Ch.9 The Hobo has a name

After the school ended Cora and I decided to go and check out the victim. We were in the parking lot and I got out of my car and she got off of her bike and we were making our way into the hospital.

We were in the hospital and Cora said "Where are we going to find him?" A doctor was passing through and I stopped him and I looked him in the eyes and asked "Where is Garrison Myers?"

He looked at me and monotonously said "Room 208."

I then said "Forget that we were here and do what you were doing."

He then nodded and went his way and I said "Let's go."

We then made our way to Room no 208. We saw a nurse get out of his room and then we went inside. We walked closer and I removed the curtain and when Cora saw this guy she was shaking from fear and anger and I touched her shoulders and said "It's alright."

She removed my hands and said "I'm fine, let's just get this over with."

I then stopped her and I said "I think it will be better if I first prepare him… you know." She nodded and I moved forward and I woke the guy up and he was not in a good condition and I looked him in the eyes and I said "You are going to calm down and answer our questions honestly do you understand?"

He nodded and I smiled and said "Good."

Cora then asked "Who attacked you?"

He looked at her and said "I don't know but there were two wolves, one was bigger and older and the other one was a lot younger."

I asked "Did you know them? Or how they looked?"

He said "One wolf was bigger and had crimson red eyes that glowed, he was bigger and stronger, he had a burly build and was covered with hair. He wanted to kill me."

I asked "And the younger one?"

He said "The younger one was a lot smaller, he was trying to protect me, he fought with his alpha."

Cora then abruptly asked "Who was the perpetrator behind the fire?"

He was resisting which was spectacular but then as he was about to say the names Scott entered and then he said "What are you guys doing here?"

I looked at Scott and I asked "What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to go to Derek?"

He said "I was on my way but… my mom needed something, anyway what are you guys doing?"

Cora then walked closer to the guy and grabbed him by the gown and asked "Answer the damn question who?"

Then he was about to say something but then the machines started going off and I said "We need to leave. Doctors and nurses will be here in seconds."

Cora looked at me and said "No, I am not leaving without answers."

I grabbed her and said "Cora, there will be other chances. Now we need to go."

She reluctantly agreed and we got out of there as quickly as we could.

We were in the parking lot and Cora was upset and was kicking around and Scott asked "What is happening?"

Cora looked at Scott and said "Why did you have to come here? I could have gotten the names." She then looked at me and said "And you."

I cut her off and said, "You need to calm down."

She then said "You are right… I need to calm down." She then got on her bike and I said "Come on Cora."

She then rode away and Scott said "What is up with her?"


I reached my home and went down in the basement and I saw that Emily was sleeping. I removed two bags of blood from the fridge and a glass with a straw. As I turned around I saw that she was woken up. I walked closer to her and then I Crouched down and I emptied half of the bag into the cup and handed it to her and she took the cup from me.

She then drank a little and sighed and said "Thank you."

I then drank the rest and I said "Welcome." I then sat on the chair and drank the other bag slowly.

She then asked "You said you will be gone for a few hours, where were you?"

I looked at her and she said "I am sorry." She then asked "What are you going to do with me?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said "Don't know."

She then looked at me and then asked "Can I ask something?"

I nodded and she asked "What is an ancient vampire like you doing in a small town like this? I mean you could have gone anywhere. London,Paris, L.A. is right next door so why in a small town like beaconhills?"

I chuckled and said "I… have lived… almost every possible place you can think of. But now I just want to settle in a nice and quiet place. I was never about the grandeur lifestyle."

She then looked at me and said "You have a whole basement dedicated for wines and I am pretty sure you have some antique collection of something."

I smiled and said "I never said, I didn't like having fancy things." She then laughed.

I then asked "If you would like to live anywhere in the world where it would be?"

She took a sip and then smiled and said "I wanted to travel, you know see the whole world, meet new people and interesting people eat and experience different cultures." Then a dark expression took over the smile and she said "But now I just want to go home." She had tears in her eyes.

I sighed and got up and removed her chains.

And she was surprised by my action and she asked "Why?"

I said "I need someone who I can trust and you want to take revenge on someone I want dead. So why not?"

She then smiled and asked "What if I betray you?"

I then walked closer to her and smiled and said "If you betray me I will find you even if you are hidden in the deep trenches of the ocean. I think it is enough to say it will not end well for you."

She nodded and I turned around and she said "I won't betray you ever."

I turned around and smiled and said "I hope so Emily."


Emily was taking a shower and I was sitting on top of the house and I got a call from Allison. I wondered why she was calling me.

I picked it up and she blasted me with questions "Where are you? And what happened between you and Cora?"

I was confused and I said "I said, it's a bit long. Why what happened?"

She said "She is not picking up her phone."

I asked "She is just a bit stressed. Don't worry I will go over to her house and make sure she is ok."

She said "Should we cancel?"

I said "There is no need for you guys to cancel. You guys enjoy your evening. I will take care of her."

She said, "Alright, call us after you reach her."

I said "Bye." I then hung up the phone. I then called Derek and asked and he said that he hasn't seen Cora as well. I assured him that everything is fine. And now I was thinking where she could be.

I then went inside my room. I opened the door and Emily was wrapped in a towel. I looked at her and I was impressed. She had a petite and a sleek figure.

She turned around and saw me and let out a scream and I said "I am sorry."

She said "Knock you pervert."

I said "I am sorry."

I stood there and she then shouted "Get out!" I shook my head and I said "I am going out so, you are coming with me." She looked at me and I looked back and she then said "Fine."

I then got out and she then got dressed quickly.

We then got in the car and Emily asked "Where are we going?"

I said "Remember the girl that convinced me not to kill you? She is missing."

She said "She can just be somewhere there is no need for you to be so paranoid."

I said "I wouldn't be this paranoid if Alice didn't know about her."

She said "We need to find her quickly."

I said "I think I know where she is."

She asked "Where?"

We then pulled up in front of the cemetery and Emily asked "Why would she be here?"

I said "I will explain when I come back with her."

Emily then asked "What am I supposed to do?"

I said "I don't know, just sit and do not do anything to my car."

I then went inside and after looking for a while I saw her sitting inside a Mausoleum. I looked at her and she was sitting and I said "I am sorry that I didn't tell you about Alice."

She turned around and then I saw tears on her face and then she quickly turned around and said "Why are you here?"

I smiled and said "You were not at home and Allison was worried about you."

She sniffed and said "I am fine, you can go."

I said "You know I will not go right?"

She got up and came right in front of me and said "Why couldn't you have told me about her?"

I said "Because I was scared alright." I looked down and then I looked at her and said "Because I didn't want to lose you even before I had you."

She then looked at me and she kissed me and it was so freeing after so long. She then looked at me and she said "Since you are afraid to lose me, I suppose I will have to hold on to you tight."

I then came out of the mausoleum and I said "I am not letting you go."

After reconsiliation I dropped her home and she called Allison and everything was fine... for now.


I hope you guys liked the chapter. I will be deleating the announcement chapters and the 100 draft ch. Today. And the other draft ch of the 100 will be uploaded at "I am a Shinobi (dropped) it will be reused." There will be a cover of naruto and boruto.