I'll Share My Soul To You

This extra chapter is dedicated to Allazane. Thank you for the 5-star review!


Days spent in 'Painted Lies' are much slower than 'I'll Drag You to Hell with Me'. That's because they're in the middle of the 'buffer' period, the parts that are usually not written in the books or just skimmed lightly.

But it was never boring.

Ashton was a fun person to be around. He can quickly come up with jokes or think of a good way to spend time. He is not like Daniele, who is always unsure of himself and only follows Leandro around.

He likes taking the lead, like deciding what to have for dinner or what stuff to buy for next week's groceries. He is also confident and can haggle like crazy with the store owners and the landlady.

"Hey, Miss Daisy!" He scratched his head with an awkward smile when the 80-year-old woman with cat-eye glasses came asking for rent by their door.

The woman's face lightened when she saw him. "Ashton! Where's Mr. Basildon?"

"Oh, Henry's got some job to do. He's out..... painting in his studio." Ashton excused.

"Oh, he's always busy! I bet he's just squandering money and loafing about, relying everything on you! He never shows his face to pay me!" The old lady yapped.

"Oh, Miss Daisy. Henry's not like that at all.... He's just....." Ashton tried to find the words. "Very introverted."

"You mean a no-good recluse! He can't possibly depend on you to do all the talking for him, he'll never find a decent job at this rate!"

Ashton defended his friend. "Henry may not be blessed with the whole talking thing, but he's very creative. And I've been told that Hollywood is the home of creatives! Speaking of, you're outfit looks spectacular today, Ms. Daisy! Very avant-garde!"

"Why, my friend Mrs. Lewis also thought so!" Ms. Daisy smiled with her dentures. "Can you believe that I just bought this all from the flea shop? This canary yellow sweater is just 2 dollars and 59 cents, and I got it for 2 dollars and 50 because Ms. Ford and I go way back..."

She continued yapping about her clothes thanks to Ashton's prodding and soon forgot about the rent.

"Have a nice day, Ms. Daisy!" He waved goodbye as he closed the door.

He sighed. "Thank god, she forgot. We're off the hook until she remembers again next week."

He went to sit on the second-hand couch. "Don't mind her, Henry. You're not a recluse, you're just.... Different. People here are used to the easygoing types."

"I'm not bothered, Ashton. She was right to an extent. I'd rather rely the socializing on you, and I know I can't do that forever but...."

'Henry' put down his paintbrush and observed his painting. "The outside world is just so ugly. I can't stand it, it makes me so uninspired."

Just like how Daniele is the opposite of Ashton, Henry is also the opposite of Leandro. He doesn't wear a bright, smiling face, nor make himself appear friendly.

He openly admits that he has no interest in anything besides Ashton, and even brings it to the extreme by not going outside.

He doesn't speak often, and paints like his life depended on it. Zhe Chouhen hated acting this type of character, since he isn't as refined in real life.

He can relate to the cynicism though. Real life is ugly.

"Henry... I know we've already talked about this but...." Ashton went by his side, looking at his painting. "Are you sure you don't want to consider Mr. Zeilrig's offer about the gallery tour? You would gain more fans if you could explain to them the meaning of your work, have someone take some pictures. I know this guy from a magazine who could—"

"I'm not interested, Ash. Explaining the meaning of my work? It's like explaining the meaning of my soul." 'Henry' scoffed.

"But you always explain them to me. Does that mean you're alright sharing your soul with me? Like literal 'soulmates'? " Ashton joked, punching his shoulder lightly. "Come on, man! It can't be that deep of a reason. If you're having social anxiety, I can help you with that."

'Henry' went quiet, just like he always does. Ashton could only sigh.

"I won't bother you about it anymore then. I'm just saying we could earn some extra cash if you could show your handsome face once in a while." Ashton pinched his cheeks. "Painters aren't usually blessed with a Greek god face, you know? You'll be a hit once they see you."

"Yes, people are so shallow that they'd rather appreciate the artist than the art." 'Henry' held his hand. "It's a good thing you know that."

Ashton pouted. "Hey, I'm not shallow! I'm just giving you advice. And people aren't that bad....."

"Haha, you're too optimistic." 'Henry' smiled. "I thought you would lose that optimism once we moved to Hollywood."

"I just have high hopes. Can't live without hopes, you know?" Ashton picked the paintbrush and balanced it on the bridge of his nose. "But it can't be helped if you're camera shy. I'll be the more photogenic one for the both of us, then!"

"Of course. Since you are so proud of your 'photogenic' face....." 'Henry' pointed at the couch. "Why don't you sit for me again today?"

"Again? But I'm the only one you ask to sit for a painting all the time! Don't you want to try someone else?" Ashton positioned himself on the couch. "I know some girls from the agency that won't be a bad painting subject, maybe then you could get a girlfrien—"

"Be still, Ashton."

'Henry' furrowed his eyebrows and pushed up his glasses, very focused on his work.

Ashton bit his lip, couldn't help finding his friend's determined face funny. He looked so serious. But he enjoys seeing this too, since he was used to seeing Henry so bored and lifeless all the time.

"Painting really is your passion, huh?" Ashton laid back in the chair, rubbing his chin. "You don't seem to enjoy anything else. It's like your one of those people who's 'married to their job'."

"But I worry about you, Henry." He twirled the plastic flower vase on their table. "If you keep being cooped up in this house..... Who would be with you when we go on our separate ways?"

