I Was Born For You

This chapter is the first one to be locked as Premium, and I was expecting it to take a while before it's activated, but it was activated on the same day I published it lol. I was planning to take a 1-2 week hiatus to stock some chapters. But it's already locked, so I will have to align my hiatus to the day my other book will have its Premium activated.

Speaking of my other book, if you haven't tried it yet, please check out my other Quick Transmigration novel, 'QT: No To Bad Boys! Transmigrated as An Otome Side Character'. It will also go Premium and you can try to read it first before I come back with a new update for this novel. (The MC there is also a top/seme/gong, I only write top MCs because that's the perspective I'm familiar with. *wink wink*.)


Zhe Chouhen woke up in a dark room, a stormy night brewing outside.