I woke up today and got up from my bed and walked over to the window and I welcomed the day. I was happy, after a long time I was truly happy. Even though there are going to be many trials along the way I don't fear them anymore, cause I will have her by my side.
"Chris!!! I can't leave the room!" I sighed and shook my head and I got a remote from my pants and I pressed a button and the windows were shut and curtains were drawn. "Thanks Chris!!!"
I then turned around and went to take a shower. I was getting dressed when I smelled something. I raised my eyebrows and said "Is she cooking?" I then got dressed and went down stairs.
As I walked downstairs she asked "Do you like your eggs scrambled because that is the only way I know how."
I asked, "Why are you cooking?"
She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders and said "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."
I said "Yeah for humans."
She said "It also serves another purpose." She then handed me a plate and I took it and sat down and she said "It helps us to talk." And she looked at me and urged me to eat.
I shrugged my shoulders and I took a bite and it was good. I chuckled and I remembered when was the last time when I just ate because I wanted to and not just so that I had to cover my secret. I chuckled and I ate more.
She then asked "Is it bad?"
I said "No, no, it's good." She then looked at me with hopeful eyes and I asked "What is it that you want to talk about?"
She cleared her throat and said "I would like to go out."
I looked at her and I said "You wish to die?"
She then looked at me and she said "No, I want a daylight ring."
I sighed and I said "I have searched around but there is no witch in this town, despite that I have a witch that I know in California."
She then looked at me and she asked "So then what are we waiting for? Let's go."
I then finished my breakfast and I said "We will buy it after school."
She then looked at me and said "Why do you still go to school?"
I then got up and tossed her the remote and said "I blend in well that's why."
I then got into the car and I drove away. I reached school and I found Cora in the parking lot waiting. She looked happy and I was happy as well. I got out of my car and Walked to her and She then smiled and said "Good morning." And I kissed her and then I said "Now it is."
Then from behind came the duo and Stiles said "Whoa, when did this happen." I looked at Scott and he nodded and Grabbed Stiles and walked away.
Cora then looked at me and she said "Scott has been agreeing a lot with you."
I smiled and said "Huh, I didn't notice it." I then kissed her and she said "Stop now, people are looking."
I then cleared my throat and we walked inside and then asked her "We are going to california to meet with a witch."
She looked at me and was shocked and she asked "Like an actual witch?"
I looked at her and said "Werewolves and vampires exist is a big stretch."
She then nodded and then looked at me and asked "Do they like to have long noses and green skin and all that?"
I chuckled and said "No, they look like normal people, they are the conduits of nature. They help humans and anyone they fancy. Although their wrath is also on another level."
She looked at me and I smiled and said "Don't worry. No one will be able to touch a single hair of yours as long as you are with me."
She then blushed but then shook her head and said "I am not scared, I am just being cautious."
I looked at her and chuckled.
After the school was over Cora and I got out of the class and we met up in the hallway. Cora said "So first I will go to my house then inform my brother and then we will be on our way."
I then smelled Derek's scent and I asked "Was your brother here?"
She looked at me and said "Not that I know why?"
I said "I am getting his scent." She then also took a whiff and she looked at me and said "Why would he be here?"
I said, "Let's see."
We then followed his scent and we saw him outside. In Front of Stiles's Car and then he fell down like a wet mop.
We then ran to him. Scott and Stiles saw me and Cora and Stiles asked "Can you ask your brother not to die in front of my car."
Cora was angry but I held her back and I asked "What happened to him?"
Derek was struggling to keep it under control and his eyes were glowing and he said "Argents, shoot me."
Hearing that Cora was even more furious but I looked at her and I said "Talk to Alison, get us in her house." She was looking over at Derek and I said "Cora, look at me to save him we need to get to the Argents, understand?" She nodded and went away.
Then I said to Stiles, "Stiles, get him in your car." I then asked "Is there a place where we can keep him?"
Scott said "No, I don't."
Stiles said "Can't we just take him to his place?"
