who looked like Alice, she had the same scent as her, I couldn't clearly see her face. She was in a black dress, looked at me and smiled and waved at me and ran away.

 I was walking over to the coach and Jackson was confused and asked "Where are you going?" I said to the coach, "Let Scott play."

He looked at Scott and said "Scott you are up."

Scott looked at me and asked "Why? What is happening?"

I was removing my gear and I said "No time to explain." I patted his back and said "Win." He nodded and I walked away from the field. Cora saw this and decided to follow.

I was tracking the scent and I was in the parking lot and Cora came from behind and asked "What happened?"

I turned around and said "You need to go, there is a vampire here."

She transformed and said "I'll help."

I said "No!" I sighed and said "She is powerful, you need to go."

Cora was confused and asked "Who is she?"

Then I heard a voice that I didn't recognise and she was coming out of the shadows and said "That is what he does, honey, push away the ones who are trying to help him." She came out of the shadows, she was the same age as Alice, the same build as Alice, she had the golden locks and the similar smell of Alice but she wasn't Alice.

I asked "So Alice, has send an imposter then?"

She said "I am hurt my love, how can you forget me. I am Alice!"

I had a twisted smile on my face, I laughed and quickly ran to her and pierced my hand into her chest and grabbed her heart but didn't pull it out, some blood got into my face. Cora was shocked and I said to the girl "You are not Alice, dear. That bitch had compelled you to believe that you are. Don't worry I will put you out of your misery soon."

Cora asked "What are you doing?"

I forgot she was there and I didn't turn back and I said "She has been compelled, Cora."

She then walked closer to me and looked at me, tried to wipe the blood off but I turned but she turned my face and wiped the blood and said "Help her."

I looked at her and said, "That would be worse than death for her."

She said "She is a victim, killing her is not right."

I sighed and looked at the girl's eyes and said "Remember, who you are." I then removed my hand from her chest. And she started to scream. I picked both of them up and ran quickly out of the parking lot and walked over to the forest connected to School. I put both of them down and Cora checked up on the girl and asked "What is happening to her?"

I said "Alice is an old Vampire, her compulsion is powerful, to remove her compulsion is like skining someone's skin alive."

Then the girl lost consciousness and Cora asked "Is this Alice the same Alice as your ex?"

I nodded and she asked "What does she want?"

I looked at her and said "Me. To remove everyone that I care about from my life." Then the girl's phone rang and Cora got it and she answered it and then she heard Alice "Hello, love."

She said "Not, your love."

She then heard a grunt and said "So, you are the recent bitch he is screwing huh. No worries, he will be mine, in the end, you should enjoy it while you can."

She smirked and said "No, wonder he left you, who wants to be in a relationship with a crazy bitch." 

Alice shouted through the phone, I could also hear her destroying some stuff "You whore, who are you calling crazy, I will gut all of your family in front of your eyes…"

Cora cut the call and looked at me and said "She is crazy."


Hello, I hope you guys liked the chapter, I want to talk to you guys, I honestly don't know if you guys are enjoying this series. Cause there is almost no comments and if you guys don't really like it then I may need to drop it. Because I do have other projects that are going on, so if you guys enjoy the chapter, please leave some comments to let me know.