I Won't Chase After You, I Own You

Zhe Chouhen scoffed. (Yep, there it is. So it is only in this particular vanity mirror, huh? And it disappears so quickly, very easy to miss. This must be the third party's way of making things harder for me, since I cannot be possessed by the MLs now.)

Still, he needs to play into their hands and pretend he didn't notice.

He continued acting scummy as 'Franklin'. "You see, Stein dear. If you want to have something, you don't have to chase for it endlessly. Why chase after beautiful things when you can own them instead?"

"But... Hmmm...." Stein was now encountering his very first moral dilemma.

'Franklin' combed his hair. "Look at your hair now, Stein. Do you like it?"

Stein now paid attention to his reflection. The person inside the mirror...