I said "No, they can still be after him." people were getting annoyed. I then said "Take him to my house."
Stiles said "I don't know where your house is."
I said "It's on the outskirts. Just get out of here and I will direct you."
Stiles then nodded and I put Derek in the Jeep and I got in my car and then Stiles went away and Scott came to my car and asked "What should I do?"
I looked at him and said "You will distract Alison."
He was confused and said "What?"
I said "Cora is talking to Allison and we are coming over. All you need to do is just distract her long enough so that we can get the bullet."
Then Alison came over and Scott was a bit startled and she said "So listen Cora and Chris are also coming over… Do you have any problems?" She was looking at him hoping that he would say no but then Scott said "No, no problem more the merrier."
She then glared at me and I just looked at her and I said "Fantastic, I will just go run a quick errand and we will study."
Alison smiled and said "Alrighty."
I then rolled up my window and I said "Scott is screwed." I then got out of school and I found Stiles on the road.
I then took over and led them to my home.
Once we reached home. I got out of my car and I carried Derek. Stiles looked at my house and was stumped and I said "Stiles get the door."
He then said "Yeah."
He opened the door and asked "You live in this mansion? You must be loaded."
I then placed Derek on the sofa and then Emily came and she was confused as to why there were people in the house.
Stiles was stumped again and he said "hey "
Emily smiled and nodded and then asked "So I am assuming that the trip is postponed?"
I said "For now, yes."
She then walked over to the couch and asked "And what happened to him?"
I said "He was shot." I then looked at her and said "Keep an eye on him. He is dangerous. And also keep him safe."
She said "Alright boss."
I then left for the Argents.
I arrived at her home and I rang the doorbell. Alison came after a min and she had a bit of messy hair and I looked at her and she said "Not a word."
I said, "Alright." I then asked "I am sorry for this. We will try to keep out of your hair. Where is Cora by the way?"
Alison said "She is in the restroom."
I then nodded and I asked "Let me do one thing. How about I keep her busy here and you guys do your thing upstairs."
Alison said nothing and went upstairs and I said "I will take that as a yes."
I then followed the smell and I found her in a room where she was going through the duffle bag. I locked the door behind me and I said "Have you found something?"
She said "There are many bullets, which one was used?"
I said "Wait." I then texted Scott "Which gun was he shot with?"
Cora was looking pretty shook and I grabbed her shoulders and I said "Hey, look at me. Nothing will happen to your brother. I promise."
After a min a reply came and Cora asked "What did he say?" it said "A long sniper."
I said "Sniper rounds."
Cora looked and found the bullet it was in a wooden box. She took one out and said "Found it."
I then said "Alright let's get out of here then." We then tidied up the room as is and then I said to Cora ``Text Alison that we are going."
She asked "What about my bag?"
I said "Scott will get it."
She did so and we got out. We reached my home and Cora was equally as shocked when she saw my house.
We then entered and I saw Derek on the couch and Emily and Stiles talking. I said "Hmmm Stiles is moving up huh?"
They then saw us and Stiles asked "You guys got it?"
Cora said "Yes." Then Derek got up and walked to us and got the bullet and Stiles asked "What are we going to do with it?"
Then Derek went to the table and I said "No you are not destroying that table."
Cora looked at me and I said, "What an 18th century antique."
I then grabbed Derek and took him to the basement and we were near the refrigerator and then I sat him down on a chair and then I opened the bullet and emptied it and then derek got a lighter and burned the herbs in it and it gave a blue smoke cloud and Derek inhaled it in and put the burnt herb inside his arm.
It was painful for him. And he shouted but the good part no one on the outside could hear him. Then in a matter of seconds his wound started to heal and his complexion also got better.
He then got up and said "Thank you." Cora looked relieved as well.
And then I said "Do you mind explaining how you got shot?" Derek nodded.
Hey guys i hope you liked the chapter. I couldn't upload because my Anatomy exams was there. Secondly the things will not stabilise until March but after that i know everything will be smooth. I guess that's it if you liked the chapter leave a comment.