(Hah! As if Henry would let that happen.) Zhe Chouhen thought. But as 'Henry', he just frowned.

"You'll never part with me, Ashton. Because I still have you here." He gestured to his paintings of Ashton over the years. "You'll always be in the house."

"Haha, so you believe that with so many Ashtons around you, you wouldn't feel alone?" The actor chuckled. "That's a very flattering sentiment."

"And moreover, these Ashton's would stay with me forever. They'll never change, never lose their beauty, never be tainted by the ugly outside world....." 'Henry' muttered strangely as he painted.

Ashton blinked. "What?"

"Nothing." 'Henry' smiled, putting down his brush and setting down his canvas. "I'm done for the day. We could spend some time."

"Pfft, I thought you never would, since you seem to enjoy spending more time with 2D Ashton than the 3D one." The boy joked, but he also sound a bit hurt.

He really did hear Henry's muttering, and it affected him. But only subconsciously, like he cannot remember it ever happening the same way we can't remember dreams...

(Little did he know, the cunning bastard is doing it on purpose. Planting the seed of his plot so early in the game. Tsk.) Zhe Chouhen said disapprovingly.

Henry's manipulation is less obvious than Leandro's. He is calm and callous, taking his time to take control of someone who is less gullible and harder to break like Ashton.

They went to play some video games for a while, before Ashton suddenly received a call, and had to go to the rooftops for a better signal.

Zhe Chouhen started to calm down. He checked his phone, and opened his Daoist Panda app.

"He's gone..... I swear, one more look at him and I might accidentally call him Daniele again."

The panda in his screen was eating red bean buns. [Is that what you're really worried about..... Or do you worry you might 'accidentally' fall in love with him'?]

"It's already been 2 years. I'm holding out pretty strong, aren't I? But I wish time would go faster or I don't have to spend more time with Ashton."

He pressed the 'See Meters' Option. Two years of cohabitation can make the Love, Satisfaction, and Scum Meter fluctuate on a daily basis, so instead of alerting him with every change, he can now just check it when he feels like it.

[Love Meter: 26%]

[Satisfaction Meter: 21℅]

[Scum Meter: 15%]

"It increased again today, the Scum Meter." Zhe Chouhen sighed.

Panda gravely nodded, finishing the red bean bun it one chomp! [But then again, you couldn't act OOC. You really need to say those hypnotic suggestions to make Ashton anxious about his own youth, or else the story won't progress.]

"I know that. It's the 'Henry Wotton' effect, just like from the original book. His influence is the one that brought Dorian Gray to his moral decline." The literature master gave his analysis. "The difference is that the Henry from the original probably didn't mean to give that influence, or at least didn't expect the consequences. But the Henry in this book....."

"He's using this tactic deliberately for his big plan."

Zhe Chouhen grimaced as he recalled the events of Painted Lies. Though Leandro has more yandere vibes than him, he still finds Henry a bit more dislikable.

Because he doesn't need dark magic to be a manipulative scum. All he needs is to speak words in a low tone, at a certain rate that someone may not easily catch up to, yet subconsciously receive.

Hypnotic suggestion is a psychological tool that many actually use or have encountered, but just haven't realized. It is statements or phrases that can affect someone's emotions or behavior towards your desired outcome. They can mostly be used to relieve someone of pain or get rid of trauma.....

Or in this case, induce anxiety itself.

"Playing such a disgusting role is tiring, Panda-laoshi." Zhe Chouhen laid on his stomach on the couch. "And I'm tired of painting all the time. I have no interest in art. If not for the power of plot convenience, Ashton would have seen me painting stickmen and straw houses."

[That's the good thing about being transmigrated, if you get inside a Mary Sue's body, you also become a Mary Sue. If you're inside a great artist, you're a great artist.] Daoist Panda said.

"Then that means if you get inside a fat panda's body, you are also a fat panda?" Zhe Chouhen grinned.

[F-For the time being! But this really is not my true form, I'm a very handsome bachelor in real life!] Daoist Panda had smoke coming out of his ears and tensed vein again.

"Why did you need to tell me you're a bachelor?" Zhe Chouhen poked his nose again. "Are you hinting that you're single and ready to mingle.... With me?"

[What kind of assumption is that!? It just came out my mouth, like I ever want to mingle with you! Ew!] Daoist Panda's face turned green. [I'd rather eat bamboo for the rest of my life!]

"Same here. It's just fun to see your stupid flustered face, but I'm not going for you, bro. Still, I wanna be friends." Zhe Chouhen rolled on his back. "I want to know more about the author of the books that I've read and hated so much. You say you look good in person, can't you show me? Maybe even just a picture?"

(That way, I can search you up and hire a hitman to put you down.)

[Oi, oi! You think I can't hear your thoughts anymore just because I'm stuck in your phone?] The panda fumed endlessly. [Do you even have the money to hire a hitman?]

"Haha, I did that on purpose. I knew you'd be listening to my thoughts." The hater chuckled. "Anyway, I won't be bringing a hitman on your doorstep. How about just a fellow comrade, then? Once this is over, you can give me your address, and we could take about life and BL and stuff."

Daoist Panda had those round blushing emotes again, but he didn't notice it himself and pretended to stay cool. "Well, I wouldn't be against it..... But my house might be too far from yours...."

Their banter was interrupted when Ashton suddenly came back, eyebrows raised and with a radiant face—

"I got accepted in my audition for the lead role! I'm going to be the star of a film!"



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